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Mission Mains 2021 - GS Paper 2 & 3

Poverty is defined as unfreedom with respect to making choices and lack of opportunities to develop oneself fully.

 post independence Indian led govt has took the eradication of poverty in mission mode. Despite the best efforts poverty existing because.
1 traditional rural agrarian society dependent on agriculture for subsistence
2 lack of education and requisite skills to be employed
3  risk averse attitude - more job seekers than job givers
 4 deeply embedded concept of karma forcing people to believe in destiny
 5 lack of social over head capital , investment and entrepreneurial skills and zeal
6 high incidence of morbidity and mortality forcing people the out of pocket expenditure on Heath
7  side effects of collectivism seen in “ char log Kay kahenge “, status and prestige show off through big fat marriages And many cases even in daily life
 8 Indian economy is working with one hand with low Presence  of women In labor force
 9 many false claim of BPL by people to avail govt benefits
 10 low level of awareness and active participation of the people who actually need it

way forward
 promoting  awareness, active participation , self confidence, atma nirbharatha and spiritual uplifting  of people. Key lies in making masses understand the mantra “ where there is a will there is a way” .

The life cycle of a joint family depends on economic factors rather than social values. Discuss. (200 words) 10 marks
Ambivalence about property rights and private sectors Is hurting India’s growth. Elucidate
@goldberry Economic survey 2015-16

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