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[Official ] Interview Preparation 2021 - Ask Questions, Debates and Doubts, Hobbies, Home State


Alright, so I don’t want to be the person who writes everything he hears in the forum, but I always ask people what worked for them.

And because this thread is meant for that.

So there is this student who got 190+ in the interview ( Bassi Sir board ) last year and we just spoke and I asked her the cliched question ( which I am going to ask all of you here when you get 190-200+ marks )

What worked for you

She said unambiguously 

  1. I was very direct
  2. I did say No to a few questions 
  3. I did not beat around the push 
  4. I tried to stay cheerful : happy throughout the interview
  5. At the time of the interview , I felt it wasn’t going so good ( but didn’t Panick and pass judgement on myself during that interview - she didn’t say this, but said that I stayed happy till the end )

I remembered her because she had “boxfit” in her hobby section.

What was her profile like? College, academics, extra curricular, age , attempts etc. Ive heard bassi screws with older 25+ players. 


@Neyawn How to deal with the nervousness of the sinking feeling of talking to a panel with all so experienced members? I am facing this issue of difficulty in speaking well what I think. I come up with all creative and artsy things when I think but it all flys somewhere when I start speaking. 

Mirror is not working well.

P. S. Never faced an interview before. It is very intimidating. 

Im facing similar issue. Root cause ive traced to me being alone. Im doing 2 3 things. Watch deabtes and podcasts and mock interviews. Be fully focussed and try to contribute to the conversation by speaking. Also talk to parents or friends on any one topic like home state in great depth. Then later i feel 1 2 mocks will loosen up any hesitations and fears.


1. Best online mock programmes? Plz do share.

2. How many mocks ideally?

3. How to justify gap years as unemployed senior aspirant?


My glasses prescription is from 2018 do i need a newer one for medical?

Also i dont wear glasses usually as vision only slightly off -0.5 to be precise. Do my photos need to be with specs?



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They are supposed to measure your eyesight, but some hospitals ask you to provide them the power to save the time ( govt hospitals are always flooded with patients )

If you don’t wear glasses, and your photo does not have glasses, it’s okay. The personality test and medical are on two different days and by different people :P

Thanks sir. Asking because i came to know of my myopia from a previous medical. Was minor. They asked me to get glasses made else theyd declare me medically unfit. Got them made same day. 

You are right about the photo. Was asking because one short tempered doc at lmlh went after a candidate for not having his photo with specs. But thats just one angry doc i guess. What else to expect 😅

Dealing with these nitty-gritties first. Keeping them on the side for peace of mind. Will now be able to focus on core prep better.



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They are supposed to measure your eyesight, but some hospitals ask you to provide them the power to save the time ( govt hospitals are always flooded with patients )

If you don’t wear glasses, and your photo does not have glasses, it’s okay. The personality test and medical are on two different days and by different people :P

Thanks sir. Asking because i came to know of my myopia from a previous medical. Was minor. They asked me to get glasses made else theyd declare me medically unfit. Got them made same day. 

You are right about the photo. Was asking because one short tempered doc at lmlh went after a candidate for not having his photo with specs. But thats just one angry doc i guess. What else to expect 😅

Dealing with these nitty-gritties first. Keeping them on the side for peace of mind. Will now be able to focus on core prep better.

Do we need to have our photo with specs? Everywhere I have my photo which is without specs

Not sure but i think it is required during medical. They do ask for 3 4 photos. With specific conditions. It gets waived if hospital staff is understanding. In other forms it wont matter. 

What documents to upload? General candidate.


If we don’t put our home state as first cadre preference, is it possible to put it in second or third or any other preference?@Neyawn 


so there are no railways services to fill in DAF II this time!!

This was already known from the vacancies chart

so there are no railways services to fill in DAF II this time!!

Except railway protection force

@NOLEisGOAT but they were there in the 2020 notification.
they're not there in 2021 notification.

Yes u r right :(



@Neyawn Sir, I am pasting this from a Telegram group. I have the similar doubt. Seems like there is some confusion about the wording

Logically there has been an error by the technicians. Post grad seems to imply your degree. Which you get post graduating. Not marksheets or provisional certificate. The minimum educational qualification for this exam.

In the next check box upload all certificates of achievements by combining the pdfs into one. They wanted to say that individually convert your pdfs into greyscale and then combine into one. Its the second instruction on the upload document page. 

But they couldbt communicate it properly i think.

Tl dr- upload degree under 1st check box, certificates under 2nd after combining into single pdf


@LionKing2021 bhaiji any insider info on interview schedule? Itna late kyu kar rhe is bar? Shuru to april me hoga?



@NOLEisGOAT Acc to yesterday's update on his channel interviews will begin from 26th April and go on till 18th June.

thanks result 20-22 ko ayega is hisab se. 27 ko pre. 
pre k liye simultaneously padna padega else it will be impossible. thinking of skipping. what are you guys doing?

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thanks result 20-22 ko ayega is hisab se. 27 ko pre. 
pre k liye simultaneously padna padega else it will be impossible. thinking of skipping. what are you guys doing?

