and most importantly graph & data. If you focus on these quality material and write them in your test series, then it might happen that you end up taking 3 hr 30 min or more for completing a given test ..but trust me that points, data, graph, committee will be imprinted in your brain. Considering that you would have a fair answer writing practice before mains, then in actual exam you would be quick to recall most of these stuff & would be able to reproduce them every swiftly. This would eventually help you complete your papers within time.
This is what I did in my Mains 2022, I was in a similar situation when I completed my 1st GS 1 paper of MGP in 4 hrs. However, in that test I wrote very good points & this was reflected in my evaluated copy.
I preferred quality over time in MGP & this helped me to complete all my Mains paper within the stipulated time with fair quality material (this is what I think).
Hope this helps.
All the best !!