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[Official] ForumIAS SFG 2021 - Level 1 Details and Important Updates

Couldn't give test today due to technical issues, yet again. And now you have published results. Good going@forumiasacademy ! I need my money back.

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Couldn't give test today due to technical issues, yet again. And now you have published results. Good going@forumiasacademy ! I need my money back.

Please do not spread untruth. Apart from 25-30 students, nearly everyone has written the Test. We ahev seen the logging time for the users and the time they spent. Tech issues, yes we had it. Was it resolved quickly, and on time? Yes it was.

so isnt it possible that I was among those 20-30 people?? Come on , forum ias , have some empathy!! How can you reject the complaint so bluntly!!   So disappointed!!!  I have raised the ticket on academy platform and attached screenshot to prove my point. Go on, check that before accusing me of spreading 'untruth'. 


Dear Students,

Thank you for your participation in the SFG Entrance Test. As they say, the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step :)

We have emailed your scorecard to you on your registered Email and also sent you an SMS for the same. Please read the instructions below:

#1 About 100 Students have been admitted to the SFG, About 500 students will be part of RLG and about 300+ students from the bottom 20% will not be able to join us for either SFG or RLG.

#2 Based on your SMS and Email Scorecard, you will be required to pay the fee as per below.

Please note that we will not be able to provide telephonic or Email support for SFG 2.0 Program. Candidates are expected to pay the fees by 5 PM, 14th July, Tuesday. After the 5 Pm, students who have selected for SFG will be eligible for the RLG batch. We will accept the payment till 8 PM

We will not be able to entertain students who pay fees at 8 AM and want immediate access to Tests.

This will not be possible.

Also, we will not be able to entertain any unreasonable demands once the fee payment window is over. If SFG is not your priority, please do not take this up.

Fee for SFG for 1st Month:

Fee for RLG for 1st Month:

Please subscribe to the channel:

For every and any details and updates related to Select Focus Group 2.0 for Prelims 2020.



Hey!hey! Hey! What about people who couldn't attempt test due to your technical fault even on the second day?? I understand that issue was resolved for many students, but this is a genuine complaint that you must address before asking people to pay fee for your programs. 


There is no change in the existing system as of now. Any change in having same fees will be opposed by those advantages by it this months.

Then they will say the same things. Then the cycle follows. 

One of you can start community SFG without fees using  using 10pm quiz and we will be happy to draw  a mail and pin it at the top. We will also provide you the 10pm quiz files which you can schedule.

@kannagi  Would you like to take that up ? We will provide you a tool to schedule posting pdf files here ( will take 2-3 days to develop ) and we can have a community initiative for the same ?

This way you will be able to work for what you feel very strongly about.

From next month we are considering no difference in fees.  

For now, let us focus on tomorrow’s test.

I couldn't attempt the test due to your technical faults. I know there are many people like me. I am also sure there are a lot of people who didn't get proper 1 hr to attempt the test. I had a talk with my friend who got only 35 minutes to give the same test, while other people may have got 1 hr. And there may be students who got even less than 35 minutes. Leave the cheating aspect aside, student are not getting equal time to attempt the test and be on the sfg list. This doesn't look fair to me! 

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