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[Official] ForumIAS SFG 2021 - Level 1 Details and Important Updates

Dear Team @FORUM IAS,


Glad to know that you are conducting SFG 2.0 for which I wrote test on 12th July, 2020 and 13th July, 2020. For a moment I checked your basis for separating SFG from RLG. Well! Not so "Thoughtful" distinction.

You have had many flaws just at the start of this program.

  1. Flaws in your test schedule of 12th July. I successfully submitted the test( 'but many could not as server hanged') but I was informed to give the test on 13th July as well. Wait. I was informed around6:00 pm on 13th Julythat even those who have given the test on 12th July are supposed to give on 13th July at 8:00 pmas well. (what if we are out for some reason/could not check email etc.)
  2. No Transparency from Your side. You cannot just blame the students to be truthful and fair. You have got some responsibility too. Moreover "server hanged" when we submitted the test on 13th July as well.(we don't know whether marks we received are fair or not) 
  3. Now coming to the Hot Topic of Fee Structure. Yes distinction between SFG and RLG purely on Fee Structure hasno basisat all. There will be dubious activities throughout the test series just to pay"Less amount" for the next month as well. HenceRanking has no meaning. Rank list will not do justice to our performance.
  4. Since there is less time to pay the Fee for SFG 2.0, all requests/feedback will be ignored. But surely this time there is more negative energy against FORUM IAS than ever. This will backfire in future too.

But what can FORUM IAS do now ?

  1. Remove the fee distinctionnow itself and refund those who paid more.
  2. You cancompensate the feefor the next month if you decide it to be the same for everyone. (i.e those who paid more due to RLG can be asked to pay less for the next month.) But You have to inform it to us beforehand.
  3.  Remove the distinctionbetween SFG and RLG . It will surely promote competitiveness.
  4.  You cannot just give excuses such as paying rents, employees' salaries etc. Your sources of Income are way more than us. Put yourself in our shoes.

 SFG 1.0 program had more merits than demerits. This time it reversed i.e Demerits outweigh Merits. 

When so many people are giving you feedback, you should pay heed to them. It benefits in the longer run.

We all are waiting for your prompt and encouraging response.



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