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Mains 2021 Result declared - In or Out?


My 2cents on insiders, except for information posted on all insiders and informations are speculations. But I have observed the information posted on this channel is found to be 100% true every time since 2019. The admins of this channel are known guys like YoYo Sir, Kaptaan and Godi Media. 

I am not a blind follower but these guys have never gone wrong since 2019, one can in fact see this on their channel history itself. Rest one should understand few people will tend to underplay the role of insiders as ignorance is bliss. One of the original guy from this same group told his rank well in advance. Anyways, don’t blindly follow anyone.


@Philip_Marlowe if whatever you mentioned in your message is that easy, why don’t you start this?
I mean people may have pecuniary motivations or may not have at all. By simply disgusting everything like this shows you probably hate insiders for some reasons. 
Also, if you are not interested in their info just ignore them like I do, but do not disrespect them as some scamsters. Also, ForumIAS actually started using the modes and methods as you mentioned in your post but they are today able to progress as a very credible institution because they maintained the quality. Also, majority of people who are admin of that channel are in service now. So I would again say, don’t be so cynical and disrespectful to others. Kindness will take you to the top.

Peace ✌️ 

@Capedcrusader1 a credible insider might tell you mains cutoff and trends of evaluation, that may help you in figuring out where you lie in the list if you clear mains, may help at interview stage.
Knowing result date is not a big deal these days as upsc follows a set pattern. Let’s say, this year based on trends, mains results will be announced after 15th.
also speculations ease your nerves and if one has nerves of steel, I am sure they are definitely not looking for infos or speculations and definitely are not here on forum 😬
My only reasoning was, if you don’t like them, ignore them and let them enjoy their life 🤣🤣

@Capedcrusader1 if you are this well aware of the cons associated with speculations, why to indulge here at all. What you are saying is this “because I have no control over my dopamine, hence government should ban porn”

if you really understand that speculations and bakar is useless and if you are very well aware of the utopian concept of living in a room, then why to Interact here at all.!

Have you guys discussed the essays of this year?

If anyone can tell/provide the little summary of what all points were discussed in  Essay A.1 (that self discovery thing) 

P.S. please do not tell the fodder points given by coaching. I am looking to know what the actual candidates wrote in exam.

@Capedcrusader1 I attempted A.1 and B.3
which one did you attempt?

I started with Aristotle’s idea of happiness (eudaimonia) to make an argument why self discovery is important, gave the example of Buddha. Further I quoted plato why and how things happen (T, S, A monolith). I started making a framework on how self discovery was achieved in past (agents and approaches for the same), in here I mentioned about the role of family, society, religion and individual experiences. I tried to give examples of Ashoka, Gandhi and India’s quest for nuclear power (self discovery of a nation), (at national level I quoted Nehru to substantiate how leaders shape self discovery of a nation). I discussed how religion shaped the idea of self discovery. I further dwelled into fallout’s of this process of self discovery. 
As I moved ahead, I quoted Homosapiens by YNH in which he talks about how the first revolution (the discovery of agriculture- changed the meaning of life and hence I talked about self discovery aspect here)

In the second half of essay, I started pitching on which technologies are shaping the lives of human and started putting facts on Social media, Nano tech in health etc. further I argued how modern man is defining one self on the basis of likes and dislikes he is getting on social media (talked about Instagram etc and it’s impact on idea of self ->behaviour changes etc, depression if not satisfied with others response on social media.
At social level, I talked about the Homodeus book by YNH, how data has become the new religion thus shaping our social interactions and humans are largely dependent on technology to develop interpersonal relations etc. At business level, talked of surveillance capitalism driving behavioural changes.
at national level I talked how self discovery of a nation for security perspective used to be in terms of physical and kinetic capabilities and is now outsourced to technology like cyber etc. talked about next potential war to be non kinetic and driven by technology only.

in conclusion, I stated few positives of technology to achieve new dimension of self awareness for greater good the global society (quoted climate change related stuff here)
finally Used Modiji’s quote that research is eternal like human soul, New India must find balance blah blah..compared Nehru’s vision of self discovery and Modi’s vision of self discovery and role of technology in that.

I don’t know how I fared 😐


To all those who were abusing Kaptaan for two days here. Now you must have realized, he was right this time too. He has been consistently bang on since 2019 as far as results info is concerned. Peace in his name 

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