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Mains 2021 Result declared - In or Out?

OUT- 5th attempt and 1st mains. 

I am utterly confused on what to do next so hoping somebody could guide me. I had been working in a government organisation and resigned in January 2021. The decision for resigning was based on 

1. Obviously wanted to give a whole hearted attempt at UPSC before moving on 

2. I didn't want to continue working in the same organisation due to not so great promotion opportunities and work profile 

I couldn't clear prelims in the first 3 attempts because I jumped into the sea of appearing for the examination without any preparations. By my fourth attempt I realised that I should have planned on appearing only after preparing well. So, I wasted my first 3 attempts because I wasn't prepared well. I started preparing only after getting into the job so I should have planned by attempts maybe 2 years after because what normally people could cover in 1 year, I was able to cover in 2. 

Failing to clear in the 4th attempt was heartbreaking but then I knew what shortcomings I had and worked on them. In my 5th attempt, clearing prelims was a great motivator also because I had quit my job and was 2 steps closer to my goal. But I have failed to clear mains and obviously I do realise that there are loopholes in my mains preparation. 

Long story short, when I quit my job I planned on giving one fully dedicated attempt and then moving on if I wasn't able to clear. Now, I am at that stage where I should be moving on. But I feel so confused if I should appear once again for my last attempt or go on preparing for CAT.  

If all goes rosy, I will only need 1 year to settle. However, if it doesn't I will need 4 year because 2022 goes to waste and I will appear for CAT in 2023 and start college from 2024. 

Can anybody guide me rationally. I know the decision is mine to make but all I am looking for is some fresh perspective. 

Congratulations and all the best to people who have cleared. Give your best :) 

@Capedcrusader1 Dont know about job assurity but it does open gates to corporate sector if you have had long break or in my case my job experience is not of much value in corporate and I want to swtich from a technical to non- technical job 

@Capedcrusader1 Definately you can take up a job since you have been preparing for quite sometime so you can manage job and preparation. And at the end of the day it is about if you find meaning in the work you are doing. However, sometimes circumstances are such that you have to prioritise a job that pays over a job that you dont want to do. So, choose accordingly 

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