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[Official] ForumIAS SFG 2021 - Level 1 Details and Important Updates

It seems some are using internet to solve the questions. How can you identify the genuine responses? Or will genuine people will have to compete with them?

@TH14 so genuine people should compete with those who aren't? Automatically selection become unfair. 


@forumiasacademy  Thank you for inviting me to RLG program. I have some clarification before I would take a step ahead.

1. There's some ambiguity regarding this online tests and there are some who took wrong means to attend the test. After these happenings, is there still difference in SFG and RLG? 

2. After a crash on 1st day test, the 2nd day's test also started with a delay. Since I reside in rural area I don't have very high speed internet like that of Delhi or some other metros. But I'm sure that I have enough speed to write an exam/watch a YouTube video without buffering. Point is will I be able to get uninterrupted tests from tomorrow?

P.S. : Please answer this query considering 100s and 1000s of genuine

@Impavid_Girl yes I have referred to NS. Seems NS is not crct on this occasion. So raised a query.


Test 29 Qn 13 about NBFC

In the explanation for 2nd statement it is given that "only deposit taking NBFCs are by RBI"

My doubt is recently RBI has introduced Liquidity risk framework for both deposit taking and non deposit taking NBFCs and it has also introduced Liquidity Coverage Rates for both. Does these come under regulatory functions?

Need clarification@forumiasacademy @Thinker @Discipline @Impavid_Girl 


Test 29 Qn 13 about NBFC

In the explanation for 2nd statement it is given that "only deposit taking NBFCs are by RBI"

My doubt is recently RBI has introduced Liquidity risk framework for both deposit taking and non deposit taking NBFCs and it has also introduced Liquidity Coverage Rates for both. Does these come under regulatory functions?

Need clarification@forumiasacademy @Thinker @Discipline @Impavid_Girl 

Reposting the doubt. Need clarification@forumiasacademy @Thinker @Impavid_Girl @Discipline 


Test 30 Qn 35 Security Transaction Tax

In the explanation of statement 2 it is given that LTCG is "zero"(based on Ramesh Singh). But government has imposed LTCG in two slabs of 10% and 20%.

Kindly Update information :blush:

@Thinker @Impavid_Girl 


@Impavid_Girl  Thank you for your valuable response

Saw a tick mark in your profile name so thought that yu were a forumias team 

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