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Mains 2022 : GS 2 (Answer writing)


 Brainstorming PYQs 

( I felt the need to discuss questions especially for the governance , social justice portion because even after studying it's difficult to articulate same content as per the question demand. Making study groups doesn't work out .

So I hope this exercise will help )

I will be posting questions on particular topics on regular basis. 

So anyone who wants to give their inputs on questions on  their structure will be of great help 

Deepak802,Just_relentlessand5 otherslike this


Q.1 Micro-Finance as an anti-poverty vaccine, is aimed at asset creation and income security of the rural poor in India”. Evaluate the role of Self Help Groups in achieving the twin objectives along with empowering women in rural India. (15,250) 2020
Q.1 Micro-Finance as an anti-poverty vaccine, is aimed at asset creation and income security of the rural poor in India”. Evaluate the role of Self Help Groups in achieving the twin objectives along with empowering women in rural India. (15,250) 2020

Intro: Define micro finance, link its delivery with SHGs (can give Bank Linkage scheme as an example). 


  • Heading 1: SHGs -->asset creation & income security
    Talk about how lending to SHGs has been given PSL status, mention initiatives like Saras mela that provide SHGs markets, mention how agglomeration enhances reach and improves bargaining power, also speak about how SHGs will now get to interact with firms, gain from global best practices; lastly, flag how NULM would empower urban poor through SHGs; would like to add a couple of SHG examples here
  • Heading 2: SHGs -->Women empowerment 
    Have to mention schemes like NRLM, MKSP, speak about how it gives women agency, mention examples of women collectives like Kudumbashree in Kerala which have led to positive outcomes; will add 2-3 more points 

Conclusion: Mention how Md Yunus' Grameen Bank's microfinance delivery has functioned as an anti poverty vaccine making Bangladesh one of the fastest growing economies. End with how India needs to strengthen microfinance to do the same!

Note: I know full well that I might not remember half of these things in the real exam but I think the broad structure of the answer would remain similar to what it is here. 

Deepak802,sbhatiand6 otherslike this

Question language in GS2 is especially complex/poor. Even I struggle with this section. 

In the above structure, some issues and way ahead may be added since the question is asking us to evaluate and it is a 15 marker. 

Archand,sstarrrand1 otherslike this


Question language in GS2 is especially complex/poor. Even I struggle with this section. 

In the above structure, some issues and way ahead may be added since the question is asking us to evaluate and it is a 15 marker. 

Yes I too thought dat only 

Q.1 Micro-Finance as an anti-poverty vaccine, is aimed at asset creation and income security of the rural poor in India”. Evaluate the role of Self Help Groups in achieving the twin objectives along with empowering women in rural India. (15,250) 2020

Microfinance refers to small unsecured loans extended to low income households for purpose of enhancing their income and provide livelihood. 

In India SHGs have emerged as the vehicle of choice for delivering microfinance services. There are more than 6million SHGs with 40 million women members.

Role of SHGs -

1. Women empowerment - as most led by women provide economic autonomy and raise household income , act as forum for women to discuss common issues, act as pressure group at village level and increase bargaining power of women. Ex - MAVIM , MAHILA kisan shashaktikaran yojana

2. Income security- through programme like NRLM AAGEY that provides loan for 3 wheelers to SHGs, SHGs collecting electricity bills in UP, kudumbshree cafes etc

3. Asset creation - loans are used by members to start enterprises and small businesses, capacity building and training for product development, etc

However suffer from number of issues :

1. Regional disparity - better developed in southern and western states

2. Narrowly focussed on saving and thrift and loans, less focus on asset creation

3. Small size of loans not enough to generate meaningful income, lack of Cooperation from banking staff , lack of capacity and understanding of rrunning business

Other generic points like high interest rate charged by micro finance institutions, poor maintenance of accounts

Conclusion / way forward - provide training , increase scope of activities, use as institutions for undertaking social audit at grassroot level etc

This would be my structure

Deepak802,Archandand2 otherslike this

This is 2019 PYQ from GS 3, need inputs :

  • It is argued that the strategy of inclusive growth is intended to meet the objectives of inclusiveness and sustainability together. Comment on this statement.
Topic : SHG
Q2. The emergence of Self Help Groups(SHGs) in contemporary times points to the slow but steady withdrawal of the state from developmental activities’. Examine the role of the SHGs in developmental activities and the measures taken by the Government of India to promote the SHGs.(2017)

