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How to restart civil service preparation after a gap?

Starting civil services prep after a long time....Need advice plz !!!! Guys...i am starting civil services preparation again after 5 years....Had appeared in mains twice before i had to leave this journey due to some personal reasons....Since few years hv gone, I am sure trend of exam must have changed ....S i want to know how the trend has changed these days specially about mains preparation....Kindly suggest me some well known teachers for GS1,GS-3 specially who give online classes also.. Thanks


I resumed preparation after a sabbatical. I won't keep the post a long read. Start with the following: 

1. Regular newspaper reading 

2. Check last 5 years prelims papers and mains papers. 

3. Focus on ethics if you have not attempted it before. Can choose any good online module or notes.  

4. Complete static portion - it will give you the confidence that you know 50 percent of the syllabus. 

Wrt mains, if you are attempting 2021, you have ample time to decode every topic of GS. You can join any online module or take up the notes of Vision or any XYZ coaching and start with them. The essence of what was asked earlier to what is now is not different. Just that they restrict you to fewer words. 

Joining classes for all subjects is not the solution. See the syllabus, and identify your strengths and weakness - accordingly take a call for coaching. 

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