@Street_lamp started with quote of martin luther king junior "our scientific power now has over taken our spiritual power. we have guided missiles and misguided men " (because i planned to invert the topic in the later half and i did) then began with how thousands years ago we associated lightening and thunder with god's act, cut to 2022 world leaders discussing artificial intelligence.
then gave examples how Indians were obsessed about religion but Europeans due to renaissance had scientific temper and over powered us..then some literal interpretation how battles were won by people had artillery than who fought with bows and swords etc etc.. how then industrial revolution brought changes ....
then i inverted it the topic and highlighted how scientific revolution brought with it atom bombs and inequalities and social upheaval and all...how it is important to not part with romanticism, spiritualism totally..to conclude i wrote about how scientists have also romanticized their scientific victories ..Oppenheimer said about atomic bomb "now i am bcm death , the destroyer of the world" romanticizing the godly power ( bhagavat geeta. )