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@Neyawn this is so true! All Non-fiction is just opinion at best. And like everything else, everyone has their own opinion on how to succeed in life, work, love etc. There is nothing sacrosanct. 

All these self-help books seem to me like one big knowledge-porn which leaves one frustrated and confused even more. But don’t get me wrong. I’m also a big part of this circle-jerk and I still read non-fiction. 

On the other hand, fiction is much more humane.  It’s like therapy. Writers tell you things that you were afraid to discuss with any other mortal. It makes you feel less alone in feeling the way you do. 

So yeah. 

I know most men (research says women like fiction more) who are in the workforce read mostly non-fiction. Like I follow Anudeep’s articles. He only talks about non-fiction. It isn’t a bad thing at all! Probably I’ll do the same going forward. 

But I just hope people don’t give up on fiction and philosophy. These two rescue us from the despair that springs forth from the absurdity of existence. 

Anyone from Karnataka as their state of residence? Would love to collate facts and prepare together. 
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