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Mains 2021 Result declared - In or Out?

@RaGa I felt paper 1 was easier compared to previous years. Most of the questions from medieval were direct. The overload of sources and art and culture wasn't there.
Paper 2 was usual one.

@RaGa true. I don't get what all the buzz was about. Didn't even finish the movie, came out once his friend started doing magic all of a sudden.Marvel movies seems to have turned even the film critics into mere fan boys.

History repeats itself....

Intro: quote by Einstein about world war 4 ( “I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”). Why he felt so? Because he understood humans don't learn from history.

Best example are the World wars (political dimension). How petty intercountry rivalries in Europe ended up in WW1 and then WW2 and Hitler and then again continued to cold war madness.

Plus about China. How china itself was divided up by Western powers, invasion by Japan and now the same China doing it to others.

Economic angle about stock market bubbles. Tulip bubble in Europe, 2007 recession and the latest Theranos scam.

Technological dimension. How human inventions always are introduced as a panacea and then end up creating more problems than it solved. DDT, Plastic bags ("the National flower of Africa").

Environmental. Climate change predicted long ago, but even now we're not ready to change blah blah... GM chairman's joke about why his beach house not under water if climate change is real...

Then Indian situation. How vested interest groups are exploiting religious and caste divisions just like the British did and how social media abet them, by selling our personal data to them, which they got from us in the first place by giving us free games, making the whole thing a farce.

Conclusion, that the only thing we learn from history is that we don't learn anything from it! We have to be especially alert in this post truth world blah blah blah.

(The 'tragedy, farce' keywords were intentionally used in each para).

@zombieland Same here. 

@Akkku True. Nowadays almost everyone attempt everything. Last time I wrote mains was some 4 years ago. It wasn't the case then. There were people who left behind ethics case studies!

Any group for history optional 2021 here? Not able to find any.
@tarun17 I searched and there's no such group it seems😅
BTW, my attempt was better compared to last one (2016). Then, I got screwed in paper 1(98 marks😢). Didn't even know who the Nasir was in 'Tabaqati Nasiri'. Same with uttiramerur inscription, bahmani education. That was my first mains.
This time, luckily, obscure art and culture questions weren't asked and I think that helped. Paper went better, though I expect only 14 right one for mapping.

@RaGa Manda can't be correct. It's a long way down from the point given in exam. I knew Manda, but didn't write as I was sure it isn't. I had covered Harappan from a map book as well as from upinder and so, was sure that this one is either something new or an obscure one and not many are going to get it.

These explanation videos' purpose (ergos? teleos?🤐) is to inspire awe among the aspirants and to catch them. We (those who wrote the mains) don't even come into the picture. Let them do the video 10 minutes after the exam, in real time and then I'll take it 😇.If they(vision lecturers) were so good, they would've cleared the exam in the first place.
@Arsene Try Babylon Berlin if you haven't. It's the costliest tv production from Europe and it shows. It's also based on a book series and that also shows. Simply incredible❤️

@KingSlayer23 Thinking of public sector as the chief employer is a problem. Such a situation will obviously lead to a pyramid scheme and finally will result in the 1990 like situation. Only a flourishing private sector, with a government functioning as neutral regulator and facilitator will bring economic growth.

Railways are running at a heavy financial loss, one of the major reasons being inefficiency, which is inherent to public sector. Now, if we keep on employing people in public sector without any reforms or stream lining, how will ultimately the salaries and pensions of government employees be made? Govt will have to print money, simple! Which will make the whole system, the ultimate Ponzi scheme.


All the so-called "efficient" PSUs have either captive markets, or some kind of monopoly/previleged access to resources. This way, anybody and anything can be profitable, as long as there's demand. 

"I know many public sector clerks who are hardworking, but they are failed by their bosses" is a self goal, as an argument.

Someone mentioned failure of post Soviet countries due to privatisation. Well, the history books say something different. It was the earlier communist honchos who ended up running these businesses. The "connections" didn't 'wither away' like the communist party. In short, the earlier system continued under the garb of "privatisation". That's not what you mean by competitive market. That's why the government has to ensure a level playing field and proper competition. Whichever countries that have succeeded in the modern world in a sustainable way, this is the major factor if you see.

Social security is no longer an aspect for choosing public sector jobs, after the 2006 NPS trouble. It's contributory pension now. What's the difference with private sector there? 

Someone said, the lower level workers are hard working, but the higher level people don't make decisions quick. Well, you've explained the phrase "bureaucratic" here, my friend. Nobody wants to take a decision, because anyways you will get fixed salary, then why change things and risk trouble later? Simply walk along the age old path, that's the safest thing in bureaucracy.

There's a story about the new collector. When he joined office, saw that there's a watchman guarding the green bench on the lawn. He saw it for the next two days too, and became curious. He asked the guard, why he is standing there and why nobody sits there. He innocently answered, "I don't know sir, this is my job. The guy before me also had the same job". So the collector called the guard before him. He also said the same answer. The curious collector disentangled the whole thing and finally got to know that some collector decades ago asked the bench to be painted and asked the guard to watch over it (so that nobody sits on wet paint). He got a sudden transfer and the "ritual" continued. An exaggerated story, but pretty much sums up bureaucracy.

Point is simple, inefficiency is the "inherent vice"(any other fans of the movie?) of the public sector. This doesn't mean every public sector employee is inefficient or doesn't want to work. That's a bad conclusion.
@Jesse_pinkman telegram effect. Age of forum is long over.

@leftfaithinmyself "Post CSM-2021"
It's open to join. You will see the exact opposite situation to forum. After every five hour, you'll see some 1000 unread messages. Because there are too many, I don't read any of them😅

Bring out the constructive programmes of Mahatma Gandhi during Non-Cooperation Movement and Civil Disobedience Movement.

Can anyone please tell me that constructive programs were between the movements or during the movements..

Work done among tribals.

Schools were opened.

Bhajan mandalis started.

Congress workers publishing content in vernacular languages.

Political education among rural public.

Khadi and charkha activity in his own ashram and as a sustainable economic alternative.

Work against caste discrimination, like communal meals.

Picketing toddy/arrack shops.

etc etc


The forum is so quiet ...

Atleast no nonsense utterances take place here as on tele group... utterly low level texts are posted there.. I don't feel like opening tele now...

Experts may please shed some light on expected mains cut off this year.. how did you find as compared to 2019/2020 paper...

I'm not expert but another helpless aspirant. I strongly feel the reduction in cutoff in 2020 was antithetical to level of difficulty w.r.t. 2019. In other words, 2019 papers were tougher in aggregate than 2020, but  what would have made a difference is the marking related instructions to the evaluators.

My understanding of papers is

1. essay :- difficult than 2020 ( it's not just abstract, the quality of abstraction also increased unnaturally) 1 easier than 2020

3. gs2 easier than 2020 if we look at quality of questions and depth of demand of questions of 2020, deeper than Mariana trench ( not even joking)

4. gs3 2020 was a child's play, elite school students of 9th class would get those questions as summer assignment. 2021 was hopelessly difficult.   "exact who guidelines" in terms of hard statistics, blue led, gdp metrics, technical statistics of that air defence system,and specifics of "glasgow gamble" were "soul shattering". So no match (atleast from my perspective and from perspective of common sense)

5. gs 4 - pretty much same 13 questions were easy but that is balanced by unique demands in case studies, where course of action was usually not asked but mere analysis of options available in 5 pages posed some challenge.

6. language - language to sabka ho jata he

7. optional- apna apna dekh lo, mere psir ke to asaan aae the  is baar

overall i hate to say this, but 2021 seemed to be easier as conpared to 2020, just like 2020 was easier as compared to 2019.

but we have seen from falling cutoff from 2019 to 2020 despite falling difficulty level , that aggregate complexity of papers is not the decider. the decider is the "instructions" given to evaluators regarding marking. that is the talisman. therefore it's not much use speculating cutoff since that talisman is beyond us all.

Speculating cut off of a subjective paper is meaningless, as you will have to speculate on the marking pattern as well, unlike an objective exam like prelims. So it becomes speculation on speculation😅

» show previous quotes

Bro.. the cut off prediction is done assuming marking will be done as last year...

If any paper is checked strictly or marked liberally.. then cut off may rise or fall in the same proportion.. as all aspirants almost gain/lose similar marks...

Let's say you're able to predict the cut off, how will you be able to predict your own marks? Again it's double speculation. Let's say you predict 750 as cut off and then predict your own marks as 760. Does that mean anything? 😆 And unlike prelims, no one else can help you in this regard too. Because no one else will be able to tell how you've written the paper (it's subjective, my dear Watson). I think you should Google about Dunning Kruger effect (if you don't know already).  

If you felt good after the exam go for interview prep, full throttle; if you feel so and so, do prelims + interview; if you felt absolutely hopeless, go for prelims full on. Simple as that.



@Declared_Dead Not in exam, but after looking bank I feel I missed such a general fact of shg bank linkage programme of nabard 😭. Gave examples of kudumbshree, jeevika portal dont know how much link with microfinance in those.

Kudumbashree is a microfinance oriented project. I too wrote it (so would be the case with majority out there). But didn't know any other Indian ones, so went international and mentioned Gramin bank of Bangladesh 😇

In some questions I have not written conclusion, mostly 10 marker. Will that affect my marks?

Nothing to worry..

Time crunch is so much that we tend to forget key points sometimes leave alone the conclusion..

In the microfinance question.. I knew that malegam committee is related to it and I should mention it.. so I wrote in the question paper to write it in the body of the answer..

And guess what..

When I finished the paper and submitted it I saw the question paper again to realise that I missed writing it..

So what is done cannot be undone.. that's the beauty of the exam..

It's a race which u must enjoy and not feel pain due to minor shortcomings

 now i realise how tough competition is. malegam didn't even cross my mind😂😂

Hearing of Malegam for the first time😏

In some questions I have not written conclusion, mostly 10 marker. Will that affect my marks?

Nothing to worry..

Time crunch is so much that we tend to forget key points sometimes leave alone the conclusion..

In the microfinance question.. I knew that malegam committee is related to it and I should mention it.. so I wrote in the question paper to write it in the body of the answer..

And guess what..

When I finished the paper and submitted it I saw the question paper again to realise that I missed writing it..

So what is done cannot be undone.. that's the beauty of the exam..

It's a race which u must enjoy and not feel pain due to minor shortcomings

 now i realise how tough competition is. malegam didn't even cross my mind😂😂

Hearing of Malegam for the first time😏

You would have heard about it,had you followed the Hindu editorials...

Ok. didn't even touch the Hindu (or any newspaper in that regard). 

In some questions I have not written conclusion, mostly 10 marker. Will that affect my marks?

Nothing to worry..

Time crunch is so much that we tend to forget key points sometimes leave alone the conclusion..

In the microfinance question.. I knew that malegam committee is related to it and I should mention it.. so I wrote in the question paper to write it in the body of the answer..

And guess what..

When I finished the paper and submitted it I saw the question paper again to realise that I missed writing it..

So what is done cannot be undone.. that's the beauty of the exam..

It's a race which u must enjoy and not feel pain due to minor shortcomings

 now i realise how tough competition is. malegam didn't even cross my mind😂😂

Hearing of Malegam for the first time😏

You would have heard about it,had you followed the Hindu editorials...

Ok. didn't even touch the Hindu (or any newspaper in that regard). 

I tried to make notes fron the hindu. Bt soon realized that i was giving lot of time to this exercise. I shifted back to coaching's CA. I just read news coming as notification in mobile app.

Same here. Understood it after my first prelims went kaput. Master your optional, develop your answer writing skills, prepare for prelims well; the lessons learnt so far. If you've covered prelims well, then that's enough content for mains as well. 

In some questions I have not written conclusion, mostly 10 marker. Will that affect my marks?

Nothing to worry..

Time crunch is so much that we tend to forget key points sometimes leave alone the conclusion..

In the microfinance question.. I knew that malegam committee is related to it and I should mention it.. so I wrote in the question paper to write it in the body of the answer..

And guess what..

When I finished the paper and submitted it I saw the question paper again to realise that I missed writing it..

So what is done cannot be undone.. that's the beauty of the exam..

It's a race which u must enjoy and not feel pain due to minor shortcomings

 now i realise how tough competition is. malegam didn't even cross my mind😂😂

Hearing of Malegam for the first time😏

You would have heard about it,had you followed the Hindu editorials...

Ok. didn't even touch the Hindu (or any newspaper in that regard). 

I tried to make notes fron the hindu. Bt soon realized that i was giving lot of time to this exercise. I shifted back to coaching's CA. I just read news coming as notification in mobile app.

Same here. Understood it after my first prelims went kaput. Master your optional, develop your answer writing skills, prepare for prelims well; the lessons learnt so far. If you've covered prelims well, then that's enough content for mains as well. 

This idea is flawed..

Mains requires rigorous preparation..

If you feel you have enough content without going through the editorials then it is highly likely that you will fall into the vicious cycle of appearing for pre and mains every year..

Opinions may vary.. I feel editorials add a lot to the quality of the answers..

