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Mission Mains 2021: GS 1

@EUROPOL Try Gaurav Agarwal history optional notes of modern history. It's mostly Plassey to partition book, I think. But he had concentrated on the analytical aspects and it's not that many pages either. For after independence part, he has made a nice summary of Bipin Chandra's relevant areas. His ancient and mediaeval culture notes are also very concise and analytical. You can directly download it as PDF from the Evernote links he shared, without even signing up for the app.

@Iknownothing Middle path would be better I think. Over reliance on regional resources may be counterproductive in the long run in a globalised world.
Same time, if you have good quality resources which can be extracted economically, then we should go for it. This will result in local job growth, as a new industry develops. Direct employment will happen wrt casual labourers and entrepreneurs in extraction of the resources, refining it, transportation etc. Support service industries will grow around such areas and small scale shops such as restaurants and pharmacies will come up. More importantly since this effectively prevents drain of wealth in the form of import substitution, that wealth will be invested productively somewhere within the country itself, fuelling further economic growth.
But totally relying on regional resources may not be viable and may have opposite effects wrt job growth in the long run. This is because, in a highly globalised world, with a huge open market, countries which can make products cheap will gain advantage. For example, though we have big coal reserve, it's low quality. Cost of extraction, environmental costs etc may far outweigh the benefits accrued. If we can import better quality coal at lower rates, that option should also be considered, instead of relying only on local coal. If we don't do this, countries like china will be sourcing this better coal and be manufacturing cheaper products which it will then flood our market with. This in the long run may kill or local industries and result in job loss than job growth.

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