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[Official] SFG 2022 - Level 1 | Calendar & Noticeboard

I dont know why but 5 PM makes me so anxious.... Have been waiting for the results since 4!!!
Aur kitna wait karna hoga :P

@fortarach63Now it is showing only Chapters 7, 8 and 9 right?


@Neyawn@SFGTeamI am attempting the tests offline at Hyderabad centre.... Today, the score that I see in my portal for the third test is not my score... I would score 82.67.... The score being shown there is 64
When I checked the solutions, my responses are not matching with what is being shown there....

In fact, I did not attempt Question 48, but it is being shown that I attempted that question...

So clearly, a wrong OMR might have been uploaded against my name... or someone else's marks have been added to my name!!!



@Neyawn@SFGTeamI am attempting the tests offline at Hyderabad centre.... Today, the score that I see in my portal for the third test is not my score... I would score 82.67.... The score being shown there is 64
When I checked the solutions, my responses are not matching with what is being shown there....

In fact, I did not attempt Question 48, but it is being shown that I attempted that question...

So clearly, a wrong OMR might have been uploaded against my name... or someone else's marks have been added to my name!!!

The last time this happened was when a candidate had just entered one digit wrong in her roll number and someone else result was screwed.

@farejul kindly fix this!

@BNA1991 Resolved now. Kindly check your portal. We will look into the matter and hope that such incidents do not happen again in the future.

Thank you sir... Resolved now.. Thanks a lot

Please if possible Saturday and Sunday should be off.... so that backlog can be covered... 

Yes, backlogs are increasing, difficult to cover in a day!

@farejul @Neyawn is this possible? 

Sir, initially in the SFG details also it was mentioned that SFG will be a 5 day per week plan.... When I saw the daily plan, it was scheduled to be a 6 day per week plan....
It was fine initially, but as week progressed, backlogs have been increasing, Not having much time to do anything else....

Please consider making the plan into a 5 day one....
If not, then I think I will have to push myself a little more to cover the backlogs, revise and also do optional and other things!!!
I don't know how others are managing time!!!



Please if possible Saturday and Sunday should be off.... so that backlog can be covered... 

Yes, backlogs are increasing, difficult to cover in a day!

@farejul @Neyawn is this possible? 

Sir, initially in the SFG details also it was mentioned that SFG will be a 5 day per week plan.... When I saw the daily plan, it was scheduled to be a 6 day per week plan....
It was fine initially, but as week progressed, backlogs have been increasing, Not having much time to do anything else....

Please consider making the plan into a 5 day one....
If not, then I think I will have to push myself a little more to cover the backlogs, revise and also do optional and other things!!!
I don't know how others are managing time!!!

I fully understand the stress that comes with it. But see the schedule. There are also students who are finding it less hectic. They think there is too much time for small parts of syllabus.

The time that you take is directly proportional to the preparation gap that you may have.

Okay sir, Will work on this




Please if possible Saturday and Sunday should be off.... so that backlog can be covered... 

Yes, backlogs are increasing, difficult to cover in a day!

@farejul @Neyawn is this possible? 

Sir, initially in the SFG details also it was mentioned that SFG will be a 5 day per week plan.... When I saw the daily plan, it was scheduled to be a 6 day per week plan....
It was fine initially, but as week progressed, backlogs have been increasing, Not having much time to do anything else....

Please consider making the plan into a 5 day one....
If not, then I think I will have to push myself a little more to cover the backlogs, revise and also do optional and other things!!!
I don't know how others are managing time!!!

I fully understand the stress that comes with it. But see the schedule. There are also students who are finding it less hectic. They think there is too much time for small parts of syllabus.

The time that you take is directly proportional to the preparation gap that you may have.

Okay sir, Will work on this

You will get a second chance in Level 2 and and a third chance in May month. Its always hectic if you are studying. You only tell me, two months back, your life was not as hectic. Were you even studying so much?

Sir honestly I am loving this... waking up at 6, taking bath, going to the center and writing the test... Never before have I been so systematic and yet enjoyed the experience...
The only worry is if I would be able to improve upon from my mistakes and make sure I don't repeat them again, and also if I would be able to revise them again.... Plus my Optional being Mathematics, I am slightly worried....

Otherwise, I have no complaints.... But I will definitely work on this and improve myself


In this question, 20% of seats is approximately 108 seats.... and the question says "May be registered"
No State has 108 seats to it... UP has Maximum 80.... There is every chance that the 108 states are won from three states...
The question says May be registered, so, 1st option can be correct right?

