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What are consistent qualities of people who score high marks in PT year after year? Is there a common thread that ties them, or is it too flimsy to merit much thought?


Alright, so I don’t want to be the person who writes everything he hears in the forum, but I always ask people what worked for them.

And because this thread is meant for that.

So there is this student who got 190+ in the interview ( Bassi Sir board ) last year and we just spoke and I asked her the cliched question ( which I am going to ask all of you here when you get 190-200+ marks )

What worked for you

She said unambiguously 

  1. I was very direct
  2. I did say No to a few questions 
  3. I did not beat around the push 
  4. I tried to stay cheerful : happy throughout the interview
  5. At the time of the interview , I felt it wasn’t going so good ( but didn’t Panick and pass judgement on myself during that interview - she didn’t say this, but said that I stayed happy till the end )

I remembered her because she had “boxfit” in her hobby section.

Point 5 was exactly my feeling, along with a mix of other points. Same board last year - 187. Commented because first time I observed a pattern. 




Alright, so I don’t want to be the person who writes everything he hears in the forum, but I always ask people what worked for them.

And because this thread is meant for that.

So there is this student who got 190+ in the interview ( Bassi Sir board ) last year and we just spoke and I asked her the cliched question ( which I am going to ask all of you here when you get 190-200+ marks )

What worked for you

She said unambiguously 

  1. I was very direct
  2. I did say No to a few questions 
  3. I did not beat around the push 
  4. I tried to stay cheerful : happy throughout the interview
  5. At the time of the interview , I felt it wasn’t going so good ( but didn’t Panick and pass judgement on myself during that interview - she didn’t say this, but said that I stayed happy till the end )

I remembered her because she had “boxfit” in her hobby section.

Point 5 was exactly my feeling, along with a mix of other points. Same board last year - 187. Commented because first time I observed a pattern. 

O God!

When I saw you comment, I thought you are her ( and wasn’t happy with the whole write up ! :P )

Hahaha not at all; actually just a bit more enlightened about the process. So, thank you! 


Hi@Arrokoth and@SkyWalk_19, could you also please mention some interview pointers which you think worked for you to get such great scores?

Hey, my understanding of my score and what made me get it is still a work in progress, sadly. I'm not entirely sure of how I ended up with it - but common factors seem to be confidence in demeanor, humility and clarity in responses, and answering thoughtfully wherever given an opportunity. If more things come to my mind, I'll add them here. All the best!

Does anybody have any leads on good mocks in Hyderabad? Either from coaching institutes or individual mentors. Also if anybody wants to form a group for candidates from Telangana, or such a group already exists, please let me know!

a. Officers IAS Academy- Skype session (average)

b. Lakshmiah Institute (didn’t find it useful)

c. RC Reddy (good)

d. Feynman IAS Institute (personal discussion with Venkata Mohan sir was helpful)

e. Hyderabad Study Circle (Excellent)

Source : Anudeep Durishetty Sir's blog

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Logically there has been an error by the technicians. Post grad seems to imply your degree. Which you get post graduating. Not marksheets or provisional certificate. The minimum educational qualification for this exam.

In the next check box upload all certificates of achievements by combining the pdfs into one. They wanted to say that individually convert your pdfs into greyscale and then combine into one. Its the second instruction on the upload document page. 

But they couldbt communicate it properly i think.

Tl dr- upload degree under 1st check box, certificates under 2nd after combining into single pdf

1. There's no error. We have uploaded our undergraduate degree with DAF I. That suffices. This is for those who check the box for having done their post graduation as well (like me). We have to upload the PG degree in support of that too.

2. The other certificates are not necessary to be uploaded with the second link. The DAF II gets submitted even without them. Did this last year, faced no issues (same columns were present in last year's DAF too)



To all of you filling up the forms, please know that you only have two worry about the details in two things.

One is EWS Certificate and the other is NCL Certificate. Apart from that you will not face any issues with respect to Certificates.

@Arrokoth  Did they even ask for certificates before the interview last year?  Apart from 10th and Grad/ Post Grad?

They didn't, apart from the ones you mentioned, Sir. Neither are those verified on the interview date. No hassle in that regard.




To all of you filling up the forms, please know that you only have two worry about the details in two things.

One is EWS Certificate and the other is NCL Certificate. Apart from that you will not face any issues with respect to Certificates.

@Arrokoth  Did they even ask for certificates before the interview last year?  Apart from 10th and Grad/ Post Grad?

They didn't, apart from the ones you mentioned, Sir. Neither are those verified on the interview date. No hassle in that regard.

That must be a relief to all first timers here. Plus the green tick :)

Haha sometimes I start doubting things that I know, looking at queries here. All this is a good confirmation exercise! :)


Anyone from last year interview. I have a basic doubt. 

Is the interview going to be taken with mask on or with out? 

Most probably with masks on, considering that the second wave is ascendent.


@Neyawn @Arrokoth @Matrigupta   sir in daf 1 , I didn't fill my work experience. Is there anyway to rectify it? 

Hey, you might want to contact UPSC about this. They have numbers for consultation about doubts of DAF 2. Generally, I don't think there's a way - but you may still try.


Time for this thread to be pinned back up again,@root , @Neyawn ?

Edit: Done, thanks!

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