And I had been in the phase where you are now.. feeling what I had done was enough.. but it wasn't..

Rest is your choice

Well, you have to understand and decide what works for you. My previous year GS marks were better than some of the toppers I knew that year (I'm in an accounts service). So, the idea isn't flawed, the execution can be flawed. 

I'm not saying don't prepare for GS Mains. I'm only saying, give priority to your optional, gs answer writing practice, and prelims. If you've got time left, you can prepare whatever you want.

Hello All, 2022 is my last attempt. Never qualified prelims. Largely due to less mock and less time devoted to it. 

I am a working professional. Have covered all GS paper syllabus roughly. Made notes of some topics (mostly GS2 and GS3). Have written 8 mock tests of Vision , but not in stipulated time. 

Should I be focussed on prelims only from now? I am in dilemma because even after pre, 3 months are quite less.

Any suggestions ? Mains written/qualified people ?

For mains, more than GS syllabus, covering optional syllabus is what matters. So, if you've covered optional syllabus reasonably well, then concentrate on prelims. If you aren't confident about optional at all, then, if you have that option, consider delaying your last attempt by one year.

This thread should be declared dead🤐

The only benefit from insider info is for the insiders themselves. Know a peon/DEO in UPSC and you can be an "insider". Then tell few hours before, when the result will come (a useless info) and aspirants will start to think of you as a God. Maintain the name for few years and then capitalise on it and start your coaching centre! (With generic predictions on prelims/mains/interview questions inbetween). 

UPSC should in fact end this sh*tty practice by announcing the result date a few days before (which they can easily do).

@LionKing2021 what is the deal with insiders? I mean why do people need to even know insider info? Result will anyway come on time and the result will not change. and what good will come from knowing when papers will start to be getting checked or how many seats are there in advance? some of this info is not needed well in advance and some of this info is of no use to us as candidates

Why so cynical?

Aspirants participate in speculation not only for information.

It tones down the anxiety in many.

It gives a breathing space in otherwise hectic schedule.

It offers a way to remain engaged with fellow aspirants.

It gives an opportunity to socialise.

It's the excitement!

It's been a tradition!

It must not end :)

All this applies to illegal betting as well.That should continue too?


There are good people among insiders, no doubt, as in everything. But there are people with not so good intentions too. My only point is, why take a chance? Let UPSC itself declare the result date in advance. Let's not depend upon middlemen. 

To those who say, "if you don't like it, just ignore it", we can ignore anything that way. If you don't like corruption, ignore it. At least these corrupt guys get things done, right? (And if you didn't like my comment, just ignore it :P)


My Mains 2021 performance

Essay : Section A Ok (given the difficulty in section A, i did ok kind of performance) ; Section B : Not ok. Post half of the essay, due to time constraint, finished off without much. So it is VERY AVERAGE category

ALL EXCEPT ETHICS PAPER WENT SATISFIED . GS 2 & 3 More satisfied. . GS 4 : Left One question in 10M. Did average. 

Optional is Geography : Both papers went decent. 

Will I be able to clear MAINS 2021?

This thing never gets out of my mind and am constantly assessing myself about my performance. I knew that i must start for personality test, prelims as well. But still. 

Can somebody help me??

Unfortunately no one else will be able to help you in this regard, because, even if you write down your answers for others to see, nobody knows about the answer keys or how valuation is done. Besides, others themselves may not know how they will fare (except may be the top 10). Only thing to rely on is your gut feeling. (Sorry for the repetition) If you feel confident, do interview prep full on; if you feel okayish, do prelims+interview; if you feel terrible, do prelims full on. 

@tmblnd1325194 BTW, would like to know how you were able to do good in GS 3. The paper was tough in general. Did anything special that you did, pay off?

How have you guys interpreted "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world."? Motherhood and nurturing the child or women empowerment in general?

I interpreted it as, 'mothers model/guide the next generation', but didn't attempt it, as that conventional interpretation has a misogynist angle to it😅

I'd say, it's better to leave that topic if there's a confusion regarding the interpretation. Why take a chance? 


The motherly angle is the conventional interpretation, no doubts there. But, that one has many issues in the present tense, like it's the mother's job to look after the child, It was written from a man's viewpoint, patronising/condescending....

So, new dimensions are for the better, may be. Don't know. Again, why take a chance, when there are other topics without any doubtful interpretations?

That topic is about motherhood, and you can write about women empowerment in general too, but anything beyond that may be a risky gamble.
If I am not wrong "The hand that rocks the cradle" was an essay topic in some previous paper as well.. I don't remember the year..


Funny how they have combined both the essay topics of 2005 into one essay topic in 2021...

Good observation

@Declared_Dead 10 mark me sirf essay ka topic likhe honge
ek aur topper the he said he performed poorly in beacause he wrote in a conversation format.
similarly these days people talk about giving headings in essay and some say that they can draw diagrams.
khatro ke khiladi

10 marks mean, most probably misunderstood the meaning of both the essays and may have wrote even the opposite of the requirement.

Don't understand subheadings in an essay. It breaks the flow.

If I am not wrong "The hand that rocks the cradle" was an essay topic in some previous paper as well.. I don't remember the year..


I believe the cradle topic is essentially about women empowerment..

Rest.. the upsc in its wisdom may decide otherwise..

I do Not think that it is essentially on women only. Because in the 2005 essay paper, one question was also of women empowerment explicitly. How come they give 2 essays on one topic. Yes I know that poem of the very same name..but yet. Also this classification was done by the author of this book.

Once upon a time, In UPSC essay on 'engenderisation of development' came. Now engenderisation has 2 different meanings. Shashi Tharoor tweeted on that and The exam controller came with a clarification that all the interpretations willbe taken.

It was in 2016. I had written that essay😅 I remember the shock I had, when my roommate, while returning after the exam, told me that engendering means something else. I googled the meaning and true, it's meaning was "to cause or produce". I had taken it as gender topic. But with the first meaning, actually the sentence became meaningless. So I searched the entire sentence, and turns out, it was about gender and that quote was from a speach made by Mahbub ul haq, the brain behind human development index. So, had Tarur not tweeted about it, pretty sure UPSC would've gone ahead with the conventional interpretation.


Even after Tharoor tweet, don't understand how UPSC could give marks or what people can write with that meaning. See that UPSC said "acceptable interpretations" will be evaluated. Now apply the meaning "cause / give rise to" to that statement. "Lack of caused development is endangered development" ??? 😅

If I knew the real meaning of that word, I wouldn't have attempted that question (like my roommate). But still don't understand what people could write with the other interpretation.


Also see the Hindu translation provided by UPSC (I think it was after that year that people realised the importance of accompanying Hindi translation. At least I did).



I have written both the essays with heading and sub heading. Actually in the past i too had a similar opinion, about breaking the flow and all. I had 142 in 2017 and 122 in 2019. In 2019 2nd essay was screwed as I had spent so much time on VALUE wala essay that in the end i had to rush. So 2nd essay was about 6 - 7 pages with a hasty conclusion and all technical point on education/ health topic.

This time I had gone through videos of essay classes by shabbir sir, vision ias ( available on some Tele channels) both of which actively encouraged subheadings. I cant award myself any marks, but both the essays felt pretty decent after writing, even regarding subheadings i dint feel much different. 

Reading the conversation here makes me wonder if heading / subheading does affect our final marks. 

If people are getting good marks with subheadings, then why bother? 

Best way to deal with people who deliberately try to spread negativity is to avoid them (and we all may know such people from our preparation days). 
@Admgenalanezh pata nai muje toh koi bhi q direct laga nai usse. questions jis tarah se framed the, aisa lag rha tha ki agar nai bhi padhta toh bhi answer ho jate ye questions.

directly kisi kaam nai aya mere

True. Gone are the days, when one year's mains 365 you can mug up, and questions will come directly from it. The way UPSC is doing it now, one can either not read at all (and while writing mocks also, just depend upon your existing knowledge level and hone your answer writing skills), or, if you've time, skim through the mains 365 of past few years and cover only the most important topics.

Anybody knows how to check whether someone has got UGC NET or not, other than RTI? Like, are there result PDFs on open domain, year wise? I couldn't find any (Someone I know goes around taking classes for UPSC, saying that he has got UGC NET, and considering my past experience with him, I think it's just bullsh*t).
@Declared_Dead  Same here. Lost two days completely, in between the gs and optional papers, due to severe headache and cold (wasted some five days during the days just before the essay paper too, thinking that it will get postponed😅 heck, even chipped in to get that PIL moving😑).

@D503 😅😆

@sjerngal I just wrote that volcanic eruptions happened last year in Japan and Indonesia (the usual suspects), as the only volcano name I could remember was Krakatoa, which erupted centuries ago, I think. But luckily (for me 🤐), both the countries saw volcanic eruption last year, so they may not be able to call it total bluffing.




@D503 naya 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂

Examimer pe itna Ganda impression jayega wo poori copy ko shak ki nigaho se scrutinise krega.😩


Only a few would've answered that question. If everyone knew it and you write something like this, it may affect negatively, but not in this case. More important was attending the chunkier, remaining part of the question.

@Philip_Marlowe Vro, Anak Krakatu is a very violent volcano, it erupts anytime.

Doesn't matter. First rule of bluffing, if you ask me, is to never go specific when in doubt. I had no idea whether Krakatoa erupted or not. So, better was to go vague and write probable country names, so that I can move on to the actual question.

@Declared_Dead I don't believe in filling up pages just for the sake of it. There are many questions where you have so many points, but not enough time. So, better spend your time there, instead of filling up empty spaces, hoping to get an extra 0.5 marks.

"the global economy has been transformed from one based on materials to one based on knowledge. Where once the main sources of wealth were material assets such as gold mines, wheat fields and oil wells, today the main source of wealth is knowledge. And whereas you can seize oil fields by force, you cannot acquire knowledge that way. The profitability of conquest has declined as a result":

Yual Noah Harari, while commenting on why the barbaric Russian invasion of Ukraine should be stopped.


russia is actually doing the right thing.

USA is at fault here. like always.


@Philip_Marlowe i hope you know the whole story and also what usa does and its modus operandi.

To know the whole story, one should go back 1.8 million years, to the horn of Africa.

Presently, an autocrat is invading a democracy, simple enough story.

How did they "flex the muscle"? Can you please elaborate?

2008: offering nato membership to ukaine. 

ukraine if accepted nato membership would let murica install nuclear missiles right at the gates of russia

latvia estonia lithuania are already nato members

you are basically encircling russia from all sides

ukraine under nato means black sea gone for russia.

last time i checked india is also a informal nato member (of sorts), yes there is such a scheme in nato. ill get you the name in sometime. it was in vision monthly.

so when russia is being encircled like that, then why should it not see these activites of us as a threat. anf its not the earstwhile weak ussr.

economy: i cant mention anything more than nord stream here. europe is largely russian dependent.

ukraine by the way has a large russian supporting population.

please read a bit of current affairs before asking "please elaborate"

if i have an opinion, i have my set of arguments to back it up.

and about history: start from iranian war, iraq war, afghan war, vietnamese war. 

about the modus operandi of usa: watch documentaries.

Let me point out the logical fallacies here, before I go and read the vision monthly and get my current affairs😊.

You're assuming that being a NATO member means America will place nuclear missiles there. Wow! Does Ukraine has any with them at present? Nope.

And for your current affairs, let me tell you that Ukraine was once upon a time, the third largest nuclear armed power in the world! It had acquired thousands of nuclear weapons from USSR, when it became independent. Then, Ukraine voluntarily "de nuclearised" itself and in return, Russia and USA both agreed to protect Ukraine! (Google the name of that agreement).

Second, Ukraine didn't promise Russia or anyone that it won't be a member of NATO in future. As an independent democracy, it has every right to be part of any association it desires to. As long as that doesn't do any harm to Russia (no harm so far and no indication for it too), it shouldn't be Russia's concern. Otherwise, by your argument, China can attack India too, as we're getting closer to USA and QUAD is strengthening!

Economy, Nord stream blah blah blah (incomprehensible argument, so no reply deserved).

"Ukraine has a large Russia supporting population": So what? Russia can invade? Come on, even Pakistan makes better arguments!

"please read a bit of current affairs before asking "please elaborate": when you say something, the other person can ask you to elaborate. That doesn't mean the other person has no knowledge at all about the issue. It only means, that other person would like to know why you think like that. Don't resort to Ad hominem attacks.

"if i have an opinion, i have my set of arguments to back it up": you must have, and I was simply asking for those arguments (but unfortunately, I couldn't find any).

"and about history: start from iranian war, iraq war, afghan war, vietnamese war" : explain the relevance of these wars wrt the current Ukraine position. How do these wars justify the present Russian invasion. Without that, all these references are simple gibberish.

"about the modus operandi of usa: watch documentaries": well, you can watch so many documentaries about Putin too. The only relevant point should be, what did USA did in Ukraine, which justified the Russian action. As I explained above, just being a NATO member isn't enough ground for an invasion.

