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Mission Mains 2021: GS 4 Ethics Discussion

Realpolitik view international relations solely from the lens of national interest, marked by convergence or divergence of national interest with other nations. 

The pursuit of realism lead to competition over natural resources, violation of global norms, conflict over sea lines of communication, and often use of aggressive diplomacy. Eg- China's wolf warrior diplomacy to bend the global order in wake of covid crisis. 

Ethical considerations can reslove such tensions in following ways: 

1. Enlightened national interest: the objectives and means to achieve the goals are aligned with the larger interest of other nations. I k gujral doctrine to help neighboring nations of india shows the same. 

2. Common good: goals are set to achieve global common good. Eg international solar alliance for promoting renewable energy. 

3. Rule based global order: UN human right's charter promoted natural justice, hence , reducing atrocities and war crimes.

4. Enhancement of soft power: Japan taking moral responsibility for atrocities committed during world war 2 boost it's prestige and standing in world order. 

5. Rights based approach: recently concluded free trade agreement between vietnam and EU compelled vietnam to abolish child labour, upholding rights of children.

Propagation of democratic principles, strengthening multilateral institutions, incorporation of rights in trade deals, etc are required for establishing ethics based international relationships.


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