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Mains Exam, Self Esteem and Mental Health

I am not a successful person till now in this field but have given enough time to this preparation. I will suggest you 2-3 things to be done for self esteem, confidence or for that matter mental well being:-
1) please join a gym/ yoga/ some form ofphysical activityclasses or do at least 15 minutes of running on a daily basis or 20...25 minutes of exercise in home itself
2) practise awareness of the present moment or in some waymeditationwhere u can focus upon ur breathing- minm 15-20 minutes daily
3) be reckless in affirming urself in some form ofaffirmationseither in form of writing or reading out aloud ur goals for 100-200 times daily.

Hope these can make some changes to ur issues. Practise it for 2-4 weeks nd if there is no visible changes... leave it and try something else.

Practising more whether in terms of hours or writing tests will give you more confidence. If u r able to win here in tests series or u somehw abl to figure out that u r better than ur peers that may embolden u mentally

Please keep in mind that physical activity in these daily at a particular time in ur day for at least 5 days a week is the most important

Okz sorry... ignore the suggestions then
....i misunderstood ur context.... noone will say that without self esteem one can do nything in lyf. I think its role is really imp in confidence building, handling stress or in interview in the way in which one presents oneself... Often ppl who prepare for these kind of services comes with some sort of inherent self worth,dignity nd respect attached to themselves as well as to others....

@nayan594 u do physical exercise nd meditation?

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