Q3.The Self-Help Group (SHG) Bank Linkage Programme (SBLP), which is India’s own innovation, has proved to be one of the most effective poverty alleviation and women empowerment programmes. Elucidate.(2015)

Q4.The penetration of Self Help Groups (SHGs) in rural areas in promoting participation in development programmes is facing socio-cultural hurdles. Examine.(2014)

Q5.The legitimacy and accountability of Self Help Groups (SHGs) and their patrons, the micro-finance outfits, need systematic assessment and scrutiny for the sustained success of the concept. Discuss.(2013)

This is 2019 PYQ from GS 3, need inputs :

  • It is argued that the strategy of inclusive growth is intended to meet the objectives of inclusiveness and sustainability together. Comment on this statement.

One possible structure:

1. UNDP's definition inclusive growth

2. Some data e.g. India ranked 62/72 in Inclusive development index 2019

3. Some diagram

4. How inclusive growth meets the objective of inclusiveness

    1. Participation of all rather than trickle down economics

    2. Focuses on basic facilities such as health, education ->social mobility

    3. Aims to minimise structural inequalities of caste, gender, religion etc.

5. How inclusive growth meets the objective of sustainability:

    1. Growth for all, rather than growth for few, is more sustainable (as Nehru said, poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere)

    2. Focuses on environmental sustainability

6. Challenges to inclusive growth

    1. Rising economic inequality

    2. Poverty and hunger

    3. Inadequate health and education infra

    4. Social attitudes etc.

7. Measures needed

    1. Social security

    2. Environmental sustainability

    3. Growth in sectors where the poor are employed (T. Palanivel, chief economist of UNDP)

    4. Focus on primary health, primary education and capabilities (Amartya sen) 

8. Conclusion

    1. Inclusive growth is crucial to meet constitutional objective of social justice and the SDGs.


SA,sstarrrand1 otherslike this


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One possible structure:

1. UNDP's definition inclusive growth

2. Some data e.g. India ranked 62/72 in Inclusive development index 2019

3. Some diagram

4. How inclusive growth meets the objective of inclusiveness

    1. Participation of all rather than trickle down economics

    2. Focuses on basic facilities such as health, education ->social mobility

    3. Aims to minimise structural inequalities of caste, gender, religion etc.

5. How inclusive growth meets the objective of sustainability:

    1. Growth for all, rather than growth for few, is more sustainable (as Nehru said, poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere)

    2. Focuses on environmental sustainability

6. Challenges to inclusive growth

    1. Rising economic inequality

    2. Poverty and hunger

    3. Inadequate health and education infra

    4. Social attitudes etc.

7. Measures needed

    1. Social security

    2. Environmental sustainability

    3. Growth in sectors where the poor are employed (T. Palanivel, chief economist of UNDP)

    4. Focus on primary health, primary education and capabilities (Amartya sen) 

8. Conclusion

    1. Inclusive growth is crucial to meet constitutional objective of social justice and the SDGs.


In Intro I would have explained sustainable developement as well as it ask for both. 

Diagram - representing inclusive growth or way inclusive growth could be achieved. 

Would like to mention SDG's with respect to inclusive growth and environmental sustainability. 

Some more points under the heading of how inclusive growth promotes sustainability, although I can't think of many :/

P.S Thanks for the answer, it helped. And if someone has some more points under the heading, then tell.

sbhati,SAand1 otherslike this


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One possible structure:

1. UNDP's definition inclusive growth

2. Some data e.g. India ranked 62/72 in Inclusive development index 2019

3. Some diagram

4. How inclusive growth meets the objective of inclusiveness

    1. Participation of all rather than trickle down economics

    2. Focuses on basic facilities such as health, education ->social mobility

    3. Aims to minimise structural inequalities of caste, gender, religion etc.

5. How inclusive growth meets the objective of sustainability:

    1. Growth for all, rather than growth for few, is more sustainable (as Nehru said, poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere)

    2. Focuses on environmental sustainability

6. Challenges to inclusive growth

    1. Rising economic inequality

    2. Poverty and hunger

    3. Inadequate health and education infra

    4. Social attitudes etc.

7. Measures needed

    1. Social security

    2. Environmental sustainability

    3. Growth in sectors where the poor are employed (T. Palanivel, chief economist of UNDP)

    4. Focus on primary health, primary education and capabilities (Amartya sen) 

8. Conclusion

    1. Inclusive growth is crucial to meet constitutional objective of social justice and the SDGs.


In Intro I would have explained sustainable developement as well as it ask for both. 