If a party wins 108 seats, then it may be registered as a National party (The question is not saying that it will be registered as a National Party)


Though I should mind my own business and work on improving my own score  but can’t help when I see 2 people score perfect 100 in today’s test ,is it so that weekly average goes up and then they are safe or the people here are that good .it just blows my mind 🤯

Seriously.... With due respects to everyone giving the tests with utmost sincerity online, I would consider my performance with respect to the topper of the Offline batch.... and then see how many offline and online students are there between his/her score and my score.... Plus, will obviously try to improve my absolute performance!!!

@BNA1991 bro what's average score in Hyderabad offline?

After week 1, 5 students from offline Test batch are in top 100 SFG... their average is around 78.4

I am assuming all these 5 are from Hyderabad center only, because I remember reading somewhere that both Delhi and Patna are closed.

The average of 8 students from offline batch who stood in top 200 is around 74.54

@NeyawnSir, I have developed symptoms of Covid today.... Can I attempt the tests online from home?

Also, I would like to inform everyone from Hyderabad center to keep a watch on their health, though we have been maintaining social distancing and putting on our masks in the room


@NeyawnSir, I have developed symptoms of Covid today.... Can I attempt the tests online from home?

Also, I would like to inform everyone from Hyderabad center to keep a watch on their health, though we have been maintaining social distancing and putting on our masks in the room

Please contact Mr Farej immediately so that this can be done.

Done sir... Thank You so much


@NeyawnSir, I have developed symptoms of Covid today.... Can I attempt the tests online from home?

Also, I would like to inform everyone from Hyderabad center to keep a watch on their health, though we have been maintaining social distancing and putting on our masks in the room

Gave the test online for the first time.. scored 52.67, my least score by far🥺 Of course, I couldn't finish the daily target, but still feel I should have done a lot better😩
I have to score good in the remaining papers to stay in the top 100-200



This is way lowest than lowest itself.

- Opened Sociology NCERTs for the first time for this. While reading Ifeltthere is nothing much of "Substance" in the books. Read half-hartedly, without any interest.


Glad that now 

ikr... I will read all these Sociology books again.... Missed finer points while reading it the first time, now, will focus on those points

@BNA1991 I think it has more to do with the test itself. This was a low scoring one coming after high scoring polity. 
Get well soon.

Yeah, felt like it... Options were also so close and confusing


Kitna kam score karwa sakte ho?


Hahaha 😂


It seems like there is an error with the solution of Question 14. The definition of Dependency Ratio is written as  Dependency Ratio is the number of people economically active divided by the number of people economically inactive and dependent on the former in a given population.  

Whereas, the correct definition should be reverse of what is given, if I am not wrong. It should be 'The dependency ratio is measure which compares the dependents (below 15 and above 64) to the working age population (15-64)'. 

I saw this definition, thought it was incorrect and ended up with the wrong answer! 

Same here


@KMaloneBro your take on today's test??



This is way lowest than lowest itself.

- Opened Sociology NCERTs for the first time for this. While reading Ifeltthere is nothing much of "Substance" in the books. Read half-hartedly, without any interest.


Glad that now 

Same here. Read one chapter from Indian society and thought it was all just going to be fluff with some factual info here and there (basically bad input-output ratio) and the test was going to be conceptual questions (which I can usually manage without preparation). Treated yesterday like a break day and did other stuff. Today was such a shocker. Well, better now than June 5! Learnt: I know nothing, I have been flying too close to the sun, screw the whole idea of this input-output thing (I am an aspirant and I have nothing better to do with my time. Studying is literally all I have to do, so I need to stop looking for shortcuts all the time)

Now am confused for tomorrow! Didn't even buy microeconomics NCERT n now I don't know what to do. Still have bias/prejudice/rationale that it's not useful for the exam. 

SUGGEST way forward!! Haha

NCERT class 12  books are very important... questions have been repeatedly asked from demand, price, substitute and complimentary goods, GDP etc

Download from  the NCERT website and read them for sure

What do you call a person who made the same mistake in UPSC Prelims 2021 and now again in the same question???

I got the demand question wrong again🤦🏻‍♂️
Silly careless mistakes
What do you call a person who made the same mistake in UPSC Prelims 2021 and now again in the same question???

