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[Official] ForumIAS SFG 2021 - Level 1 Details and Important Updates

I know its quite bizzare to ask this question at this point of time but is there anyone who can tell me about next SFG i mean for cse 2021 and whether it will be available online also@Thinker 



@Thinker  can you please guide me regarding sfg batch .i mean from which date or month it will get started.


@struggleislife  u said u hate sfg but reading ur post it's quite clear that u opted for sfg from its beginning GOD knows for what if u really hated it whats the need to even consider sfg .

U said "Question quality ain't that good, its straight from book, line by line."

So what u want from where the questions must be framed if any idea pls feel free to guide everyone.

And as like UPSC is there any suggestions which one can opt for instead of sfg ? Pls throw a light on it also.

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