Diagram - representing inclusive growth or way inclusive growth could be achieved. 

Would like to mention SDG's with respect to inclusive growth and environmental sustainability. 

Some more points under the heading of how inclusive growth promotes sustainability, although I can't think of many :/

P.S Thanks for the answer, it helped. And if someone has some more points under the heading, then tell.

Perhaps we can add this point as well:

1. Growth in multiple sector is more sustainable than growth concentrated in few sectors (e.g. oil based west asian economies are now trying to diversify to sustain growth)


This is 2019 PYQ from GS 3, need inputs :

  • It is argued that the strategy of inclusive growth is intended to meet the objectives of inclusiveness and sustainability together. Comment on this statement.

Inclusive growth= participation of every section of society in the growth process + equitable distribution of benefits from it.

Maybe a diagram related to inclusive growth. 

Inclusive growth means growth

  1. By the people: more participative
  2. Of the people: health, education and skill development
  3. For the people: growth of income and well being

Inclusive growth also ensures growth in a sustainable manner.

Sustainable growth= growth of human capital, physical capital, natural capital and social capital.

How inclusive growth ensures sustainable development:

  1. Human capital (SDG 1-6): by improving conditions of the labour market, quality of life etc.
  2. Physical captial (SDG 7-9): by focusing on markets, growth and innovation.
  3. Natural capital (SDG 12-15): through protection, conservation and optimal use of environmental resources.
  4. Social capital (SDG 10, 11, 16, 17): by ensuring fair, equitable and strong societies.

Therefore, the growth should not be seen only in the quantitative terms like GDP. It should include overall development of individuals in a more inclusive and sustainable manner.

SA,sstarrrand3 otherslike this

This is 2019 PYQ from GS 3, need inputs :

  • It is argued that the strategy of inclusive growth is intended to meet the objectives of inclusiveness and sustainability together. Comment on this statement.

Inclusive growth= participation of every section of society in the growth process + equitable distribution of benefits from it.

Maybe a diagram related to inclusive growth. 

Inclusive growth means growth

  1. By the people: more participative
  2. Of the people: health, education and skill development
  3. For the people: growth of income and well being

Inclusive growth also ensures growth in a sustainable manner.

Sustainable growth= growth of human capital, physical capital, natural capital and social capital.

How inclusive growth ensures sustainable development:

  1. Human capital (SDG 1-6): by improving conditions of the labour market, quality of life etc.
  2. Physical captial (SDG 7-9): by focusing on markets, growth and innovation.
  3. Natural capital (SDG 12-15): through protection, conservation and optimal use of environmental resources.
  4. Social capital (SDG 10, 11, 16, 17): by ensuring fair, equitable and strong societies.

Therefore, the growth should not be seen only in the quantitative terms like GDP. It should include overall development of individuals in a more inclusive and sustainable manner.

Since it is a 15 marker, don't you think we need to mention challenges and way ahead? Although that would increase the time taken. What do others think about this, should we mention these things when they are not specifically asked?



This is 2019 PYQ from GS 3, need inputs :

  • It is argued that the strategy of inclusive growth is intended to meet the objectives of inclusiveness and sustainability together. Comment on this statement.

Inclusive growth= participation of every section of society in the growth process + equitable distribution of benefits from it.

Maybe a diagram related to inclusive growth. 

Inclusive growth means growth

  1. By the people: more participative
  2. Of the people: health, education and skill development
  3. For the people: growth of income and well being

Inclusive growth also ensures growth in a sustainable manner.

Sustainable growth= growth of human capital, physical capital, natural capital and social capital.

How inclusive growth ensures sustainable development:

  1. Human capital (SDG 1-6): by improving conditions of the labour market, quality of life etc.
  2. Physical captial (SDG 7-9): by focusing on markets, growth and innovation.
  3. Natural capital (SDG 12-15): through protection, conservation and optimal use of environmental resources.
  4. Social capital (SDG 10, 11, 16, 17): by ensuring fair, equitable and strong societies.

