Dear All, this thread I am starting for Mains 2024 discussions. Please share good resources for preparation!
Let's do this!
What are other good sources for polity for mains as many toppers have suggested that Lakshmikant is not enough?
Do 2 years awfg and mgp solutions. They will preety much cover everything without getting too bulky.
I am no knight. Do not call me Sir|Philosophy behind ForumIAS
Posting this here also since no one replied :p I had some doubt regarding using Dipin Sir's current affairs handouts . How do you make notes efficiently ? Can you guys share your opinion? I find space in the handout very less and overall the page gets too crowded.
a) self-written/ running notes along class
b) write on handout itself
c) Online note-making using pen / typing
Sharing a sample of a consolidated 1-page note
@Neyawn can this be said for all the 4 papers ? (2years awfg + mgp)
especially for ethics u will be sorted out.
1. Talk to some mentor in-person. Get some one-on-one guidance, from someone who has cleared (preferably many times), who knows you, and is sympathetic/non-judgemental. keep the mentor in loop for one attempt by keeping in touch. Online forums/topper-videos may not be as helpful at this point. .