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OBC Non Creamy Layer related queries while filling UPSC Prelims 2025 DAF

For Example

Q.1 What precautions must be taken by the candidates for claiming OBC reservation before applying for an Examination? (Ans. Candidates seeking reservation/ relaxation benefits available for OBC category must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation/ relaxation in accordance with the eligibility prescribed in the Examination Rules issued by the Government/Examination Notice issued by the UPSC.)

Q.2 Who is competent to issue an OBC certificate?( Ans. OBC certificate should be issued by any of the following authorities:

  • (a)  District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/ Collector/ Deputy Commissioner/Additional' Deputy Commissioner/ 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate/ Sub-Divisional Magistrate/ Taluka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate/ Extra Assistant Commissioner

  • (b)  Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Presidency Magistrate

  • (c)  Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar and

  • (d)  Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his
    family normally resides

  • (e)  Administrator/Secretary to the Administrator/Development
    Officer (Lakshadweep)

Q.3 Whether Migration Clause/Para should be part of the OBC certificate?(Ans. Migration Clause/Para should be the part of OBC certificate, in case certificate is issued by a State other than that to which his/her father originally belongs.)

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WHAT  is the SL NO. to be filled with?

Personal central list no.  or  any other  entry no.??

@anwr029 Are you Creamy Layer or Non Creamy Layer? If Creamy Layer then you can't claim reservation. Your caste name must reflect in Central List given by Central Government. 


Hello sir!

As per the notification OBC-NCL certificate has to be issue based on the annual income of past three financial years. I have my OBC-NCL certificate made based on the income certificate of my parents. So, as a basis of proof i have income certificate. The issue is- as it is mentioned that OBC NCL should be based on annual income of past three financial years, so " as a basis of proof do we need to show the income certificate of past three financial years?" There is another case also where it is mentioned that in case parents file ITR then as a basis of proof to this OBC-NCL ,the ITR of past three financial year would suffice,instead of income certificate. My parents dont file ITR so i cant use this ITR option. I had doubt that since UPSC is asking to submit ITR for past three financial years, then in the same way in case of income certificate we need to have this income certificate of past three financial year?

But income certificate is valid for just six months. So in one financial year, there has to be two income certificate then.


@NareshMentor sir, i have few doubts

1. is salary of government aided school teachers excluded for calculation of OBC-NCL certificate?

2. does salary arrears of past years will be counted as part of income for the years in which it is received?


@Ela_Smriti You have to produce  OBC(NCL) certificate based on the income for the FY 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 issues on/after 1 April 2024 but not later than 11th February 2025. You have to upload latest Income certificate. 
@Sush2910 1. Yes
                         2. As far as this issue regarding inclusion of arrear is concerned, the required information seems inadequate in the public domain. So it is suggested that you kindly contact/visit UPSC for the same.

Sir/mam I need your help , I have been applying for UPSC under GENERAL CATEGORY (EWS) for 3 attemps
Actually we belong to BC category (NCL) , I could nt apply because 

1. my father and mother don't have a certificate , (Where as their blood relatives :brothers & sisters and their children have BC Certificate)
2. my 10th, 12, and college TC has general OC category 

Now 2025 I got a BC certificate to my father   (explaining it sub divisional Magistrate and submitting proofs) can I apply for me based on that 

from the next attempt can  I apply under OBC NCL ?? will there be any problem ??

* should I go to school, college to make changes in TC and then apply for OBC ??

guide me how to proceed. please it will be of great help
Sir my family "total income" is exceeding 8 lakhs and My father is in grade 3 service. My family "income from other sources" is well below 8 lakhs.. Am I still eligible for OBC NCL benefit? 
Absolutely you come under OBC NCL category. Since salaried income of grade c and grade d employees does not include under the 8 lakh criteria 
I have filled creamy layer in my form . I gave my cast no and name also but now in application it is showing non-creamy layer. What should I do? ( both my parents are working professional as a government teacher and exceed income 8, also own property)
My parents both worked in the Central Govt. My father retired as Group-C in Railways, and mom is still working as Group-B in Defence sector. I have few questions, 
1. When the salary of Govt. employees is not counted in OBC, so should I still fill in the actual salary wherever it is asking? 
2. It's been more than 4 years since my father has retired and he hasn't filed his IT returns since his retirement because he doesn't fall in the taxable bracket. Will this be a problem while filling the OBC Annexure?
3. Also, in the OBC Annexure, the place where we have to fill the salary, what should I fill for my father who is now living off a pension? 
Attaching the picture for reference. 

@anjaliarya2024752 Just asking, if you come under creamy layer then you automatically come under Open category, if that's the case why go through this hassle? Also, in your subsequent attempts you can still opt for OBC, but only if you fall under the non creamy layer. Also, if you have actually selected yes for creamy layer then it will definitely show it as that, if you haven't submitted yet, ensure you double check it. 

Is salary considered for determining OBC-NCL if parents are employed in private sectors ? @
Which date we have to enter  in OTR for OBC Certificate ?? In my state , they do not renew certificate but just give A4 sheet saying He/She is in NCL . Also OTR is only one time fillable , but every attempt , OBC Certificate date would change so how we should go about it ??
So in correction window should I fill "general" as category or just check if I did any mistake or not. Because If I have tick myself as NCL and did not submit any proof then how come the let me fill the form further sir.
I have filled form with OBC Creamy layer because my Certificate is not ready yet.however it will be ready by before 11th Feb .So can I change later to OBC CL to OBC NCL by uploading NCL certificate in correction window starting from 12th Feb.

If my father filed ITR of three consecutive financial year of ₹790000 (approx) respectively.

And my mother has a fixed deposit (FD) of ₹ 5 lakh, if she get 50000 interest in 2 years. 

Whether I fall under OBC NCL or CL?


Sir, my name in my 10th certificate is tamradhwaj sahu but name in my OBC-NCL certificate is tamradhwaj should I fill form with this certificate? it is latest one and name can not be corrected because of my state caste certificate 

Name in 10th certificate- TAMRADHWAJ SAHU



What is the Criteria for the OBC NCL (businessman)?

1. Total sum of income (father+mother) 3 consecutive financial year (2022, 23, 24) dividend by 3 to get an average income.


2. Any of the financial year, my parents income is less than 8 lakhs then I come under OBC NCL (means, in 2021-22 income was 9 lakhs, in 2023 income was 7 lakhs & in 2024 income 8.5 lakh)

Please clarify regarding this.

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