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[Official ] Interview Preparation 2021 - Ask Questions, Debates and Doubts, Hobbies, Home State

@Neyawn  Sir, I would be grateful if you will share your views on the following points:

1. In the column for prizes/ scholarships, does it make sense to write about intra-university level prizes in debates, quizzes, etc or even school level prizes?

2. I have done two foreign internships during my engineering. But that was almost 4-5 years ago. Would it make sense to fill it in the scholarship column or would it sound out of place?

3. In the sports column, should I just mention the name of the sport or also the level at which I have participated? Say, zonal level swimming or just swimming?

4. The 4thcolumn mentions extra-curricular activities along with hobbies. Would it be okay to fill in extra-curricular activities in which I participated during college (but not after) like debating or quizzing here?

5. I write short poems and prose in English and Hindi that I publish on a social media handle. It’s nothing major but I have been doing it for the last 4 years. Do you think I can write it under the hobbies column as “writing poems”? 

@Neyawn Thank you Sir. Will keep these points in mind. That is if i get the chance to fill the DAF. Hoping for the best, and preparing for the worst. 

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