Therefore, the growth should not be seen only in the quantitative terms like GDP. It should include overall development of individuals in a more inclusive and sustainable manner.

Since it is a 15 marker, don't you think we need to mention challenges and way ahead? Although that would increase the time taken. What do others think about this, should we mention these things when they are not specifically asked?

I believe if its a 15 marker and you have completed body in 1.5 - 2 pages of what is asked then I guess, another 1/2 pages could be used for issues and way forward. 

If 2.5 pages , then I would just go for way forward or how to improve more on the inclusivity front. Bas. 



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Since it is a 15 marker, don't you think we need to mention challenges and way ahead? Although that would increase the time taken. What do others think about this, should we mention these things when they are not specifically asked?

The keyword here was "comment". So I took a stand in the favour and wrote the answer. But you are right, in the end challenges could've been written. And way ahead could've been written in the conclusion. My conclusion part was not upto the mark.

P.S: This is a question from GS3, right? Asked in the GS2 thread.



This is 2019 PYQ from GS 3, need inputs :

  • It is argued that the strategy of inclusive growth is intended to meet the objectives of inclusiveness and sustainability together. Comment on this statement.

Inclusive growth= participation of every section of society in the growth process + equitable distribution of benefits from it.

Maybe a diagram related to inclusive growth. 

Inclusive growth means growth

  1. By the people: more participative
  2. Of the people: health, education and skill development
  3. For the people: growth of income and well being

Inclusive growth also ensures growth in a sustainable manner.

Sustainable growth= growth of human capital, physical capital, natural capital and social capital.

How inclusive growth ensures sustainable development:

  1. Human capital (SDG 1-6): by improving conditions of the labour market, quality of life etc.
  2. Physical captial (SDG 7-9): by focusing on markets, growth and innovation.
  3. Natural capital (SDG 12-15): through protection, conservation and optimal use of environmental resources.
  4. Social capital (SDG 10, 11, 16, 17): by ensuring fair, equitable and strong societies.

Therefore, the growth should not be seen only in the quantitative terms like GDP. It should include overall development of individuals in a more inclusive and sustainable manner.

Since it is a 15 marker, don't you think we need to mention challenges and way ahead? Although that would increase the time taken. What do others think about this, should we mention these things when they are not specifically asked?

The keyword here was "comment". So I took a stand in the favour and wrote the answer. But you are right, in the end challenges could be written. And way ahead could be written in the conclusion. My conclusion part was not upto the mark.

P.S: This is a question from GS3, right? Asked in the GS2 thread.

Yes. Didn't know of other threads and janta was active here, so posted here. 


As we were discussing on 2022 thread, let's try to revise this thread. I'll post questions from other gs papers too. I hope that is fine. Lets take this year's question only:

Q. What are the main socio-economic implications arising out of the development of IT industries in major cities of India?



As we were discussing on 2022 thread, let's try to revise this thread. I'll post questions from other gs papers too. I hope that is fine. Lets take this year's question only:

Q. What are the main socio-economic implications arising out of the development of IT industries in major cities of India?

Create a separate thread for gs3 will be more obvious n organised .....abhi m struggling with things but I will post here gs2 pyqs that we can discuss without confusion of gs2 gs3



As we were discussing on 2022 thread, let's try to revise this thread. I'll post questions from other gs papers too. I hope that is fine. Lets take this year's question only:

Q. What are the main socio-economic implications arising out of the development of IT industries in major cities of India?

Create a separate thread for gs3 will be more obvious n organised .....abhi m struggling with things but I will post here gs2 pyqs that we can discuss without confusion of gs2 gs3

Will do it after prelims only as no-one is likely to participate now. 




As we were discussing on 2022 thread, let's try to revise this thread. I'll post questions from other gs papers too. I hope that is fine. Lets take this year's question only:

Q. What are the main socio-economic implications arising out of the development of IT industries in major cities of India?

Create a separate thread for gs3 will be more obvious n organised .....abhi m struggling with things but I will post here gs2 pyqs that we can discuss without confusion of gs2 gs3

Will do it after prelims only as no-one is likely to participate now. 

Cool :)

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