I got the demand question wrong again🤦🏻‍♂️
Silly careless mistakes

You might forget him but what about the one who marked a question wrong despite marking it correct in Exam!

huh don't say😒 happened many times... thankfully not this time though


Sir said in the explanation video that Factor Cost includes Subsidies and excludes taxes. Can someone please clarify?

I thought Factor Cost is simply what you pay for the 'factors of production' and has nothing to do with taxes/subsidies. Production taxes and Production subsidies are included only at the Basic Price level, right? Then when the good reached the market- product taxes and subsidies are applied on top of the Basic Price. 

Did I get it all wrong lol

Suppose Telangana Government wants to attract Tesla, it gives subsidies on land. So Tesla will pay less towards land, and this will bring down the factor cost.
So, factor cost will include the subsidies at production level....
@BNA1991 what was your pre marks from keys?I am comparing marks with you in tests that's why asking

Sorry for that😆

You mean the actual prelims??

2020 I got 89
2021, same range around 92....

But again, I usually believe in not worrying about things that are past or that are beyond my control... All I know is that I didnt clear prelims this time... doesn't matter if I missed it by 0.3, or 3 or even more....

Focus is on next year...

@BNA1991 what was your pre marks from keys?I am comparing marks with you in tests that's why asking

Sorry for that😆

You mean the actual prelims??

2020 I got 89
2021, same range around 92....

But again, I usually believe in not worrying about things that are past or that are beyond my control... All I know is that I didnt clear prelims this time... doesn't matter if I missed it by 0.3, or 3 or even more....

Focus is on next year...

These are very good marks@BNA1991 . Did you joined SFG in earlier attempts? And how did you missed the cut-off in 2021? I think some students getting 88-90 from various keys have qualified.

No, joining SFG for the first time... So far the experience has been surreal, in a positive way of course....

And about the cut off, I dont know.... A few more months and we will know the actual marks and the official key.... So, have to wait till then


If we Consider option c, if government borrows from central bank for covering its Fiscal Deficits, even then will it lead to increase in money supply? Or if govt borrowed and spend on some populist measures even then will it lead to an increase in money supply? 

Is option c correct in general parlance(assuming that government will spend on developmental or for welfare)?

If ques incudesnecessarilylead to increase in money supply in the economy? can then we eliminate option c on upper grounds?

Kindly someone clarify.

Government used to earlier borrow long term from RBI to cover for its fiscal deficit, but since 1997 or so, this has been stopped... Government can no longer borrow money from RBI to cover for its fiscal deficit... FRBM Act also supports this view, but the Act provides for some exceptional circumstances like National security, war, etc

Anyways, so the option C will in that case automatically mean that the government is borrowing from RBI only for short term and that is for addressing temporary mismatches in cash balances. This is by WMA mechanism. And once the govt borrows money from RBI, the financial stress on the govt will come down... So it can look to invest more into the economy....

This is what I understood....


In the context of Indian economy, which of the following is/are included within the scope of Gross Fixed?

Acquisition of defence equipment (for example s400) is not capital formation? And is it capital expenditure or revenue expenditure?

Since there was no option for 1,2,3, it became easier to answer this question as 1 and 3 only....

But I had the same doubt when answering the question....

I just now found something interesting... In this link, read through the comments, mainly of India... and this I think, explains why GFCF excludes defense equipments
The data here is of 2004, but the arguments are relevant I feel


Ques 6. Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) includes the acquisition of produced assets including purchases of second-hand assets.

But the second hand assets were already counted as capital expenditures during the year they were produced. There is no value addition now being done.

Q.8) Which of the following are the primary objectives of fiscal policy in India?

The question asks for the (PRIMARY) objectives of (FISCAL) policy in India. While the fiscal policy may affect the price stability of an economy, it is not its prime concern. Price stability (inflation management) is under the ambit of MONETARY POLICY. The answer should be (a) that is only 1 and 5.

Someone please provide your insights

Price stability through borrowings, tax rates, Essential commodities act, price ceilings etc

@VishalDixit @bna1991Yes, the govt can stabilise prices not only by increasing taxes but also by reducing the expenditure. As I said, the fiscal policy would have effect on the prices. But these are generally indirect and non-effective ways of controlling prices. Take the current situation. Inflation is at all time high level. Has the govt reduced taxes on petrol (apart from the reduction due to polls) to ease supply side constraints, or increased the personal or corporate income taxes? Tax and expenditure structures are rigid. The monetary policy instruments therefore are the primary and more effective tools for price stability.
filed a doubt, let's see.