So here I go to read the vision monthly😊👍🏽

@Bubba_gump people are asking in a sarcastic way to kindly elaborate. and have no arguments of their own. thats the reason. i have to type such long arguments only to get no reply. i realised long back that internt chatting is useless timewaste but sometimes it leads to this.


You're great👍🏽😁


Bhai why r u getting angry ~being angry on being questioned doesn't reflect good traits .🙄

I hope the interview board doesn't ask him to elaborate😂

@Capedcrusader1 kill their sarcasm with ur humility 😉

I wasn't being sarcastic. Don't know why he felt that way. I was simply asking out of curiosity, why when the whole world seems to oppose Putin, he supports him. I was ready to accept his view if he could substantiate it (ofcourse, after some googling). But instead, he comes up with some ad hominem attacks (that I don't know current affairs, I don't know history etc). 

aur yahan pe koi real reason nahin aya h ki kyun russia ko invasion rok dena chaiye. siwai meri points pe banduk rakh ke mere pe hi goli chalane ke so..

thats called having no arguments of your own and engaging in whataboutery.

i say its about because of A reason that this should happen. one goes "no see, A reason has these many flaws"  as if i were explaining why A reason is justified on various historical grounds, which could easily take a different debate.

or something like that but they wont come with a new B reason to substantiate their original point. ofcourse, unnecessary offence taking has to be the norm.  

You're 100% right bro. I agree completely with you😊 (now, this is sarcasm).


Bhakti cult started because they were inspired by Islam which had too much equality and "LIBERALISM" - said a Vision IAS teacher :|

Majority of historians don't accept this view. 

She teaches well nd her society lectures are quite good but she leaks her biases too often.

Yes. But the thing is its so wrong factually and logically. You cant go and quote such a thing in the mains answer that islamic is liberalism and reforms were being brought against it. You could have said about Buddhism or Jainism but Islam? A liberal religion? And you are saying it as "bs 19-20 ka fark" and moreover, 19 here is Hinduism and 20 is Islamism according to her. Oh man :||

It's all contextual. We are comparing Islam with present day Hinduism. Back then, in Islam a slave could become the ruler! The "Hindu society" was then caste ridden and rotten with extreme decadence on one hand (tantric cults allowed even for incest) and poor famished untouchables on the other. We were inward looking and without much contact with the outside world (as mentioned by Al Biruni).

BTW, Shankara wasn't a bhakti saint, he was into Jnana marga.


one doubt wrt ethics case studies:

i have not used the concepts of part A in case studies by specifically mentioning (ex: i have not written "as per utilitarian perpective iwill do this... or , by going for rights apporach to solve ethical dilemma)

reason for not doing so is that i feel that theory is tested i part A. they need solutions now and analysis.

also, i have scored fine (as per me) in case studies of mocks without writing the abovementioned

is it an issue?

Not an issue.

I myself got good enough marks in my last mains' gs4 (121, way back in 2016 exam😅), without using any technical words/concepts. The only concept/term I used was in a case study, "the slippery slope", which actually is a general English phrase.

So, this time also I have used may be two or three technical words alone in total, in gs4.


Bhakti cult started because they were inspired by Islam which had too much equality and "LIBERALISM" - said a Vision IAS teacher :|

Her way of teaching is interesting. I wouldn't mind sitting in her class. The Cheraman masjid she mentioned, wasn't built in 7th century as is commonly known. It was built only in 11th century AD. The 7th century story was made up by local muslims, as is the case with most religions, to amplify it's significance. Historian MGS Narayanan has discarded this story with proof. Similarly the Christians of Kerala used to believe that St Thomas came to Kerala and converted them, which is another disregarded story now.

Bhakti movement achieved it's organised form in Tamil country around seventh century, but that concept can be traced back to Bhagavatism and Puranas.

Present day historians have questioned the social reform aspect of early day Tamil bhakti movement as well. Lower caste presence was negligible. Most of the saints were Brahmins and Vellala caste (rich peasants).


Comment of a year ago on forum platform 😬

Doesn't matter. If someone predicted this as essay topic and prepared for it, then that's different.

We all had seen Spiderman, did anyone think of "with great power comes great responsibility" as essay topic?(asked in 2014)😅

"History as farce" statement comes up at least in history and PSIR optionals, and it also pops up in many news articles. Many aspirants might've seen it before but I don't think anyone would've prepared it up front for essay (because that way anything can be asked for essay).

@Admgenalanezh scaling, my dear Watson! Without which, other optional subjects don't stand a chance.

@Admgenalanezh The examiner gives full marks but SCALING .
Scaling is necessary for level playing field in terms of marks.
However, there is no level playing field when it comes to effort that engineering science and maths optional demands.
More than 25 thick books
25 year compilation of IAS ESE Ifos 
It's really too much 
To get top marks may be equally tough in all subjects but even an average score in Maths/engineering requires lots of disproportionate effort vis a vis other subjects.

But those who take such optionals, mostly have these as their degree subject.



@EiChan True

Erroneously marked map locations and Analytical style of questions 🥴 

I hope everyone gets 2 marks for that map point in Kashmir. 

I don't think it works that way. Most likely that those 2.5 marks will be distributed in the total marks of 1st paper or into the remaining 14 map questions.

Don't know how they can mess up like that. I knew Harappan sites pretty well, so was 100% sure it's not Manda, thought it's something new. But now I think should've simply written Manda without much thinking, as it was the northern most Harappan site, and if a new such site was discovered it would definitely have come in news.

@EiChan Bhai Upinder Singh padhi hai maine.
Kai saari books padhi hai tumlog ke optional ki.
Intellectual to hai but at ek point ke baad sabhi optional me wahi  cheezein baar baar revise karni padti hai.Boring ho jaati hain saari Intellectual cheezein.
Need hai optional ka Kaun kitna ghis sakta hai
In my opinion,humanities optional mein one of the most lengthiest optional hai history.

You've read Upinder, please read ancient India part of optional question papers too. You'll understand that for ancient, they're not asking directly even from Upinder. Someone told me they ask from Indian History Congress papers. So I went through them too, to check it.Turns out, it's just a myth.

Funny thing is, people keep on flocking to history,1) thinking there's so much overlap in prelims and GS1, 2) the nostalgia factor from school days, when history was full of stories of kings and queens and could be read like a novel. By the time they realise that 1) you can't complete syllabus if you study factually and 2) UPSC don't give a damn about kings and queens, two years must've gone by. Then comes the sunk cost fallacy: now that I've spent two years in this, I'd rather continue with this, and not take risk with something new🤐😂
Mains should be conducted for those who could not attempt it due to covid..

Declaring results before that is not justified..

Why COVID alone? Shouldn't we conduct it again for those, who couldn't attempt it due to chicken pox or diarrhoea? 

Court may provide an extra attempt to them if 2021 was their last chance, at Max. Problem with that verdict is, it also would mean an extra attempt for those who couldn't/didn't write 2021 prelims.

I too checked cadre allocation... Although he secured 146 rank.. yet he was not allocated IPS Service.. may be some issues with documents..god knows the truth..

As long as he got rank 146, why be concerned about whether he really got IPS or not. May be some physical issue, he couldn't get over it and goes around saying he's ex IPS. But does it really matter, as long as he is taking classes and had rank 146?? (Don't know this guy, never heard. My basic doubt is, what made someone so suspicious and do some detective work to confirm his IPS, when the rank list clearly says rank 146🤔 asking simply out of curiosity)

@krishna96 expecting 145 in essay, 110 in GS1, 100 in GS2, 90 in GS3, 115 in GS4 and 280 in optional😁😎


There is something interesting and noteworthy..

I estimated my marks around 800..

I was called DKT PART 2.. Overconfident and what not..

Someone here expecting around 840.. but all praises to him.. and no labelling like DKT part 3 or something..

Anyways.. world works like this.. so no complaints..

You can call me DKT, no issues😅



@Philip_Marlowe HISTORY optional main 280 ka daawa .
we will watch your career with great interest DKT3

Good to know that, thanks😁

My expectations are my expectations, none of your expectations😎

I sincerely request you all to support the cause of the aspirants who couldn't attend mains due to covid..

Please support and if possible donate for the court case generously..

It will open gates for extra attempts

Please don't do cyber begging here..

Extra attempt is excuse of failures.. 

Hard work means to persist inspite of all odds..

I m expecting good score in mains. I have practiced a lot of answer before the mains exam... I am strictly against any such delay tactics..

You don't get it. They (whoever called you DKT) weren't triggered by your claims regarding marks, but by the 'in your face' way of putting it. "Cyber begging"? "Delay tactics"??, and after that you talk about your hard work and performance! I'm no one to judge, but please don't be under the impression that you were name called due to your marks prediction (that too may be a reason, as you've said 100 for GS3, which going by this year's paper and last year's topper marks, looks a bit unrealistic. But who am I to judge? may be you're good in GS3. I don't know, I don't care and I didn't call you any names. using someone's name as an abuse/slang is something I don't agree with. If you get 100 in GS3, good for you 👍🏽).


also why are corporates like apple etc worried

why are their sick hearts going for ukrainis?

do corporates also have heart?

its understandable that whole world is hurting but why corporates? 

so my real question is, how is their business hurting due to this conflict?

A war is bad for all involved. For corporates, any war involving Russia is likely to hike up oil prices and that in turn will increase the price of everything else. Besides, share markets always go downwards in the case of a long drawn out war, especially with some mad dictator threatening nuclear annihilation. Plus, in western countries, brands have understood that the most effective advertising may be the grandstanding for the righteous issues.


why is russia not worried about economic sanctions

I assume its Putin's ego now. He thought the entire operation can be done in 2-3 days( ie. replacing the current regime with a pro-Russian Government). He wouldn't have imagined that the entire West would come together so quickly either. However the War has stretched and it doesn't look like ending soon. His reputation has already took a severe hit and he can't turn back now. Besides how much would the sanctions personally impact him? 

Russians would be hit hard obviously. The Central Bank might hold for sometime but the economy will fail without a doubt. The Citizens are protesting but all that may not have any short term impact. 

Plz someone explain in simple words the impact of sanctions on russia

The West is targeting Russia's Central Bank. Russia has big reserves in foreign currency (with them as well as in foreign banks). Now all that reserves cannot be used. Russian Central Bank can't withstand for long, on it's own, against rising inflation without these reserves to compensate for it. People are already withdrawing whatever they can and this will result in bank runs in all Russian banks. Chinese also may not be able to lend and help as they may end up losing it all.


why is russia not worried about economic sanctions

I assume its Putin's ego now. He thought the entire operation can be done in 2-3 days( ie. replacing the current regime with a pro-Russian Government). He wouldn't have imagined that the entire West would come together so quickly either. However the War has stretched and it doesn't look like ending soon. His reputation has already took a severe hit and he can't turn back now. Besides how much would the sanctions personally impact him? 

Russians would be hit hard obviously. The Central Bank might hold for sometime but the economy will fail without a doubt. The Citizens are protesting but all that may not have any short term impact. 

Western nations shouldn't sanction Russia because this will affect the "Human Rights" of innocent Russian citizens who weren't actually involved. West would be committing great sin if it's sanctions affect day to day lives of russian citizens. And probably Putin understands that.

This is a valid argument. Large anti-war protests r taking place in Russia. Police has cracked down upon those protestors. They r already suffering due to dictatorship of putin. Sanctions will only increase their sufferings. On one hand west is claiming themselves as protector of human rights in Ukraine  On the other hand they r committing human rights violation in russia. 

So what should the West do? Kadi ninda?


why is russia not worried about economic sanctions

I assume its Putin's ego now. He thought the entire operation can be done in 2-3 days( ie. replacing the current regime with a pro-Russian Government). He wouldn't have imagined that the entire West would come together so quickly either. However the War has stretched and it doesn't look like ending soon. His reputation has already took a severe hit and he can't turn back now. Besides how much would the sanctions personally impact him? 

Russians would be hit hard obviously. The Central Bank might hold for sometime but the economy will fail without a doubt. The Citizens are protesting but all that may not have any short term impact. 

Western nations shouldn't sanction Russia because this will affect the "Human Rights" of innocent Russian citizens who weren't actually involved. West would be committing great sin if it's sanctions affect day to day lives of russian citizens. And probably Putin understands that.

This is a valid argument. Large anti-war protests r taking place in Russia. Police has cracked down upon those protestors. They r already suffering due to dictatorship of putin. Sanctions will only increase their sufferings. On one hand west is claiming themselves as protector of human rights in Ukraine  On the other hand they r committing human rights violation in russia. 

So what should the West do? Kadi ninda?

Obviously kadi ninda  Other option is to sanction russua and destroy lives and human rights of innocent russian citizens while rich and powerful people like Putin aren't one percent affected by them.

and let Putin continue this madness in Ukraine? Next in line would be Latvia Lithuania etc. Keep on doing kadi ninda? Unfortunately, the only other alternative to economic sanctions is all out war. The Russian people would suffer, but may be then, they will do something to oust this mad man.

