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Mains 2023 - In or out?

I am choking at main stage again and again. This was the 3rd time consecutively. I am unable to pin-point where am erring.Every time, I choke I try at my own level to fill the gap, but its not enough. This was not the case with prelims. I know whyI choked in prelims and after exactly pin-pointing the issues, addressed then and cleared them. 

I don't know if I am in need of some serious guidance or not in order to clear mains, I don't know if hand holding is needed. I do know that mains is a fairly straightforward stage with less unpredictability. Despite this, I don't know what's going on here. I am at sea.

Common sense dictates that my optional is the culprit. If we keep optional aside for sometime, I am still unable to reach 400+ in GS despite 3 mains. I know the hard work I put in this so there is something else lagging.

It could be one of these: handwriting (mine is legible , not beautiful), presentation (This could be an area because with time , IBC may not suffice, I being a strong supporter of IBC only), inability to provide a comprehensive forward looking statement (though not asked, after looking at multiple videos of main chokers who made it finally, this is a common theme they focused on), dimension generation (again, a very critical issue, a debatable area). Some more issues were identified which i have written elsewhere.

I don't look at topper copies maybe because I think UPSC awards originality etc. I also don't know HOW and WHAT to look for in a topper copy and HOW TO effect changes from the aspects gathered from there in my answers. Hence this tool called topper copy is of not much use for me. 

I alsodon't have syllabus wise word to word notes. I do have notes of issues and aspects in general, but not syllabus wise notes.

After preparing for 5 attempts when I had enough time, I couldn't make it. Now the last attempt is to be given when I will be busy. However, if the issues are sorted for GS, with less time also, I can clear mains. But if the issues still remain hidden, and I keep addressing what I deem as an issue or addressing them insufficiently, the result would be same even if I spend another year completely dedicated for this again.

One example wherein I could actually figure out the loopholes was essay. I know now, my weakness, my strength, my writing style and other aspects needed to score well in essay.

So, I request those who clear mains stage, to help me with GS. It may very well be the case that I would have significantly improved my GS tally, but their suggestions are nevertheless welcome.

I also request those like me who are constantly flunking mains, to pitch in and suggest changes they are about to do in their preparation now . I would do the same, only I am not giving 2024.

On a similar boat. 

Btw what's the secret behind confidence for prelims? I have cleared it 4 times consecutively still not confident. Your 2 cents would be helpful.

I took a gap year in 2022 but could not put it to very productive use due to complacency (i studied too much non-UPSC books and there was some drastic changes due in 2022 in my job profile). 

Coming tochanges I would make:-

1. I too would beskipping 2024

2. Join atest series / scheduled answer writing for GS now. It will help me schedule my preparation, otherwise time flies like anything. Also, with a full time job, it is hard to be on track without any guiding pole.

3.After prelims 2024, join test series / scheduled answer writing for optional as well. My schedule roughly would be

a) GS test series till March

b) Optional March-May

c) GS and optional test series till mains

d) attempt mains paper 2024

e) October-November plug loopholes in mains preparation

f) From December or at max from January prepare for prelims

g) After mains, prepare for interview as there would be very less time after mains result for it (also because there is high possibility of me skipping 2026)

4. Prepare as I am writing mains 2024.

5. After repeated failures, main issue is self-belief. It's hard to convince oneself that one can clear the exam. This is partly because we see our failures from front seat and they keep rolling before our eyes. Every time we try to change for good, there is reminiscence of past failures / unmet goals and it gives feeling of being imposter. Will work on this front through meditation, exercise, gratitude etc. 

6. What one thinketh, one becomes. Will try to get out of negative thinking of past and unburden myself.

7. Regarding preparation, I believe thinking is somewhat as equally important as writing. In those 7 minutes molding even known content as per demand of question is challenging and needs practice. Don't know how I would do it, but would figure it along the way.

@Neyawn  your comments / blogs are like lifelines. It feels as our elder brother is giving us life lessons. Before prelims and mains, we constantly wait for that lecture. Please keep doing what you are doing.



@Proton9  One thing I would strongly advise you is to take some classes for mains layering up..if you have limited finacial resources, go for somethibg like awfg.instead of mgp, but take classes from Delhi based coachings.

It doesn't have to be forum, it can be other places too. You see after 2-3 years into this exam , people don't understand that new ideas, sentences have stopped coming to them. I see this every year when people get an interview call with same content, but they are not putting extra effort because they can get interview call... They do no value addition for mains, and appear for 4 interviews.

I had this student ( through refernce of an old student ) who managed to get IAS in 8th or 9th attempt, with very high reluctance towards doing a class after 7th attempt because he would get an interview call every year, whereas he had no way of getting a good interview score.

I am saying Delhi based institute is because here the teacher will end up having better content and questions will come from notes because there are hundreds of selected candidates in course coming for rank improvement, who are very demanding. So if faculty does not lead to score or rank improvement, he won't be able to afford the rent! The feedback from the selected student becomes all the more important. 

Offline class is not an option due to location. Doing classes while giving exam is also not an option due to demanding job because I believe doing mocks and revision would be more important at that time and I can't do these three thing together.

Fortunately, finance is not a concern. As I am skipping 2024, I'm planning to do ethics classes (between prelims and mains 2024) and MGP type test series from now. I might find time to do current affairs classes this year, but I don't think it would be effective.

I have decent content, needs little pruning though. Issues mainly are self-belief, execution, handling pressure near exam and inside exam hall and maintaining enthusiasm.

Any suggestions would be welcome.

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