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@Neyawn Sir, 

Two requests/suggestions, if academy can implement them

1. Please provide weekly/ monthly corrigendum of corrections made in SFG as one stop pdf to refer. Sometimes Important corrections gets missed out because of notifications not visible.

2. Design a similar setup for Mains also. AWFG in the current form isn’t that rigorous as it should have been. 

a) Increase the number of tests - make it daily (6/7 days a week),

b) Increase the number of questions to 10. 

c) Increase the course duration till August end. 

Let the cost as well as fees escalate. But make AWFG more rigorous than SFG. Let’s us feel the heat in AWFG itself so that real UPSC Mains become the cakewalk. 

With Warm Regards

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