Cool, let's see what sir says in thecorrigendum


In Ramesh Singh, Stagflation is given as "combination of high inflation and high growth".

Isn't it high inflation with low growth?

Yeah even I noticed it... and this must be a typo right....

I crosschecked with investopedia website which says "Stagflation is characterized by sloweconomic growthand relatively high unemployment—or economic stagnation—which is at the same time accompanied by rising prices (i.e. inflation). Stagflation can be alternatively defined as a period of inflation combined with a decline in thegross domestic product(GDP)."

@KMaloneI too didn't get it.
In another chapter, it is written that FRBM 2003 provides the state government powers to borrow without the permission of central govt. While article 293 says otherwise

FRBM Act provides such powers to the state govts??
FRBM only deals with what center must do....

12th Finance Commission said that states can be allowed to borrow, provided they enact their own FRBM Acts.... And that is being implemented now... and Article 293 says, if the states have any outstanding loan, only then states have to take permission of the center for raising more loans...

Could someone please provide the source for Tamil nadu volume 2 pdf?



Could someone please provide the source for Tamil nadu volume 2 pdf?

Are you fine now ? You in Hyderabad no ?

Getting better sir....Most of the symptoms subsided now.... Two-three more days and I am hoping to be negative....

I am waiting to come to the center and write the mocks again... Not liking the online mode :/
Three more days, and I will give my Covid Test...

I hate History  :( :(

Q18 most other ans keys say nizamat of arcot was estb by aurangzeb and was not made out of Hyderabad

Q11 First anglo maratha war..Madhavrao had already come it was a result of power struggle b/w him and Raghunathrao?

does someone else has these doubts?

Adding to this, Q8: Residents were the heads of contingent army of Subsidiary Alliance? weren't they just agents of the company ?

Also regarding statement 2 of 8th ques; In spectrum page 89 it is given that the English posted a resident in nawabs court after plassey.

true true.... That's why I hate history... so many confusing statements and different opinions in different books!!!


Could@farejul confirm whether we are to do Chapter 9 or 11 in the Class 8 NCERT? 

The timetable says chapter 9, but the name of chapter 11 is mentioned! 

You are referring to the old version of NCERT our past III which is split into two parts part 1 and part 2...

Download the latest one from NCERT website... in that Chapter 9 is the Making of the National Movement

Of all the things that I learned today from the key, one thing that will stay with me for long is that "Nellie Sengupta" was a foreigner.... I always read Nellie Sengupta as Nalli Sengupta (Further Indianised Nellie as Nalli😅)
She married Jatin Sengupta.... She Presided the 1933 Congress Session....

@SFGTeam  Kindly look into this. Thanks

Fill the form... Sir might take these up in corrigendum


When you score low, you feel disappointed, scared that a lot is still left to cover...

When you score high, you fear that this might be a one off case, and that there is still a lot left to cover... and it might just be a case where your negatives were very less, you could easily eliminate from options, and whatever you did worked.... You are scared that this might not happen in the actual exam....

I am exactly feeling this way... After two successive days of low scores in History, today was a bumper high. I have been weak in History, and I am aware of that... So, high or low, both mean the same to me now!!!

Today is a revision day!!! Have a lot to revise



@Yad In the same boat. Tried to do both perfectly and missed either of them most days. 
Getting up at 4:30 or 5 am.. will give you 2 solid hours of concentrated focussed quality time. If you are zoned out it feels like you're giving 3-4 hours worth of study here. This is the only time i'm giving to SFG.. post test 8 to 9:30 am - for test analysis and noting down mistakes. Rest of the day for optional and GS. Only catch here is you shouldn't get bothered by marks or ranks as other people will be giving more than double time you giveIf you can squeeze an hour during the day you can very well manage SFG ( again this works only if you don't worry about marks - it gets a little time to get used to).  It's all about balancing and being happy by giving your fullest potential. 
Hope this helps :) 

Buddy, how do you wake up so early..please give some pointers on how to wake up at 5 or even earlier?

If you have it at the bak of your mind that you have to wake up at so and so hour, you will wake up. Just that the thought has to dominate your mind when you goto bed and are about to sleep.