@zombieland yep. I too know it for sure.
I've read somewhere that many reputed tech giants in the West used to do a "faceless" interview, so that all those subconscious biases can be avoided. I also read recently that AI interviews have started too.

why is russia not worried about economic sanctions

I assume its Putin's ego now. He thought the entire operation can be done in 2-3 days( ie. replacing the current regime with a pro-Russian Government). He wouldn't have imagined that the entire West would come together so quickly either. However the War has stretched and it doesn't look like ending soon. His reputation has already took a severe hit and he can't turn back now. Besides how much would the sanctions personally impact him? 

Russians would be hit hard obviously. The Central Bank might hold for sometime but the economy will fail without a doubt. The Citizens are protesting but all that may not have any short term impact. 

Western nations shouldn't sanction Russia because this will affect the "Human Rights" of innocent Russian citizens who weren't actually involved. West would be committing great sin if it's sanctions affect day to day lives of russian citizens. And probably Putin understands that.

This is a valid argument. Large anti-war protests r taking place in Russia. Police has cracked down upon those protestors. They r already suffering due to dictatorship of putin. Sanctions will only increase their sufferings. On one hand west is claiming themselves as protector of human rights in Ukraine  On the other hand they r committing human rights violation in russia. 

So what should the West do? Kadi ninda?

Obviously kadi ninda  Other option is to sanction russua and destroy lives and human rights of innocent russian citizens while rich and powerful people like Putin aren't one percent affected by them.

and let Putin continue this madness in Ukraine? Next in line would be Latvia Lithuania etc. Keep on doing kadi ninda? Unfortunately, the only other alternative to economic sanctions is all out war. The Russian people would suffer, but may be then, they will do something to oust this mad man.

1. reasons for Russia's engagements in Ukraine don't apply to Latvia or Lithuania

2. you may not know it/, be ignorant towards the fact that Latvia Lithuania are nato allies while Ukraine isn't but putin knows that necessary fact very well.

3. west has no locus standi here it's between these two nations. if nato is so holy should've given membership to Ukraine. use UN to criticize though, who's stoppin ya?

4. Russian people don't deserve to suffer for any reason whatsoever. the war began without their consent, they aren't perpetrators. 


“The battle for Ukraine is a battle for Europe. If Putin is not stopped there, he will go further,” Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis warned last week in a joint news conference with U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

Looks like Lithuania doesn't think that way. In world history, AJP Taylor has assessed the actions of Hitler as a gamble. He states that more the West (mainly France and UK) tried to avoid confronting him, the more encouraged he became, and started his next invasion. The appeasement policy was one of the main reasons for World war 2. When another mad man, who even threatens nuclear annihilation, invades a democratic country, "we should not do anything but only condemn his actions"  doesn't appear a wise thing to me.

"west has no locus standi here it's between these two nations": yeah, so let them fight it out right? Wow! Didn't know there are still supporters for the law of the jungle. 

"Russian people don't deserve to suffer for any reason whatsoever": agreed, so do Ukrainians. Russian soldiers shouldn't die too. They're simply following orders and may even be brain washed to believe this mad man. The only solution is to stop war. If you've a solution other than kadi ninda (seriously? 🙏🏽), say it. 

Problem is Putin, a megalomaniac, not NATO. Reasons are invented to justify his paranoia. Apply the same reasons to China-India and you'll understand the hollowness of the argument.

why is russia not worried about economic sanctions

I assume its Putin's ego now. He thought the entire operation can be done in 2-3 days( ie. replacing the current regime with a pro-Russian Government). He wouldn't have imagined that the entire West would come together so quickly either. However the War has stretched and it doesn't look like ending soon. His reputation has already took a severe hit and he can't turn back now. Besides how much would the sanctions personally impact him? 

Russians would be hit hard obviously. The Central Bank might hold for sometime but the economy will fail without a doubt. The Citizens are protesting but all that may not have any short term impact. 

Western nations shouldn't sanction Russia because this will affect the "Human Rights" of innocent Russian citizens who weren't actually involved. West would be committing great sin if it's sanctions affect day to day lives of russian citizens. And probably Putin understands that.

This is a valid argument. Large anti-war protests r taking place in Russia. Police has cracked down upon those protestors. They r already suffering due to dictatorship of putin. Sanctions will only increase their sufferings. On one hand west is claiming themselves as protector of human rights in Ukraine  On the other hand they r committing human rights violation in russia. 

So what should the West do? Kadi ninda?

Obviously kadi ninda  Other option is to sanction russua and destroy lives and human rights of innocent russian citizens while rich and powerful people like Putin aren't one percent affected by them.

and let Putin continue this madness in Ukraine? Next in line would be Latvia Lithuania etc. Keep on doing kadi ninda? Unfortunately, the only other alternative to economic sanctions is all out war. The Russian people would suffer, but may be then, they will do something to oust this mad man.

1. reasons for Russia's engagements in Ukraine don't apply to Latvia or Lithuania

2. you may not know it/, be ignorant towards the fact that Latvia Lithuania are nato allies while Ukraine isn't but putin knows that necessary fact very well.

3. west has no locus standi here it's between these two nations. if nato is so holy should've given membership to Ukraine. use UN to criticize though, who's stoppin ya?

4. Russian people don't deserve to suffer for any reason whatsoever. the war began without their consent, they aren't perpetrators. 


“The battle for Ukraine is a battle for Europe. If Putin is not stopped there, he will go further,” Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis warned last week in a joint news conference with U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

Looks like Lithuania doesn't think that way. In world history, AJP Taylor has assessed the actions of Hitler as a gamble. He states that more the West (mainly France and UK) tried to avoid confronting him, the more encouraged he became, and started his next invasion. The appeasement policy was one of the main reasons for World war 2. When another mad man, who even threatens nuclear annihilation, invades a democratic country, "we should not do anything but only condemn his actions"  doesn't appear a wise thing to me.

"west has no locus standi here it's between these two nations": yeah, so let them fight it out right? Wow! Didn't know there are still supporters for the law of the jungle. 

"Russian people don't deserve to suffer for any reason whatsoever": agreed, so do Ukrainians. Russian soldiers shouldn't die too. They're simply following orders and may even be brain washed to believe this mad man. The only solution is to stop war. If you've a solution other than kadi ninda (seriously? 🙏🏽), say it. 

Ajp taylor's theory is accepted by very few historians,most of them reject his views . 

Imposing harsh economic sanctions without trying to solve the problem diplomatically is quite similar to the treaty of Versailles after ww1. And that didn't end very well for Europe. 

Assuming that a cornered Russia will lead to Putin's fall at home is problematic, it may well go the other way. All I can see is Usa nd china will benefit nd world ( Europe in particular) will be much more unsafe nd unstable.

Can you please provide the source for stating that "AJP TAYLOR view is rejected by most of the historians"? I know you have history optional, would like to read that book myself.


why is russia not worried about economic sanctions

I assume its Putin's ego now. He thought the entire operation can be done in 2-3 days( ie. replacing the current regime with a pro-Russian Government). He wouldn't have imagined that the entire West would come together so quickly either. However the War has stretched and it doesn't look like ending soon. His reputation has already took a severe hit and he can't turn back now. Besides how much would the sanctions personally impact him? 

Russians would be hit hard obviously. The Central Bank might hold for sometime but the economy will fail without a doubt. The Citizens are protesting but all that may not have any short term impact. 

Western nations shouldn't sanction Russia because this will affect the "Human Rights" of innocent Russian citizens who weren't actually involved. West would be committing great sin if it's sanctions affect day to day lives of russian citizens. And probably Putin understands that.

This is a valid argument. Large anti-war protests r taking place in Russia. Police has cracked down upon those protestors. They r already suffering due to dictatorship of putin. Sanctions will only increase their sufferings. On one hand west is claiming themselves as protector of human rights in Ukraine  On the other hand they r committing human rights violation in russia. 

So what should the West do? Kadi ninda?

Obviously kadi ninda  Other option is to sanction russua and destroy lives and human rights of innocent russian citizens while rich and powerful people like Putin aren't one percent affected by them.

and let Putin continue this madness in Ukraine? Next in line would be Latvia Lithuania etc. Keep on doing kadi ninda? Unfortunately, the only other alternative to economic sanctions is all out war. The Russian people would suffer, but may be then, they will do something to oust this mad man.

1. reasons for Russia's engagements in Ukraine don't apply to Latvia or Lithuania

2. you may not know it/, be ignorant towards the fact that Latvia Lithuania are nato allies while Ukraine isn't but putin knows that necessary fact very well.

3. west has no locus standi here it's between these two nations. if nato is so holy should've given membership to Ukraine. use UN to criticize though, who's stoppin ya?

4. Russian people don't deserve to suffer for any reason whatsoever. the war began without their consent, they aren't perpetrators. 


“The battle for Ukraine is a battle for Europe. If Putin is not stopped there, he will go further,” Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis warned last week in a joint news conference with U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

Looks like Lithuania doesn't think that way. In world history, AJP Taylor has assessed the actions of Hitler as a gamble. He states that more the West (mainly France and UK) tried to avoid confronting him, the more encouraged he became, and started his next invasion. The appeasement policy was one of the main reasons for World war 2. When another mad man, who even threatens nuclear annihilation, invades a democratic country, "we should not do anything but only condemn his actions"  doesn't appear a wise thing to me.

"west has no locus standi here it's between these two nations": yeah, so let them fight it out right? Wow! Didn't know there are still supporters for the law of the jungle. 

"Russian people don't deserve to suffer for any reason whatsoever": agreed, so do Ukrainians. Russian soldiers shouldn't die too. They're simply following orders and may even be brain washed to believe this mad man. The only solution is to stop war. If you've a solution other than kadi ninda (seriously? 🙏🏽), say it. 

Ajp taylor's theory is accepted by very few historians,most of them reject his views . 

Imposing harsh economic sanctions without trying to solve the problem diplomatically is quite similar to the treaty of Versailles after ww1. And that didn't end very well for Europe. 

Assuming that a cornered Russia will lead to Putin's fall at home is problematic, it may well go the other way. All I can see is Usa nd china will benefit nd world ( Europe in particular) will be much more unsafe nd unstable.

Can you please provide the source for stating that "AJP TAYLOR view is rejected by most of the historians"? I know you have history optional, would like to read that book myself.

Read the last para, the book itself defends Taylor🤔


I sincerely request you all to support the cause of the aspirants who couldn't attend mains due to covid..

Please support and if possible donate for the court case generously..

It will open gates for extra attempts

Please don't do cyber begging here..

Extra attempt is excuse of failures.. 

Hard work means to persist inspite of all odds..

I m expecting good score in mains. I have practiced a lot of answer before the mains exam... I am strictly against any such delay tactics..

You don't get it. They (whoever called you DKT) weren't triggered by your claims regarding marks, but by the 'in your face' way of putting it. "Cyber begging"? "Delay tactics"??, and after that you talk about your hard work and performance! I'm no one to judge, but please don't be under the impression that you were name called due to your marks prediction (that too may be a reason, as you've said 100 for GS3, which going by this year's paper and last year's topper marks, looks a bit unrealistic. But who am I to judge? may be you're good in GS3. I don't know, I don't care and I didn't call you any names. using someone's name as an abuse/slang is something I don't agree with. If you get 100 in GS3, good for you 👍🏽).

Well.. someone is expecting 145 in essay for his own performance.. god knows on what grounds..

But my assumption of 100 in GS 3 is

Amazing analysis bro..

Don't be surprised if you land up getting 740 instead of 840.. happens with many by the way.. I m no exception..

No issues. That's why it's called 'expectations'. It's not always true.


why is russia not worried about economic sanctions

I assume its Putin's ego now. He thought the entire operation can be done in 2-3 days( ie. replacing the current regime with a pro-Russian Government). He wouldn't have imagined that the entire West would come together so quickly either. However the War has stretched and it doesn't look like ending soon. His reputation has already took a severe hit and he can't turn back now. Besides how much would the sanctions personally impact him? 

Russians would be hit hard obviously. The Central Bank might hold for sometime but the economy will fail without a doubt. The Citizens are protesting but all that may not have any short term impact. 

Western nations shouldn't sanction Russia because this will affect the "Human Rights" of innocent Russian citizens who weren't actually involved. West would be committing great sin if it's sanctions affect day to day lives of russian citizens. And probably Putin understands that.

This is a valid argument. Large anti-war protests r taking place in Russia. Police has cracked down upon those protestors. They r already suffering due to dictatorship of putin. Sanctions will only increase their sufferings. On one hand west is claiming themselves as protector of human rights in Ukraine  On the other hand they r committing human rights violation in russia. 

So what should the West do? Kadi ninda?

Obviously kadi ninda  Other option is to sanction russua and destroy lives and human rights of innocent russian citizens while rich and powerful people like Putin aren't one percent affected by them.

and let Putin continue this madness in Ukraine? Next in line would be Latvia Lithuania etc. Keep on doing kadi ninda? Unfortunately, the only other alternative to economic sanctions is all out war. The Russian people would suffer, but may be then, they will do something to oust this mad man.

