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@Newayn Mains Dilemma

Sir, I'm facing a dilemma as the UPSC Forest Service exam coincides with the CAT exam. While I aspire to join the Indian Forest Service (IFS), I'm considering CAT as a backup option. Please advise.



CAT can be written at any age. Of you have gotten the opportunity to write forest Mains, prioritise it as you have limited attempts.

Also if you are not writing civils mains, then you have more time than the future rank 1 of ifos who is currently studying for civils mains ( unless you are the one :-) ) . So both CAT and ifos mains can be managed with some ease.

Remind yourself that CAT is an aptitude test where memory is not as much needed as much it is needed for ifos. So unlike ifos it's not like you need to study for cat for days immediately preceding the exam. But for exams where a lot of memorising and revision is needed, you need to study immediately before the exam ( such as civils / ifos ) etc.

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