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[Official ] Interview Preparation 2021 - Ask Questions, Debates and Doubts, Hobbies, Home State


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“Define Google”  defines hobby as “ an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.”

You can put upto two of them and prepare them well.

The problem is really of generation gap you see. If you were born in the 60s, you had less things to do, and very little information on pursuing a hobby. So you had less hobbies and pursued them over a relatively long period of time.

In “our” generation, thanks to Internet you can nearly pursue any hobby including earth watching from space without a long term commitment to it or being tied to the same hobby. So that creates some discrepancy in how we timing vs how the hoard things.

Last to last year, I met a candidate who had put reading Ramayan and Mahabharata in hobby section. When I asked him why he had put it, he said you ask any question in this.

He was fairly good, but the board may not be so kind, as these are strong areas of several people in the board.

besides among the youth the MAhabharat and Ramayan thing has picked up thanks to reading Devdutta Patnaik. Some people have quoted this in hobby by just reading Jaya.

The candidate managed to get IRS that year ( as far as I remember )

This year when I saw him, I asked him, you have not filled the same things again no?

He laughed and said No sir.

He also managed a fairly good 26 rank this year.So sometimes it is a good idea to play safe.

was wondering whether writing mahabharata ( instead of indian scriptures) as hobby makes sense or not..... anyway the above video is very insightful if anyone is going for the same this year.

and in general to cherish the acumen of our ancestors of whose there is no current parallel or probably there never will be



Seems like I am the only one who has traditional hobby of muscle training and working out. 

I have been regular at it for over 2 years now. The pandemic did act spoil sport but have been able to shed some extra kilos now that gyms are open.  

no you are not alone....also this probably is the safest hobby to be used in front of the panel 




Seems like I am the only one who has traditional hobby of muscle training and working out. 

I have been regular at it for over 2 years now. The pandemic did act spoil sport but have been able to shed some extra kilos now that gyms are open.  

no you are not alone....also this probably is the safest hobby to be used in front of the panel 

Yup. But they do ask technical questions like metabolic rate, loosing weight without loosing muscle etc. Came across them in some transcripts. I feel nutrition aspect could be asked in depth by the board

looks like nothing is safe.

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