A query regarding GS4 paper: Did you guys attempt the case studies in the order of the subparts? I went for the general approach of options available and then the course of action(while in many case studies asked this year, the course of action was asked before the options available) and addressed any extra sub-part at the end (if asked). Basically, I did not mention the subparts specifically. Will that be a problem?
@Capedcrusader1 I have addressed the parts but for e.g there is one part for options available to you and the other for evaluating the options. I have addressed them together. Wrote the options and evaluated them there. Then, went for the final course of action along with justification. In the end, I answered any specific sub-part which was there for e.g in one case study it was asked to specify the measures for illegal migration. Nevertheless, I think the marks alone will tell whether one needs to attempt the subparts sequentially.
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