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Hi, I am wondering what will be the time the interviews will be held. As in, the DAF-2 needs to be filled up by 5th April. Post that what is the minimum amount of time one should expect for the interview to start. I am currently at my home and am planning to come to Delhi ASAP. But am in a conundrum as to when to come, post the announcement of the interview dates or sooner.@Neyawn  Please shed some light. As in, if my interview were to be held in May, then I could possibly postpone my travel by a week or two. 


@Neyawn  sir, I am planning to come to Delhi, but am waiting for the interview dates to get announced. I have been advised by various people to come to Delhi asap just in case the interviews start early and my date falls within the first few days. Should I wait for the interview dates to get announced or should I come early w/o waiting for the same? 



This is probably a repeated question. I actually missed out on filling the relevant job experience in DAF-1. Although I don't have a real job experience till now, I've had a couple of internships which I didn't think qualified as a job and therefore missed out in DAF-1. Is there any way to cover it up in DAF-2? I don't see any column for filling job-related experience in DAF-2.

Further, I graduated from college in 2017 and since then have been into USPC preps, however, post the 2018 (failed) prelims attempt, I did try to get back into the job market and did a couple of projects for a lab (without any remuneration), which I ultimately failed to get into, although I do have a letter of invitation from the same to prove my involvement. I did spend close to 5-6 months on this, will it be safe to mention this somewhere if the board raises the question as to what have you been doing for the past ~4 years?  

I dont know what the pattern of interviews has been for the past few years. But to me, there's something odd about this year's interview schedule. On the first day 44 candidates are being interviewed, followed by ~47 on an average the next 4 days. Next week I believe this number changes to ~50s per day and for most the weeks it is in the 50s. I believe there is one more week somewhere in may where the average number of interviews per day goes in the 40s (I believe its 47). However, the final week is where they've crammed in all the remaining candidates, ~71 per day on the final day barring the last day, which led me to wonder whether candidates scoring better marks have been allocated slots on days where fewer interviews are to take place. No clue, just wild speculation. 
PS: My interview itself is on 16th June ~70 interviews, so was a bit freaked out last night while pondering over this. 

@Order sorry, deleted the above by mistake :/

@BlueLotus quite possible, I didn't factor this in. 

@NOLEisGOAT indeed, although I do practice Vipassana regularly, need to practice Pranayam as well :) 

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