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Mains 2023 - In or out?

If every unsuccessful candidate keeps one thing in mind, they will feel less pain and have more score for improvement. That UPSC coaching adds NO value to preparation, Test series are a WASTE of time and money. Test series marks mean NOTHING. Coaching gurus are NO experts. They know nothing more than you. CSE is not an aptitude testing exam. If you know the answer according to UPSC examiner, you get marks. Otherwise you get ZERO. That's it. 
@Neyawn l am not as gullible as the people you attract to your coaching shop through brain-washing advertisements. You are not a humanities graduate. I am. I have written more mains and faced more interviews than you. Subjective papers are prepared best when people keep exploring ideas and issues on their own.l bet you cant get more marks in Ethics paper in real exam than the people you are teaching. Only silver line is the govt has started cracking whip on coaching shops and regulating misleading advertisements, which are far more harmful than ghutka advertisements.

@Neyawn l have not attended any coaching institute for any course, let alone your courses. As I told earlier l am not a gullible uncritical moron. I hold a master's degree from the best central university of India. I have also done a semester of my Master's at Uppsala University, Sweden under international academic exchange program of GoI. I just get irritated when I see UPSC coaching ads on the front page of the Hindu every single day. Again I say CSE is not for gullible morons who listen to pseudo scholars at coaching institutions. If someone can't strategically prepare on their own, he/she can never get through CSE. *I judge the standards of coaching people by their prelims answer key, study material, test series questions, free motivational talks etc.

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