Skipping 2021 for sure.Already 3 year into this prep.This was my best attempt.Had nothing more to offer from my side.Completely exhausted.Ab books kholne ka man nahi karta,attempt to door ki baat hai.Have found a job.Joining is on 28th june.Baaki jo aage hoga kismat mein ho jayega.Ab puri life bhagwan ke haath pe leave kar di hai.

Your plan?

want to give but dont know if ill be able to prep with intv round the corner. plus pre is the most dicey stage. cant risk wasting one attempt. not able to read same stuff again like u. skipping will depend on schedule and final result i guess. lets see.

@NOLEisGOAT you don't skip the attempt.
That's how you get success.!

bhai abhi se pdna pdega pre ka. time nahi rha. dekhte h


schedule out! insider info spot on. begins 26th april ends 18th june.

mine on first week of may. very little time. feeling so underprepared and anxious. can somebody outline a basic to do list in the run up to interview. from most essential to least please?


schedule out! insider info spot on. begins 26th april ends 18th june.

mine on first week of may. very little time. feeling so underprepared and anxious. can somebody outline a basic to do list in the run up to interview. from most essential to least please?

nothing mentioned about covid precautions. maybe that explains the delay in releasing schedule? they may have been contemplating over strictness of procedure? depending on situation they may go for strict guidelines like last year. may be outlined in e summon letter. 


schedule out! insider info spot on. begins 26th april ends 18th june.

mine on first week of may. very little time. feeling so underprepared and anxious. can somebody outline a basic to do list in the run up to interview. from most essential to least please?

@Neyawn sir 2nd para. Plz help. Frankly I dont think i have done much by way of interview specific prep till now. Less than a month left. 

June 16th 😬 does anybody have any advice on balancing prelims + interview preparation? 

Wait for someone experienced to chip in but i had planned on dividing time 2:1 for pre:interview. My to do for pre would include basic books and pt 365 and then vision+forum tests and previous years.Till 2 weeks before interview. 100 percent interview focus for 2 weeks. Then 100 percent pre after interview (duh 😀)

Ca is common. Basics are common. Infact on the brighter side you will be forced to study topics in depth which one normally wouldnt. Boon for the type of pre they are asking these days. 

*pinch of salt* whatever happens whoever advises u etc follow your own gut if u feel u r not doing justice to the interview prep. Interview>>>>>>>next pre in my humble opinion. Atb.

Ppl like me are having their own dilemma. The period after interview is anxiety laden. No real benefit for pre prep. Mind would be distracted for result. Plus so little time for interview prep. Feeling anxious. Need to start doing yoga. Less than a month to go.

Would u guys be wearing coats and ties in may june? 🤔
June 16th 😬 does anybody have any advice on balancing prelims + interview preparation? 

Wait for someone experienced to chip in but i had planned on dividing time 2:1 for pre:interview. My to do for pre would include basic books and pt 365 and then vision+forum tests and previous years.Till 2 weeks before interview. 100 percent interview focus for 2 weeks. Then 100 percent pre after interview (duh 😀)

Ca is common. Basics are common. Infact on the brighter side you will be forced to study topics in depth which one normally wouldnt. Boon for the type of pre they are asking these days. 

*pinch of salt* whatever happens whoever advises u etc follow your own gut if u feel u r not doing justice to the interview prep. Interview>>>>>>>next pre in my humble opinion. Atb.

Ppl like me are having their own dilemma. The period after interview is anxiety laden. No real benefit for pre prep. Mind would be distracted for result. Plus so little time for interview prep. Feeling anxious. Need to start doing yoga. Less than a month to go.

I've been doing Surya Namaskar + Pranayam + Bhramari ( 2 sets ) lately. Today was the 4th day.

Lethargy is gone and mental alertness is back. Give it a try. You may start off with Pranayam + Bhramari only if Surya Namaskar makes you uncomfortable. 

PS: I was never a 'Yoga person' until now. 

I have been that yoga person for the longest time. Only stopped couple of years back. Will get back now.

Surya namaskar is impossible for me. Tried it many times. Frustates me to be regular at it. Dont want to force myself to do it. Pranayam is my go to. Easy going and relaxing. Among these i prefer kapal bhati the most. Then anulom vilom. Finally silent meditation with om chanting and remembering isht devta. Then some stretching like paschimotnasan and vajrasana and padmasana and maybe 1 set of super slow surya namaskar. Thats it. No bhramari. I find it suffocating for some reason. Happy yoga!



I dont know what the pattern of interviews has been for the past few years. But to me, there's something odd about this year's interview schedule. On the first day 44 candidates are being interviewed, followed by ~47 on an average the next 4 days. Next week I believe this number changes to ~50s per day and for most the weeks it is in the 50s. I believe there is one more week somewhere in may where the average number of interviews per day goes in the 40s (I believe its 47). However, the final week is where they've crammed in all the remaining candidates, ~71 per day on the final day barring the last day, which led me to wonder whether candidates scoring better marks have been allocated slots on days where fewer interviews are to take place. No clue, just wild speculation. 
PS: My interview itself is on 16th June ~70 interviews, so was a bit freaked out last night while pondering over this. 

Dude. Youre overthinking. You also need to start doing yoga 😀



1.Where all are you guys giving mocks?

2.Are you going to offline centre?

3.Plz suggest names for online mocks?


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