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Mains 2022 - All Papers PDF + R**** Rona + Paper Discussion

To those who cleared and to those who did not clear, the same constant will apply-- 

Back to the foundational work & raising your mind to a higher level of psychology would open up newer pathways. 

Reading books by Sir Roger Penrose, Frank Wilczek, Amartya Sen, listening to rock and roll, hip hop and bands as Metallica on a continued basis should certainly work wonders. I speak from experience and minimal credit ensues from the fact that I was able to record a rank within the previous decade.
Sir Penrose's The Road to Reality and The Emperor's New Mind are situated at the cutting edge of Physics, Psychology and Philosophy. He has the 2020 Nobel in Physics. Fortunate to have been reading him since 2004 and still being far from comprehending his genius that shines through every page composed by him.
This might look like a counterintuitive and maverick position to adapt yet out of the three attempts (2010, 2012, 2013) wherein I wrote two main exams to bag a PT call twice (10-11, 13-14); with one converting to a rank finally, what matters formidably is that the process of the CSE itself should work as a great motivation. For me the coverage of content itself used to generate a lot of daily enthusiasm. The more lateral one goes the better it is.
The prefrontal cortex which is a part of the frontal lobe of the cerebrum as anyone knows houses the short term memories for duration upto 7 to 8 minutes. While this is important for new material to get absorbed bit by bit but more important for long term memory storage is the role of the hippocampus situated in the temporal lobe of the cerebrum. Don't ignore also the centrality of Brocka's area in the frontal lobe as also Wernicke's area based in the temporal lobe which collectively pertain to language process and linguistics skills. In my humble opinion, overuse of prefrontal cortex can do wonders for the aspirant in the prelims but the dynamic role of the Hippocampus/Temporal lobe would be more related to finding oneself successful in the narrow scheme of things that the CSE is.
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