1. reasons for Russia's engagements in Ukraine don't apply to Latvia or Lithuania

2. you may not know it/, be ignorant towards the fact that Latvia Lithuania are nato allies while Ukraine isn't but putin knows that necessary fact very well.

3. west has no locus standi here it's between these two nations. if nato is so holy should've given membership to Ukraine. use UN to criticize though, who's stoppin ya?

4. Russian people don't deserve to suffer for any reason whatsoever. the war began without their consent, they aren't perpetrators. 


“The battle for Ukraine is a battle for Europe. If Putin is not stopped there, he will go further,” Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis warned last week in a joint news conference with U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

Looks like Lithuania doesn't think that way. In world history, AJP Taylor has assessed the actions of Hitler as a gamble. He states that more the West (mainly France and UK) tried to avoid confronting him, the more encouraged he became, and started his next invasion. The appeasement policy was one of the main reasons for World war 2. When another mad man, who even threatens nuclear annihilation, invades a democratic country, "we should not do anything but only condemn his actions"  doesn't appear a wise thing to me.

"west has no locus standi here it's between these two nations": yeah, so let them fight it out right? Wow! Didn't know there are still supporters for the law of the jungle. 

"Russian people don't deserve to suffer for any reason whatsoever": agreed, so do Ukrainians. Russian soldiers shouldn't die too. They're simply following orders and may even be brain washed to believe this mad man. The only solution is to stop war. If you've a solution other than kadi ninda (seriously? 🙏🏽), say it. 

look pal your answer exposes your bias and grand ignorance on the issue. you didn't counter my logical arguments by logic but by some weird statements or weird statements of "rhetoricians" 

BATTLE FOR UKRAINE IS NOT BATTLE FOR EUROPE.  Lithuanian leader is just into rhetoric mode. it knows nato will defend it but sadly you don't. 

well i don't support violence or war but an eye for an eye will make whole world blind. you write it in gs4 and essay but fail to apply it beyond. anyways you were asking for solution, here are they

1. Ukraine must not be allowed to become nato member and if it is, a SECURITY GUARANTEE to Russia with adequate and clear clauses in it be provided.

2. Ukraine should engage with russia instead of begging the west.

3. Ukraine must concede because continuing the war will only hurt human rights of Ukrainian citizens and russian soldiers more and more.

 russia isn't attacking Ukraine for "PLEASURE". I'm against all war but Putin's side should also be heard, where is your tolerance? 

 would you support it if  turkey helped directly to Pakistan in conflict with india in 1965 or 1971 on the some false pretexts like "something" in danger?

 No sensitive person wants violence or would support it. But quoting some old man and trying to fabricate and link something with hitler is pure class stupidity.

Putin may not be doing a moral thing, I concede. But tell me one thing, what options did the west leave for him? Putin doesn't believe in "Jab aag lagehi tab kua khodenge"   

American Nuclear long range cruise missiles  in NATOfied Ukraine are not just a possibility but a very strong one.

So abandon rhetoric, embrace logic.

"My logical arguments" and "your ignorance and biases"! Nice way to counter. Make it personal right? Sorry, doesn't work with me. Read the comment again and you may understand it.


why is russia not worried about economic sanctions

I assume its Putin's ego now. He thought the entire operation can be done in 2-3 days( ie. replacing the current regime with a pro-Russian Government). He wouldn't have imagined that the entire West would come together so quickly either. However the War has stretched and it doesn't look like ending soon. His reputation has already took a severe hit and he can't turn back now. Besides how much would the sanctions personally impact him? 

Russians would be hit hard obviously. The Central Bank might hold for sometime but the economy will fail without a doubt. The Citizens are protesting but all that may not have any short term impact. 

Western nations shouldn't sanction Russia because this will affect the "Human Rights" of innocent Russian citizens who weren't actually involved. West would be committing great sin if it's sanctions affect day to day lives of russian citizens. And probably Putin understands that.

This is a valid argument. Large anti-war protests r taking place in Russia. Police has cracked down upon those protestors. They r already suffering due to dictatorship of putin. Sanctions will only increase their sufferings. On one hand west is claiming themselves as protector of human rights in Ukraine  On the other hand they r committing human rights violation in russia. 

So what should the West do? Kadi ninda?

Obviously kadi ninda  Other option is to sanction russua and destroy lives and human rights of innocent russian citizens while rich and powerful people like Putin aren't one percent affected by them.

and let Putin continue this madness in Ukraine? Next in line would be Latvia Lithuania etc. Keep on doing kadi ninda? Unfortunately, the only other alternative to economic sanctions is all out war. The Russian people would suffer, but may be then, they will do something to oust this mad man.

1. reasons for Russia's engagements in Ukraine don't apply to Latvia or Lithuania

2. you may not know it/, be ignorant towards the fact that Latvia Lithuania are nato allies while Ukraine isn't but putin knows that necessary fact very well.

3. west has no locus standi here it's between these two nations. if nato is so holy should've given membership to Ukraine. use UN to criticize though, who's stoppin ya?

4. Russian people don't deserve to suffer for any reason whatsoever. the war began without their consent, they aren't perpetrators. 


“The battle for Ukraine is a battle for Europe. If Putin is not stopped there, he will go further,” Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis warned last week in a joint news conference with U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

Looks like Lithuania doesn't think that way. In world history, AJP Taylor has assessed the actions of Hitler as a gamble. He states that more the West (mainly France and UK) tried to avoid confronting him, the more encouraged he became, and started his next invasion. The appeasement policy was one of the main reasons for World war 2. When another mad man, who even threatens nuclear annihilation, invades a democratic country, "we should not do anything but only condemn his actions"  doesn't appear a wise thing to me.

"west has no locus standi here it's between these two nations": yeah, so let them fight it out right? Wow! Didn't know there are still supporters for the law of the jungle. 

"Russian people don't deserve to suffer for any reason whatsoever": agreed, so do Ukrainians. Russian soldiers shouldn't die too. They're simply following orders and may even be brain washed to believe this mad man. The only solution is to stop war. If you've a solution other than kadi ninda (seriously? 🙏🏽), say it. 

Ajp taylor's theory is accepted by very few historians,most of them reject his views . 

Imposing harsh economic sanctions without trying to solve the problem diplomatically is quite similar to the treaty of Versailles after ww1. And that didn't end very well for Europe. 

Assuming that a cornered Russia will lead to Putin's fall at home is problematic, it may well go the other way. All I can see is Usa nd china will benefit nd world ( Europe in particular) will be much more unsafe nd unstable.

Can you please provide the source for stating that "AJP TAYLOR view is rejected by most of the historians"? I know you have history optional, would like to read that book myself.

Read the last para, the book itself defends Taylor🤔

For Taylor, ( Aisa likha h ) 

Book ne jo conclusion dia h woh Maine daala h . Dekho ek baar. 


why is russia not worried about economic sanctions

I assume its Putin's ego now. He thought the entire operation can be done in 2-3 days( ie. replacing the current regime with a pro-Russian Government). He wouldn't have imagined that the entire West would come together so quickly either. However the War has stretched and it doesn't look like ending soon. His reputation has already took a severe hit and he can't turn back now. Besides how much would the sanctions personally impact him? 

Russians would be hit hard obviously. The Central Bank might hold for sometime but the economy will fail without a doubt. The Citizens are protesting but all that may not have any short term impact. 

Western nations shouldn't sanction Russia because this will affect the "Human Rights" of innocent Russian citizens who weren't actually involved. West would be committing great sin if it's sanctions affect day to day lives of russian citizens. And probably Putin understands that.

This is a valid argument. Large anti-war protests r taking place in Russia. Police has cracked down upon those protestors. They r already suffering due to dictatorship of putin. Sanctions will only increase their sufferings. On one hand west is claiming themselves as protector of human rights in Ukraine  On the other hand they r committing human rights violation in russia. 

So what should the West do? Kadi ninda?

Obviously kadi ninda  Other option is to sanction russua and destroy lives and human rights of innocent russian citizens while rich and powerful people like Putin aren't one percent affected by them.

and let Putin continue this madness in Ukraine? Next in line would be Latvia Lithuania etc. Keep on doing kadi ninda? Unfortunately, the only other alternative to economic sanctions is all out war. The Russian people would suffer, but may be then, they will do something to oust this mad man.

1. reasons for Russia's engagements in Ukraine don't apply to Latvia or Lithuania

2. you may not know it/, be ignorant towards the fact that Latvia Lithuania are nato allies while Ukraine isn't but putin knows that necessary fact very well.

3. west has no locus standi here it's between these two nations. if nato is so holy should've given membership to Ukraine. use UN to criticize though, who's stoppin ya?

4. Russian people don't deserve to suffer for any reason whatsoever. the war began without their consent, they aren't perpetrators. 


“The battle for Ukraine is a battle for Europe. If Putin is not stopped there, he will go further,” Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis warned last week in a joint news conference with U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

Looks like Lithuania doesn't think that way. In world history, AJP Taylor has assessed the actions of Hitler as a gamble. He states that more the West (mainly France and UK) tried to avoid confronting him, the more encouraged he became, and started his next invasion. The appeasement policy was one of the main reasons for World war 2. When another mad man, who even threatens nuclear annihilation, invades a democratic country, "we should not do anything but only condemn his actions"  doesn't appear a wise thing to me.

"west has no locus standi here it's between these two nations": yeah, so let them fight it out right? Wow! Didn't know there are still supporters for the law of the jungle. 

"Russian people don't deserve to suffer for any reason whatsoever": agreed, so do Ukrainians. Russian soldiers shouldn't die too. They're simply following orders and may even be brain washed to believe this mad man. The only solution is to stop war. If you've a solution other than kadi ninda (seriously? 🙏🏽), say it. 

look pal your answer exposes your bias and grand ignorance on the issue. you didn't counter my logical arguments by logic but by some weird statements or weird statements of "rhetoricians" 

BATTLE FOR UKRAINE IS NOT BATTLE FOR EUROPE.  Lithuanian leader is just into rhetoric mode. it knows nato will defend it but sadly you don't. 

well i don't support violence or war but an eye for an eye will make whole world blind. you write it in gs4 and essay but fail to apply it beyond. anyways you were asking for solution, here are they

1. Ukraine must not be allowed to become nato member and if it is, a SECURITY GUARANTEE to Russia with adequate and clear clauses in it be provided.

2. Ukraine should engage with russia instead of begging the west.

3. Ukraine must concede because continuing the war will only hurt human rights of Ukrainian citizens and russian soldiers more and more.

 russia isn't attacking Ukraine for "PLEASURE". I'm against all war but Putin's side should also be heard, where is your tolerance? 

 would you support it if  turkey helped directly to Pakistan in conflict with india in 1965 or 1971 on the some false pretexts like "something" in danger?

 No sensitive person wants violence or would support it. But quoting some old man and trying to fabricate and link something with hitler is pure class stupidity.

Putin may not be doing a moral thing, I concede. But tell me one thing, what options did the west leave for him? Putin doesn't believe in "Jab aag lagehi tab kua khodenge"   

American Nuclear long range cruise missiles  in NATOfied Ukraine are not just a possibility but a very strong one.

So abandon rhetoric, embrace logic.

"My logical arguments" and "your ignorance and biases"! Nice way to counter. Make it personal right? Sorry, doesn't work with me. Read the comment again and you may understand it.

I  thought it would be clear and rational. But sorry I'm not prepared for the rhetoric fight.

Anyways I'm glad India didn't uphold your view at the UN  and that should clear a lot of dust about your understanding of the issue..

India decided based on practical aspects. Anyways, nice talking to you. I'm also not very interested in repeating the same things over and over again.

@Duryodhan it's Norman Lowe!😢 Sh*t, don't even remember reading this part in it🤦🏾‍♂️

@tarun17 I went through Grewal notes for medieval, not world history, didn't find it very useful (But Gaurav Agarwal notes for modern India I found very useful for the exam. His notes aren't handwritten, and it covers Plassey to partition well. I could answer questions like Gandhi's violence, utilitarians from it).
My suggestion would be to invest time in world history. Unlike Indian history part, questions aren't that deep. I feel, only medieval and world history will give you proper ROI.
But as mentioned earlier, there's no one book for world history. Selective reading from multiple sources would be the best way. 
intro body concl is told to us to be written at all costs. upsc never said anything on this. i think this is primary reason for missing out on questions due to time issue. 

I know someone (IAS now), who got 136 in GS1, used to write the answers in straight bullet point format, without any intro/conclusion. Though I myself didn't try it, that definitely means this IBC format, like many other things propagated by coaching wallahs is just another myth.

@Capedcrusader1 sorry, don't want to tell the name. 

» show previous quotes

I know someone (IAS now), who got 136 in GS1, used to write the answers in straight bullet point format, without any intro/conclusion. Though I myself didn't try it, that definitely means this IBC format, like many other things propagated by coaching wallahs is just another myth.


Writing in IBC format is a myth..

Wow.. propagate more gyaan like this..

Did you see how he wrote in the paper.. people claim to prepare 6 months and get double digit rank.. does it mean we should fall for such claims..

