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[Official] ForumIAS SFG 2021 - Level 1 Details and Important Updates

Not able to access the page...I was part of SFG 1. It was not the case regularly, although few days test timing was increased by an hour or so...
Marks 65.97 Rank 305, RLG

1. Regarding using unfair means during the exams, I remember @forumiasacademy removing few candidates when earlier SFG was shifted online and people started getting 100% marks. I also remember a test series where someone with the name Mr. Shashi Tharoor getting 200/200(People will be everywhere who will cheat) 

2. Paying unequal fees(although I accept that I got fewer marks and hence need to work harder) would be as harsh asking Forum to reduce the fees to a below sustainable level.  I am in favour ofequal fees with distinct batches

3. SFG 1.0 has helped me a lot in creating discipline in my preparation. Please give it a shot and see the changes in you(only if you follow it religiously) 

 4. Peace out and Study hard!

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