@brownianMotion that means full scope of cheating in exam
@Pantheon epfo interview
u appears to be big-time idiot. Do u know shah faesal was given rank 1 in around 2009 to appease boiling kashmiri region around election time to divert hungama .Bureaucrats kids are given extra interview marks . etc etc..anyways buracureatats are nothing but pets of politicians as said by uma bharti.get lost.
Do u know shah faesal was given rank 1 in around 2009 to appease boiling kashmiri region around election time to divert hungama. Bureaucrats kids are given extra interview marks . etc etc..anyways buracureatats are nothing but pets of politicians as said by uma bharti.data is more than right on ana average basis
@mithrandir31 I have more facts to tell .upsc is biased.take it or leave it.
@mithrandir31 https://thewire.in/rights/preference-for-english-upper-caste-candidates-how-upsc-biases-impact-civil-services-exam
These are just overt ones...open ur eyes
@Capedcrusader1 30 % seat reservation tere dada deke gaye the kya .bloody joker.
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