Point is ..

After one gets success..they will make unrealistic claims to make their success even bigger.. to add to the uniqueness of the strategy..

Writing in bullet points is not the issue here.. but writing the points which form the introduction is crucial..

Eg.. if the question is.. explain the  causes of 1857 war..

The candidate cannot write causes starting with first word.. like Economic..


Political..blah blah

But rather start with when it was fought..

Between whom.. 

Areas of influence..etc etc..

If these few points are written in bullet or para.. doesn't matter but what matters is that they should be written..

Getting 136 in 2016-17 was easier.. when cut off went 807 I guess..

Now it's equivalent to around 120 at best..

You didn't get it. I didn't say that IBC format shouldn't be followed. I clearly said I myself followed it. What I said was, it's not an absolute must thing that IBC format has to be followed. That's the myth I was talking about.

136 was in 2016, converted to 2020, it will be around 127. A very good mark any year.
He and I stayed in the same house. I've personally seen his answers.

Unrelated to the marks discussion, but just read the case of Aashima Goyal (CSE-2019). It was because of wrong usage of EWS certificate that she was denied the service. I personally know A LOT of candidates, who are otherwise serving in the grade pay of 5400 (approx monthly  gross income 80K-100k), who are claiming such EWS quotas. They say that they are on probationary period and hence this and that. One person I know got into the top-3 service in EWS category but did not join because he feared that later on he may be caught. The other person I know comes from an affulent family and was earning 75,000 pm in 2016 and resigned in 2020, still claimed EWS. 

Now the point is, the candidates shall be asked to submit EWS certificate prior to Mains, to expedite and weed out the non eligible students. These RICH people and eating away the benefits of the intended beneficiaries.

I googled about the case. What I don't understand is UPSC asking her to produce the certificate for a different financial year and her reply that she needs more time to apply for it. But to the best of my knowledge, back-dated certificates will not be provided by government offices. UPSC could've rejected the candidature on that ground itself, that she doesn't have the relevant certificate, but they took the extra effort of obtaining ITR details of that year and proved without any doubt that the candidate is ineligible. I feel sorry for her, but I don't think UPSC can be blamed for it in any way.


Her family itr was beyond 4 lacs means income in range of 25 lacs , that’s why it’s cancelled 

and even 4600 gp (9 month salary less than 8 lacs so they are in provided fulfill other criteria 

Family income wasn't in the range of 25 lakhs nor was the ITR 4 lakhs. Cumulative income of her and her father's crossed 8 lakhs and it was around 9.5 lakhs.



Example after every dimension/points... same followed in this year mains (image - forum IAS MGP)

can u comment about this? 

(Unrelated to the comment) Shouldn't we first state that "bureaucratic attitude, though commonly used in a negative way, need not be contrary to a democratic attitude always" kinda sentence in the beginning? Then illustrating would be better right? I mean, in an exam conducted to find future bureaucrats, isn't that a better way to address the question?


kudumbashree ko ab jane do yar

ab toh upsc ko bhi pata hai kudumbashree ke katenge marks

True. It's the "Gandhi" of SHGs😅



You can work in PSC jobs for 25 years, be better than all of your UPSC seniors and still new upsc recruits, who also have studied the same GS, will be promoted before you. They'll get better cars, accommodation and other perks.

They'll be learning the job from you and other underlings not just during training but their entire careers and still won't learn the job. They'll trash your work for not using Bureaucratic English. They'll be sort of managing your day to day work.

Every year you'll have to do Gandhigiri to not get transferred to far flung areas. You'll be forced to do dubious things on command of higher ups. But if you're bent and have no morals this is just a great job and will make you rich.

No such thing in Assistant professor jobs. You may even get the top post one day. People tend to look for jobs where they may reach the top.

Asst Professor means no transfers! Set for life. Lots of free time, and if you're really interested in your subject, many opportunities for research and travel, Plus automatic "Respect" in society. They usually (should) leave it only for IAS/IPS home cadre or IFS.



You can work in PSC jobs for 25 years, be better than all of your UPSC seniors and still new upsc recruits, who also have studied the same GS, will be promoted before you. They'll get better cars, accommodation and other perks.

They'll be learning the job from you and other underlings not just during training but their entire careers and still won't learn the job. They'll trash your work for not using Bureaucratic English. They'll be sort of managing your day to day work.

Every year you'll have to do Gandhigiri to not get transferred to far flung areas. You'll be forced to do dubious things on command of higher ups. But if you're bent and have no morals this is just a great job and will make you rich.

No such thing in Assistant professor jobs. You may even get the top post one day. People tend to look for jobs where they may reach the top.

Asst Professor means no transfers! Set for life. Lots of free time, and if you're really interested in your subject, many opportunities for research and travel, Plus automatic "Respect" in society. They usually (should) leave it only for IAS/IPS home cadre or IFS.

Are you seriously comparing the respect a Dy SP or SDM gets to whatever an Assistant Professor gets.

Even your father's cousin's friend's son will brag about his father's friend's cousin's son is Dy SP or SDM. These people can get things done. They also lend people money because they generally have surplus cash. Assistant professors are always asking to borrow money.  Even their children don't think much of them. That's the ugly truth.

But quality of life and work environment is still a lot better in assistant professor

It wasn't a direct comparison between the "respect" they each get. I was simply saying that all these together may be the reason behind such a decision.

Regarding "respect", we may be comparing apples and oranges here. A college professor, in our society, gets respect for simply being a professor, though he may not be able to help someone in his requirement wrt a government thing. That way a peon in collectorate may be more "powerful" than him and that peon may be able to get things done there which the professor will never be able to, and people in need, may "respect" that peon for that matter. But, these are two different "respect"s.

I have no idea what the offsprings of professors think about their parent and for "surplus cash", the professor will have to write some books or screenplays😅 but, again, the comparison isn't right. What if one isn't interested in that surplus cash? They will be getting UGC scale salary, which is pretty good by any scale in government.

@Admgenalanezh Will it delay results??

Highly likely, as the petitioners asked for 1) an extra attempt next year, or 2) a "special" main exam for them alone, before the result of the conducted main exam is announced. This second demand means, till court gives the verdict, the result will be in limbo.



@Admgenalanezh Will it delay results??

Highly likely, as the petitioners asked for 1) an extra attempt next year, or 2) a "special" main exam for them alone, before the result of the conducted main exam is announced. This second demand means, till court gives the verdict, the result will be in limbo.

Intelligent petition, if the government denies them special exam which they will obviously then extra attempt for future becomes relevant.


Looks like a pressure tactic. Nobody expects UPSC to conduct a special main exam for just three aspirants, therefore, may be that ridiculous demand was made knowing fully well that UPSC will be in a fix over time delay and will consider allowing an extra attempt as a special case.

@Admgenalanezh Will it delay results??

Highly likely, as the petitioners asked for 1) an extra attempt next year, or 2) a "special" main exam for them alone, before the result of the conducted main exam is announced. This second demand means, till court gives the verdict, the result will be in limbo.

I will differ. UPSC will come out with something called “interim result”which can be changed subject to outcomes of the said petition. So business as usual.

I hope so. Nobody wants the result to be delayed.



You can work in PSC jobs for 25 years, be better than all of your UPSC seniors and still new upsc recruits, who also have studied the same GS, will be promoted before you. They'll get better cars, accommodation and other perks.

They'll be learning the job from you and other underlings not just during training but their entire careers and still won't learn the job. They'll trash your work for not using Bureaucratic English. They'll be sort of managing your day to day work.

Every year you'll have to do Gandhigiri to not get transferred to far flung areas. You'll be forced to do dubious things on command of higher ups. But if you're bent and have no morals this is just a great job and will make you rich.

No such thing in Assistant professor jobs. You may even get the top post one day. People tend to look for jobs where they may reach the top.

Asst Professor means no transfers! Set for life. Lots of free time, and if you're really interested in your subject, many opportunities for research and travel, Plus automatic "Respect" in society. They usually (should) leave it only for IAS/IPS home cadre or IFS.

Are you seriously comparing the respect a Dy SP or SDM gets to whatever an Assistant Professor gets.

Even your father's cousin's friend's son will brag about his father's friend's cousin's son is Dy SP or SDM. These people can get things done. They also lend people money because they generally have surplus cash. Assistant professors are always asking to borrow money.  Even their children don't think much of them. That's the ugly truth.

But quality of life and work environment is still a lot better in assistant professor

Haha bro... reality is very different. Dy Collector in Bihar seems like a very prestigious post, but when you get into the services, AIS officers will have superiority over you. I know a person who got into Ssc cgl, got one promotion, went to become Dc inBihar , came back to rejoin in centre

I know this all too well. One of my friends in group b service with loads of extra income got selected as assistant professor, he was thinking of declining it. A few bent people were also advising him to decline it. I persuaded him to take the job. I basically told him that If I was in his place I'd throw my resignation today.

He was getting 6000 grade pay I think above that any amount of extra income won't matter if you're not satisfied with your work environment and career progression.

But you do understand that Deputy collectors carry much more weight in society if not in their offices. One of my long distance cousins got SDM in UP PCS and his parents threw a grand party. The pride his parents show is just something else. He soon got an expensive car and lots of money. He got married too.

Seriously? You don't see anything problematic in what you wrote?



You can work in PSC jobs for 25 years, be better than all of your UPSC seniors and still new upsc recruits, who also have studied the same GS, will be promoted before you. They'll get better cars, accommodation and other perks.

They'll be learning the job from you and other underlings not just during training but their entire careers and still won't learn the job. They'll trash your work for not using Bureaucratic English. They'll be sort of managing your day to day work.

Every year you'll have to do Gandhigiri to not get transferred to far flung areas. You'll be forced to do dubious things on command of higher ups. But if you're bent and have no morals this is just a great job and will make you rich.

No such thing in Assistant professor jobs. You may even get the top post one day. People tend to look for jobs where they may reach the top.

Asst Professor means no transfers! Set for life. Lots of free time, and if you're really interested in your subject, many opportunities for research and travel, Plus automatic "Respect" in society. They usually (should) leave it only for IAS/IPS home cadre or IFS.

Are you seriously comparing the respect a Dy SP or SDM gets to whatever an Assistant Professor gets.

Even your father's cousin's friend's son will brag about his father's friend's cousin's son is Dy SP or SDM. These people can get things done. They also lend people money because they generally have surplus cash. Assistant professors are always asking to borrow money.  Even their children don't think much of them. That's the ugly truth.

But quality of life and work environment is still a lot better in assistant professor

Haha bro... reality is very different. Dy Collector in Bihar seems like a very prestigious post, but when you get into the services, AIS officers will have superiority over you. I know a person who got into Ssc cgl, got one promotion, went to become Dc inBihar , came back to rejoin in centre

I know this all too well. One of my friends in group b service with loads of extra income got selected as assistant professor, he was thinking of declining it. A few bent people were also advising him to decline it. I persuaded him to take the job. I basically told him that If I was in his place I'd throw my resignation today.

He was getting 6000 grade pay I think above that any amount of extra income won't matter if you're not satisfied with your work environment and career progression.

But you do understand that Deputy collectors carry much more weight in society if not in their offices. One of my long distance cousins got SDM in UP PCS and his parents threw a grand party. The pride his parents show is just something else. He soon got an expensive car and lots of money. He got married too.

Seriously? You don't see anything problematic in what you wrote?

Of course I do. We as a society have reached a stage where we condemn corruption and dowry in public but still aspire for it in private. Most people around me would give up a kidney for good postings throughout their careers. That's why people treat seniors offices with more respect than temples. They don't just turn around and walk away. They take few steps backward till they reach the door, bow down then walk away.

Here's a tip, people who are loudest about corruption are the first to sell their souls. Hopefully you'll find out soon. Best of luck.

Thanks for the tip. Now I'll look out for those who are "loudest about corruption" along with those who openly celebrate corruption🙏🏽😊👍🏽



You can work in PSC jobs for 25 years, be better than all of your UPSC seniors and still new upsc recruits, who also have studied the same GS, will be promoted before you. They'll get better cars, accommodation and other perks.

They'll be learning the job from you and other underlings not just during training but their entire careers and still won't learn the job. They'll trash your work for not using Bureaucratic English. They'll be sort of managing your day to day work.

Every year you'll have to do Gandhigiri to not get transferred to far flung areas. You'll be forced to do dubious things on command of higher ups. But if you're bent and have no morals this is just a great job and will make you rich.

No such thing in Assistant professor jobs. You may even get the top post one day. People tend to look for jobs where they may reach the top.

Asst Professor means no transfers! Set for life. Lots of free time, and if you're really interested in your subject, many opportunities for research and travel, Plus automatic "Respect" in society. They usually (should) leave it only for IAS/IPS home cadre or IFS.

Are you seriously comparing the respect a Dy SP or SDM gets to whatever an Assistant Professor gets.

Even your father's cousin's friend's son will brag about his father's friend's cousin's son is Dy SP or SDM. These people can get things done. They also lend people money because they generally have surplus cash. Assistant professors are always asking to borrow money.  Even their children don't think much of them. That's the ugly truth.

