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Mains 2023 - In or out?

Nice conversations going on here : My views on some points.

1 When neyawn said ," good quality of people get selected every year " ,good certainly mean better .Better means,better in upsc main examination.Better on that day. Just like Travis head on that world Cup final .

Better not means : .Not more intelligent.Not more wise .Not more hardworking.Not more morally good(some criminal minded people clear this exam ). 

Reservation is also a great factor. I never Got a interview call . But my marks are similar in mains to a IPS officer ,who behave like God in many podiums .So for general category candidates the battle is more cruel .

2 This exam is a individual journey. So no amount of coaching and mentorship is going to  help beyond a limit. So coaching their advices,their knowledge about the process helps but should always be taken with a pinch of salt. No body is going to tell you,how to motivate yourself when it's already the ethics paper ,your hands are paining and all case study answer appear similar . 

Also,your strength and weakness balance is also individual. Example a Sikh guy who have poor handwriting but ability to write many substantial points ,getting some top 50 ranks

3.And calling it a humanity paper that needs extra ideas is foolishly simplistic for GS .Humanity is more than generating points(no language );in pro and cons . Mugging and writing govt schemes and data ,also that micro diagrams , diagrams ,flow chart. It is something tough though  masterable with lot of hardwork .But ,to call people who not qualify,short of ideas is just exploiting vulnerabilities . Other points:

a)In humanity you are given 5 years to write a phd thesis and also decent time for semester exams . Also Not 7 mins for a 10 marker. 

b )In humanity you have a ideological point of view . A thought process aligned to your world views and values . Not balance of points ( 5 pros and cons of marital rape law and way forward) . 

4 ) You have to get marks from a 50+ guy. Whose intent may be is to stay ,party and socialize in Ashoka hotel at night . So it's just about not boring him more during day time (copy checking is so boring man ,even 800 rs per 2 hour seems to be a bad job ). Just APPEARING knowledgeable and pleasant on his /her eyes will make you Cabinet secretary one day .

5 ) Coachings and mentorship have a role to play .But not as it is projected . It's buisness .Also  In most of the cases coaching people are those who are not able to exit the process despite not qualifying it . It's their psychological necessity to think that it is doable and teachable . Cognitive dissonance have a role to play here . 

Life is as absurd as that . It's gone be more absurd either you qualify or not . If you have attempt left ,just try to deal with the controllable .Do it for the hug you will get from your mother(or/and  other loved ones ) after doing that . If you don't, earn some money ,take her to a pilgrimage from your money,She(they) will be more than happy.



Some of you may not agree to my views, it has nothing to do with "business" or whatever simplistic understanding you have of life. There are people who do things because they love doing it.

I have observed that while earlier, I would make contribution on public platforms, slowly I have seen changes in my own personality that I am disinclined to say anything publicly, and only say things on a private platform - or to people who have been referred to by people whom I know - and what I feel is a small minority that corners benefits of a good advice. 

Also, as for me, I am a hybrid. Werewolf+ Vampire, if you know what I mean ;-)

I have a degree in engineering as well as a Masters from TISS ( not distance). I should be better equipped to understand the demands of them both than someone who only has done one of these things.

If it's Addressed to me There is staw man fallacy here. I called the whole  coaching industry a business. Not,your free  advices on public platform or  open letters you write before exam or the free advices you give to student in private spaces. That was not a personal attack on someone like you .You have surely benifitted many people from your openly available perspective on this exam .I don't know you personally to say anything personal about your motives. But ,found many people in coaching industry to just not able to get out of the process, despite not being in the process. hence the dissonance point.

About coaching industry,it is a business by any parameter. If you own a coaching,so you are a businessman.Nothing to be defensive about it . If you have made a business out of what you love ,you are living a dream . Congratulations.

P. S . All of this is simple . Though Marx was more sophisticated.He  claimed ,economic structure is the basic structure. 

Sharing some coaching industry insider perspective .To point out " business " part of business. Though I have done only some entry level gig role . But these two instances will tell the nature of industry.

1 . I was in a meeting .A girl was checking less copy . She was doing her stuff seriously. Hence,taking time .A person from top management of a renowned coaching said to her ," Mam we are into commerce of education not education" . Many student rely on these evaluation and pay for it .

2 . I also did some pre sale and post sale telephonic call . Talked to people like who wanted a security guard job in coaching after classes . To pay back debts he will take for paying fees . Also a guy who have to leave coaching in between because of OCD ,and now want to join other classes after 3-4  years . All what I replied was with truth . I got a feedback,from one of the team lead . Feedback to be less straightforward and more diplomatic.

The intent may be good. But those full page newspaper adds are selling hopes , without telling reality of this exam . Hopes to people of Indian economy,where underemployment, youth employment and educated youth employment is high .

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