But quality of life and work environment is still a lot better in assistant professor

Haha bro... reality is very different. Dy Collector in Bihar seems like a very prestigious post, but when you get into the services, AIS officers will have superiority over you. I know a person who got into Ssc cgl, got one promotion, went to become Dc inBihar , came back to rejoin in centre

I know this all too well. One of my friends in group b service with loads of extra income got selected as assistant professor, he was thinking of declining it. A few bent people were also advising him to decline it. I persuaded him to take the job. I basically told him that If I was in his place I'd throw my resignation today.

He was getting 6000 grade pay I think above that any amount of extra income won't matter if you're not satisfied with your work environment and career progression.

But you do understand that Deputy collectors carry much more weight in society if not in their offices. One of my long distance cousins got SDM in UP PCS and his parents threw a grand party. The pride his parents show is just something else. He soon got an expensive car and lots of money. He got married too.

Seriously? You don't see anything problematic in what you wrote?

Of course I do. We as a society have reached a stage where we condemn corruption and dowry in public but still aspire for it in private. Most people around me would give up a kidney for good postings throughout their careers. That's why people treat seniors offices with more respect than temples. They don't just turn around and walk away. They take few steps backward till they reach the door, bow down then walk away.

Here's a tip, people who are loudest about corruption are the first to sell their souls. Hopefully you'll find out soon. Best of luck.

Thanks for the tip. Now I'll look out for those who are "loudest about corruption" along with those who openly celebrate corruption🙏🏽😊👍🏽

In all my years in government, I haven't had a single lucrative posting nor have I ever asked for it, also I can't do the whole bootlicking thing. I don't know how you confused me stating facts with me celebrating corruption.

It's like if I say Northeast people are called c***** by everyone or the word bihari is treated as abusive word in Northwest or fair skin is worshipped, then all of a sudden you think I'm celebrating all these. It's just plain facts, look around you.

I'm in a govt service too, that too an Accounts service, so I may not need your tuition class about corruption.

You are free to say that someone who talks about corruption is likely to sell their soul, but when the same medicine is given back, you find it bitter. Nice👍🏽



Two govt employees arguing ...

Meanwhile unemployed and semi employed like us trying to get into service🤭

Sorry for inadvertently hurting the feelings of the unemployed🙏🏽 will try to be more careful in the future😅



You can work in PSC jobs for 25 years, be better than all of your UPSC seniors and still new upsc recruits, who also have studied the same GS, will be promoted before you. They'll get better cars, accommodation and other perks.

They'll be learning the job from you and other underlings not just during training but their entire careers and still won't learn the job. They'll trash your work for not using Bureaucratic English. They'll be sort of managing your day to day work.

Every year you'll have to do Gandhigiri to not get transferred to far flung areas. You'll be forced to do dubious things on command of higher ups. But if you're bent and have no morals this is just a great job and will make you rich.

No such thing in Assistant professor jobs. You may even get the top post one day. People tend to look for jobs where they may reach the top.

Asst Professor means no transfers! Set for life. Lots of free time, and if you're really interested in your subject, many opportunities for research and travel, Plus automatic "Respect" in society. They usually (should) leave it only for IAS/IPS home cadre or IFS.

Are you seriously comparing the respect a Dy SP or SDM gets to whatever an Assistant Professor gets.

Even your father's cousin's friend's son will brag about his father's friend's cousin's son is Dy SP or SDM. These people can get things done. They also lend people money because they generally have surplus cash. Assistant professors are always asking to borrow money.  Even their children don't think much of them. That's the ugly truth.

But quality of life and work environment is still a lot better in assistant professor

Haha bro... reality is very different. Dy Collector in Bihar seems like a very prestigious post, but when you get into the services, AIS officers will have superiority over you. I know a person who got into Ssc cgl, got one promotion, went to become Dc inBihar , came back to rejoin in centre

I know this all too well. One of my friends in group b service with loads of extra income got selected as assistant professor, he was thinking of declining it. A few bent people were also advising him to decline it. I persuaded him to take the job. I basically told him that If I was in his place I'd throw my resignation today.

He was getting 6000 grade pay I think above that any amount of extra income won't matter if you're not satisfied with your work environment and career progression.

But you do understand that Deputy collectors carry much more weight in society if not in their offices. One of my long distance cousins got SDM in UP PCS and his parents threw a grand party. The pride his parents show is just something else. He soon got an expensive car and lots of money. He got married too.

Seriously? You don't see anything problematic in what you wrote?

Of course I do. We as a society have reached a stage where we condemn corruption and dowry in public but still aspire for it in private. Most people around me would give up a kidney for good postings throughout their careers. That's why people treat seniors offices with more respect than temples. They don't just turn around and walk away. They take few steps backward till they reach the door, bow down then walk away.

Here's a tip, people who are loudest about corruption are the first to sell their souls. Hopefully you'll find out soon. Best of luck.

Thanks for the tip. Now I'll look out for those who are "loudest about corruption" along with those who openly celebrate corruption🙏🏽😊👍🏽

In all my years in government, I haven't had a single lucrative posting nor have I ever asked for it, also I can't do the whole bootlicking thing. I don't know how you confused me stating facts with me celebrating corruption.

It's like if I say Northeast people are called c***** by everyone or the word bihari is treated as abusive word in Northwest or fair skin is worshipped, then all of a sudden you think I'm celebrating all these. It's just plain facts, look around you.

I'm in a govt service too, that too an Accounts service, so I may not need your tuition class about corruption.

You are free to say that someone who talks about corruption is likely to sell their soul, but when the same medicine is given back, you find it bitter. Nice👍🏽

Then you haven't seen enough of government. People who say knowledge a lot are not knowledgable at all and the people who say honesty and integrity a lot always seem to be on lucrative postings. Anyways end of discussion. Women's day functions going on here.

Good to know that we have an Ashok Khemka here. Please don't waste your valuable time discussing with people who haven't seen government as you do! Please continue with your women's day programmes👍🏽


Go directly to 10:01

Hitsat 14:00

Happy to see that in the chimera essay they have mentioned about Maslow's hierarchy of needs. I've written a para on it😅

What formula do they use for normalisation/scaling/moderation in Upsc ?

Whatever formula they use, the sample size should be comparable. That's an issue here. You can't compare an optional like geography, which thousands have for mains, with an obscure optional like Sindhi literature, which only one or two may have(and both of them can be genuinely good or equally bad; in the first case, both will end up being losers and in the latter, both may get lucky). How then this normalisation is done, only UPSC can tell.


Q: why is history better than geography?

A: because history is full of culture and geography is full of countries

Q: why history guys have to read only for GS and essay?

A: because the rest is history

Q: What did the veteran history guy tell the newbie, when he got low marks in the first attempt?

A: History repeats itself, first as...🤐



Anyone with history optional? What is the general opinion? While the paper, I know, can’t exactly be called difficult, it wasn’t very straightforward either, right? The first paper ? Good standard of questions, in my opinion. 

I believe paper 1 was the most straight forward of recent times. Usually they ask obscure culture and sources questions for medieval (lekhapaddhati? Sabhasad bakhar? Chaurapanchashikha paintings?), but this time all medieval questions were direct, and that was a relief. Ancient was as usual (indirect and analytical), but one question could be answered from there without any issues (and rest three from medieval). 

Second paper was of the usual variety (I prefer/like the second paper, but many say it's the more difficult of the two).

Paper 1 medieval part makes the difference this time, I think, and hence paper was on the easier side compared to previous years.


@Sopranos  @Philip_Marlowe 

In previous years history optional QP,

How many map questions did you get correct as per coaching keys?

My only previous mains was the 2016 one and I messed up the map questions. So didn't even check the answers since I knew there's no point.



@RaGa any idea, why they put a political map for one year and then back to physical the next? Taking randomness to the next level 

Till 2019, every year it was a plain map, only in 2020 they made a change. Don't know why they did so and why they decided to go back to the older method in 2021 (may be the son/daughter of someone influential had a mini heart attack due to that in 2020 and complaint reached the higher ups😅).

Any geography optional guys here? While writing GS1, I had the feeling that geography guys can make a killing here. Then in GS2 and 3 too there were some geography related questions. Do you think so?


Ek anxious person dusre ki anxiety badha deta hai .. faltu bp badhane ka kaam hai ye countdown aur mahaul banana

That BP is an enjoyable and addictive kind (gets the adrenaline going). To be avoided.



» show previous quotes

Wat was the issue wrt preferences?

Filled up IIS at top so got allotted. Baad mein pata chala it is a candidate of 18th-19th preference order. Spoke to some serving officers who were not happy too.

So, definitely not IIS. And Audit, defence estate, postal before this. 

IIS is considered a bad service. No proper promotions, no powerful posts. BTW, don't agree with putting Defence Estates service on top. It's a poor service. You may get a nice house in the beginning (and may be a car too), but that's about it. Promotions are bad and you don't wield any power. I myself had put it on sixth place, after seeing someone's blog post, but luckily didn't get it.



@Dip PIB, Film festival directorate  come under IIS na. I personally like it, why are people so unhappy ?

Not many good posts. After a while, no promotion. Publications division of govt is a boring thing (think of India year book level boring). Besides, artists hate bureaucracy and you alone won't be able to change it. So, even if you become head of FTII or something like that, it may not be a very comfortable experience.



Bhai order bata to kaise rehni chahiye after top five services, jiska mains hoga uske lie helpful rahega.


Depends on the following:

1.Your home state (if you want posted there, the service needs to have multiple offices in that state. Some services like railways, defence accounts have offices all over India, while some like ICAS is almost Delhi centric)

2. "Age" of the service: older the service, the better. That's because basic infrastructure will already be there (quarters, guest houses, good enough offices etc). For newer services (like ICLS), almost nothing will be there, and you will have to put in the effort and get things done from the scratch.

3. "Power" the service wields: after the top five, unfortunately services are rare in which you could do things. IRTS was considered a powerful service (but nothing can be said of the new IRMS, it's a risky choice as no details are known about the service). Accounts services will always have some power as the general dictum works well here too (those who control money will have power). IDAS is good, but ICAS not that much (Delhi centric, plus don't have Financial Advisor posts). IPTAFS isn't that good (though they like to say it is).

4. Services I consider bad are: AFHQ, RPF, ICLS(one of the newest services), ITS, Defence Estates service.



Bhai order bata to kaise rehni chahiye after top five services, jiska mains hoga uske lie helpful rahega.


Depends on the following:

1.Your home state (if you want posted there, the service needs to have multiple offices in that state. Some services like railways, defence accounts have offices all over India, while some like ICAS is almost Delhi centric)

2. "Age" of the service: older the service, the better. That's because basic infrastructure will already be there (quarters, guest houses, good enough offices etc). For newer services (like ICLS), almost nothing will be there, and you will have to put in the effort and get things done from the scratch.

3. "Power" the service wields: after the top five, unfortunately services are rare in which you could do things. IRTS was considered a powerful service (but nothing can be said of the new IRMS, it's a risky choice as no details are known about the service). Accounts services will always have some power as the general dictum works well here too (those who control money will have power). IDAS is good, but ICAS not that much (Delhi centric, plus don't have Financial Advisor posts). IPTAFS isn't that good (though they like to say it is).

4. Services I consider bad are: AFHQ, RPF, ICLS(one of the newest services), ITS, Defence Estates service.

All the above are subject to "structural" changes, which depends a lot on the government. The present government isn't Pro-bureaucracy. Many services may even disappear from the list (already IOFS, an overcrowded and bad service, has disappeared. Railways services, once considered good, after IRMS, nobody knows, as IRMS will put engineers and CSE guys on equal footing. Similarly govt can decide to combine all accounts services together and create one common accounts service).


The only two services, which won't see any reduction in power, in my opinion are the IPS and IA&AS. IPS, because police is a necessary evil, and "powerful leaders"(who are on the rise all over India) like to keep police on their side.IPS will see an increase in power in the future.

IA&AS will remain the same, as it's the only service in the list which has some kind of constitutional backing (CAG), and if their powers are reduced, will result in huge political furore.

I read in a YouTube comment that IRS(IT) is also losing charm due to face less tax assessment...i dont know.. someone please shed some light on this hypothesis.

It's true. They, as a service had become too powerful. So much so, that I heard they began harassing even top IAS and politicians using the data in their hands and get things done. In short, became a Mafia😅 (in customs too, this exists, as demonstrated by Mr Wankhede).

Earlier, the local raid teams could harass and blackmail local powerful people, as they themselves used to decide on whom to investigate and then raid. But after the faceless assessment reform, let's say you're an IT officer in Mumbai, but you won't get to investigate returns of a Mumbai business magnate, instead you will have to investigate someone's return randomly chosen by system (he may be in Kolkata or Cochin). Thus, the reform eliminated the arbitrary power of the local officer. A very good move (but heard there exists still many loopholes).


The only two services, which won't see any reduction in power, in my opinion are the IPS and IA&AS. IPS, because police is a necessary evil, and "powerful leaders"(who are on the rise all over India) like to keep police on their side.IPS will see an increase in power in the future.

IA&AS will remain the same, as it's the only service in the list which has some kind of constitutional backing (CAG), and if their powers are reduced, will result in huge political furore.

IA&AS is a powerful post..

Nice try dude..

First time heard that..

Nobody cares about them btw..

They keep looking for some calculation mistakes in accounts books.. but guess what..due to digitization that scope has ended..

All they get is chai nashta lunch from the pocket of staff members of the office where they audit ..that is all

IA&AS is one of the most powerful services out there. Once they write something on a file, even a minister will be in trouble. Everyone are afraid of them. 

"Nice try dude"?? 😁

Don't put it then, simple. Whatever I wrote above are my opinions, based on my own experience in service. If you don't like it, don't take it (I deleted my comment because that IPS part has a predictive character).


The only two services, which won't see any reduction in power, in my opinion are the IPS and IA&AS. IPS, because police is a necessary evil, and "powerful leaders"(who are on the rise all over India) like to keep police on their side.IPS will see an increase in power in the future.

IA&AS will remain the same, as it's the only service in the list which has some kind of constitutional backing (CAG), and if their powers are reduced, will result in huge political furore.

IA&AS is a powerful post..

Nice try dude..

First time heard that..

Nobody cares about them btw..

They keep looking for some calculation mistakes in accounts books.. but guess what..due to digitization that scope has ended..

All they get is chai nashta lunch from the pocket of staff members of the office where they audit ..that is all

System audit can't replace human audit, unless the AI becomes powerful enough. System can throw out the discrepancies in numbers, but it requires a human to make sense of it and arrive at good conclusions.


The only two services, which won't see any reduction in power, in my opinion are the IPS and IA&AS. IPS, because police is a necessary evil, and "powerful leaders"(who are on the rise all over India) like to keep police on their side.IPS will see an increase in power in the future.

IA&AS will remain the same, as it's the only service in the list which has some kind of constitutional backing (CAG), and if their powers are reduced, will result in huge political furore.

IA&AS is a powerful post..

Nice try dude..

First time heard that..

Nobody cares about them btw..

They keep looking for some calculation mistakes in accounts books.. but guess what..due to digitization that scope has ended..

All they get is chai nashta lunch from the pocket of staff members of the office where they audit ..that is all

System audit can't replace human audit, unless the AI becomes powerful enough. System can throw out the discrepancies in numbers, but it requires a human to make sense of it and arrive at good conclusions.

Bhai IAAS ka main benefit is just fast promotions. Rest itna koi audit ka power nahi hota bas thodi nuisance value hai wo bhi bohot jyada nahi hai. People in field are well aware of rules so audit doesn't scare them much. 

I don't think so. Everyone in government are afraid of "audit guys". People make sure that they are given the best vehicles, accommodation, liquor (and money too) etc, so that nothing bad gets written about them on file. So many rules are out there, and so much interpretation that it doesn't matter even if you're 100% honest; and in govt, so many are corrupt.


By the way..

Those claiming to have not joined the services after getting recommended are quiet about sharing the marks they scored..

Only talk about the posts.. because sharing marks will expose them..just like DKT

Ab itna bhi koi asambhav kaam nahi hai service mein select hokar join na karna. Agar koi already state PCS mein hai to IAAS k neeche ki service ko join karne mein jyada sense hai nahi. Aur ye "koi bhi service mil jaae" waali feeling bas rank na aane tak rehti hai. Jin din IIS/ICLS/IPTAFS type kuch join kar loge to day 1 se galiyan doge service ko aur bahar nikalne ka jugaad dhundhne lagoge. 

I know a lady who didn't take up IRAS (she was a doctor). Turned out to be a good decision.

Also seen someone not taking IDAS (already in RBI). Seen someone joining training for an accounts service and then go back to state service.


The only two services, which won't see any reduction in power, in my opinion are the IPS and IA&AS. IPS, because police is a necessary evil, and "powerful leaders"(who are on the rise all over India) like to keep police on their side.IPS will see an increase in power in the future.

IA&AS will remain the same, as it's the only service in the list which has some kind of constitutional backing (CAG), and if their powers are reduced, will result in huge political furore.

IA&AS is a powerful post..

Nice try dude..

First time heard that..

Nobody cares about them btw..

They keep looking for some calculation mistakes in accounts books.. but guess what..due to digitization that scope has ended..

All they get is chai nashta lunch from the pocket of staff members of the office where they audit ..that is all

System audit can't replace human audit, unless the AI becomes powerful enough. System can throw out the discrepancies in numbers, but it requires a human to make sense of it and arrive at good conclusions.

Bhai IAAS ka main benefit is just fast promotions. Rest itna koi audit ka power nahi hota bas thodi nuisance value hai wo bhi bohot jyada nahi hai. People in field are well aware of rules so audit doesn't scare them much. 

I don't think so. Everyone in government are afraid of "audit guys". People make sure that they are given the best vehicles, accommodation, liquor (and money too) etc, so that nothing bad gets written about them on file. So many rules are out there, and so much interpretation that it doesn't matter even if you're 100% honest; and in govt, so many are corrupt.

Well maybe so. I didn't see such Khauf of Audit people. I have only seen people treating them as minor nuisance. And audit doesn't say anything about a person, may make comments on some decisions which as I said are routine objections just minor inconvenience. 

I assume you're not in a government service (please don't take the comment in a bad way, so far what I've seen, anyone in govt would know about the power of IA&AS).



» show previous quotes

Not proud bhai. It was a very difficult time. People eulogize the exam too much. Sadly, everyone thought I cleared "IAS exam" but then I'm still here. So answering so many questions  now. Infact, had stopped socializing for a while. 

I wish you get good rank and desired service. 


You don't need to justify to anonymous people on  forum.

You posted your experiences to tell people to be mindful , while filling the service preferences in daf. It's upto others to take it in whatever way they want to take.

Moreover, posting marks and year of selection, people can easily track your name and other details , as it's available on public domain. I don't think you would want it either.

All the very best to you. Cheers😀


The only intention is to ID the person. It's foolish to fall into such an ego trap and disclose yourselves in a platform full of anonymous people. 



» show previous quotes

Not proud bhai. It was a very difficult time. People eulogize the exam too much. Sadly, everyone thought I cleared "IAS exam" but then I'm still here. So answering so many questions  now. Infact, had stopped socializing for a while. 

I wish you get good rank and desired service. 


You don't need to justify to anonymous people on  forum.

You posted your experiences to tell people to be mindful , while filling the service preferences in daf. It's upto others to take it in whatever way they want to take.

Moreover, posting marks and year of selection, people can easily track your name and other details , as it's available on public domain. I don't think you would want it either.

All the very best to you. Cheers😀


The only intention is to ID the person. It's foolish to fall into such an ego trap and disclose yourselves in a platform full of anonymous people. 

As if anyone will get Olympic gold medal by knowing the name ..

It's like you are giving a bit too much importance to yourself..

Certainly not interested in that.. but definitely in marks..

Anyways.. ab recommended candidates hain to hain bhai.. we stand nowhere in front of the elites

Yeah yeah

I understand👍🏽😊


@Philip_Marlowe,@Dip, as per your experience, would it be a bad decision to put IA&AS over IRS?

I've seen some videos where I got to know that in IRS though intake is low these years, is a bottom-heavy service. Hence slow promotions. IA&AS on the other hand is the only central service apart from IFS which gets promotions timely at the same level as all India services. Also, the work seems to be interesting with further specialisation into environmental or social audits.
What are your views?

It's a personal choice. If you like IA&AS, then it's a very good service, in my opinion. 

Both IRS IT and Customs have this "bottom heavy" issue. Customs have it for a long time. IRS IT will soon face the trouble. That's because from around 2009 (figures aren't exact) times, under Chidambaram, it was decided to increase the IRS IT intake. The logic was that, since it's a revenue generating service, more officers means more revenue. So, every year, around 100 was the intake for IRS IT. This was stopped in 2018 onwards, I think.

Now, in every government service, first two promotions happen on time. It's from JS level onwards that the crunch starts. Usually IAS become JS by 14 years, similar for IPS. For other services it's 14+2,3,4... even upto 10 years. I've heard that already now customs takes around 20 years to get JS level promotion (but I still prefer customs over IT, because I find the job thrilling). Now, since the increased intake of IRS happened around 2009, from around 2023-24, a bottleneck will appear in their JS  promotions. IRS IT guys themselves are worried about it, especially after the recent reforms, they are demanding increased deputation to compensate for the deficiencies.

I'm no expert, but if you like IA&AS, I'd definitely say it's a very good choice. Again, it's a personal choice. I don't like IRS IT(we had a two weeks combined training with them in their academy and I really hated it. The officers were pretty arrogant and the subject seemed too dry and boring. Only a few gets to take part in raids and others have to do the boring number crunching, but since they generate revenue, living and working conditions will be better in comparison). 

In comparison, IA&AS always maintained their intake steady. Their promotions are on time, Plus a lesser known thing about IA&AS is that there are many opportunities for foreign deputation, if you are good at work. Don't know the details.

NB: purely my opinion. Please do research on your own before finalising the preferences.

Irrespective of the purpose behind the notice, ideally UPSC should do this every year, so that the insider trade comes to an end. They can provide a further upadate the day before result too, with the exact time.


Why UPSC gave notice ?

To inform that not even 20 days between your interview and result. So, those who are confident must prepare now.

Only one week time between result and first interview means get your documents ready now itself.That may be one reason.



Why UPSC gave notice ?

To inform that not even 20 days between your interview and result. So, those who are confident must prepare now.

Only one week time between result and first interview means get your documents ready now itself.That may be one reason.

For filling DAF, not much time will be provided.


can anyone help me with following queries:

1: are candidates from delhi qualifying for interview called first?

2: are candidates called roll number wise for interview? 

In some years, it's state wise. In 2016, aspirants from Kerala were called last, if I remember correct. But in many other years, it seems to be random.


can anyone help me with following queries:

1: are candidates from delhi qualifying for interview called first?

2: are candidates called roll number wise for interview? 

In some years, it's state wise. In 2016, aspirants from Kerala were called last, if I remember correct. But in many other years, it seems to be random.

okay sir thanks

need some help with interview from you.

should i right away join mocks?

regarding my subject, should one prepare their optional more or the graduation subject more.

lets say i get a call(the possibility of which i cant rule out), i dont want to be caught off guards. especially if i get 1st week of april. UPSC has clearly warned us by that notification.

I can only tell my experience (and no "sir" please). I didn't attend mocks during the initial period, thought I'll prepare first and then attend. But that's a mistake. It doesn't matter if we get destroyed in a mock (unless they capture the video and upload it without permission). So, I'd say, if some good institute is conducting a mock now, with a good panel, and provided you don't have to travel long distance to attend it, it's good to attend.

To me, questions from both history (optional) and degree subject were asked. But no questions about hone state. Home state, degree subject, optional, hobbies are all equally important. To me, history optional question was asked connected to another fact provided in my DAF (wrt Sanskrit), and from there they asked 3-4 questions, mostly simple and direct.

From degree subject, few practical questions were asked, again pretty basic stuff.


can anyone help me with following queries:

1: are candidates from delhi qualifying for interview called first?

2: are candidates called roll number wise for interview? 

In some years, it's state wise. In 2016, aspirants from Kerala were called last, if I remember correct. But in many other years, it seems to be random.

okay sir thanks

need some help with interview from you.

should i right away join mocks?

regarding my subject, should one prepare their optional more or the graduation subject more.

lets say i get a call(the possibility of which i cant rule out), i dont want to be caught off guards. especially if i get 1st week of april. UPSC has clearly warned us by that notification.

I can only tell my experience (and no "sir" please). I didn't attend mocks during the initial period, thought I'll prepare first and then attend. But that's a mistake. It doesn't matter if we get destroyed in a mock (unless they capture the video and upload it without permission). So, I'd say, if some good institute is conducting a mock now, with a good panel, and provided you don't have to travel long distance to attend it, it's good to attend.

To me, questions from both history (optional) and degree subject were asked. But no questions about hone state. Home state, degree subject, optional, hobbies are all equally important. To me, history optional question was asked connected to another fact provided in my DAF (wrt Sanskrit), and from there they asked 3-4 questions, mostly simple and direct.

From degree subject, few practical questions were asked, again pretty basic stuff.

thank you for all this info

i have an eerie feeling that i am very late now in prep of this. but no point of thinking now.

There's no point in trying to prepare everything. Better way would be to take last year's transcript compilation, search for your state/hobby/optional/degree subject, then prepare answers. That's what I plan to do (compiled the questions, but then got lazy😅). 



@Philip_Marlowe is it a good idea to read backlog of NP?

I haven't touched a news paper in years😅 what I plan to do first is to list the main issues covered by outlook magazine or any other such 'generic' magazine (and not frontline or epw) in the last few months. Again, another plan, but nothing done so far 😁

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