My sleep timings are mostly flexible. But one thing's for sure, I sleep for 7 hours, guaranteed. Plus I take a power nap of 20 mins in the mid day, if I feel drowsy.
I wake up at 6 usually. But some days, I choose to wake up at 5 or 4 ... But for that I try sleeping early, shutting down all the noise from outside.

So two tips
1) If you want to wake up early, try to sleep early the previous night.
2) Mindset, you have to keep telling yourself that you are going to wake up at 5 tomorrow. Your body will listen to you for sure...

Additionally, if on any day you feel drowsy during the day because you could not get the sufficient 7 hours of sleep, then go for a 'less than 20 minute power nap'.
Such a power nap should be in the mid day and not in the evenings, because that can again affect your sleep timings at night.... So all this is a cycle, and we need to regulate it properly

Why are subsidies given by the Government not considered as transfer payments?

Transfer payments are part of the Personal income. They are not linked to any commodity transaction. Neither do they absorb any resource or create any output directly...
Subsidies are not transfer payments because they are linked to some production or commodity transaction. They are directly involved in creating some output.
If the govt transfers 2000Rs, as part of some income redistribution or social scheme, you may use the 2000 rs for any purpose...
But if the govt is giving you a subsidy of 2000 Rs for the purchase of some input, then you can use it only for that purpose...

Why are subsidies given by the Government not considered as transfer payments?

Transfer payments are part of the Personal income. They are not linked to any commodity transaction. Neither do they absorb any resource or create any output directly...
Subsidies are not transfer payments because they are linked to some production or commodity transaction. They are directly involved in creating some output.
If the govt transfers 2000Rs, as part of some income redistribution or social scheme, you may use the 2000 rs for any purpose...
But if the govt is giving you a subsidy of 2000 Rs for the purchase of some input, then you can use it only for that purpose...

and that's the reason why transfer payments aren't counted in expenditure of GDP as they don't create any output whereas for Subsidies are counted. 

Yes... Exactly

I gave my exam offline today 😃 Absolutely loving this feel... Never felt like it while giving online for the last 10 days!!!

@forumiasacademy @SFGTeam TEST 18 Q 5 

4. The Congress provincial government lifted the ban on HSD after the 1937 elections. 

This statement is incorrect because the ban was never lifted before independence. Question need to be deleted due to no best available option there,

But in Spectrum it is given that the ban was lifted


Desai liqat,wavell,cripps etc I have read many many times in my life but have not revised immediately..marked everything wrong

While reading I felt comfortable.... Test me sab galat hogaya....
Preparation ke time Baahubali jaisa feel kar raha tha, Test dete wakt Bijjaldeva ban gaya...

» show previous quotes

Huh? So according to the official key, Mahatma gandhi wasn't the leader of the movement ? :o [But the solutions that forumias provided says the official key says answer is 'a']

 @Forumiasacademy this has been given wrong info in explaination Please update  

Regardless of what the key says, How is Mahatma Gandhi not the leader of the movement? :o This beats the logic out of me! [Pg:448 of spectrum also says "He was chosen to be the leader of the struggle"]  

My take.... Though Congress Chose Mahatma to lead the movement, even before it's start, all the leaders were arrested... This made the revolt leaderless, with many young new generation, never heard off people coming to the forefront.

Even in this article it says the same!!!

In spectrum also, it mentions that QIM was leaderless, and hence there was violence and no restraint..


When you score low, you feel disappointed, scared that a lot is still left to cover...

When you score high, you fear that this might be a one off case, and that there is still a lot left to cover... and it might just be a case where your negatives were very less, you could easily eliminate from options, and whatever you did worked.... You are scared that this might not happen in the actual exam....

I am exactly feeling this way... After two successive days of low scores in History, today was a bumper high. I have been weak in History, and I am aware of that... So, high or low, both mean the same to me now!!!

Today is a revision day!!! Have a lot to revise

Scored low again....
Why? Because of two reasons mainly
1) Confusion in the finer details...
2) Interpretation issues....

Moreover,@forumiasacademyplease update the keys for the previous year questions provided in your website to make them consistent with the official keys....

The very thought that what if I lose marks in the actual UPSC exam, not because of factual errors, but because of interpretation issues, is making me anxious.


When you score low, you feel disappointed, scared that a lot is still left to cover...

When you score high, you fear that this might be a one off case, and that there is still a lot left to cover... and it might just be a case where your negatives were very less, you could easily eliminate from options, and whatever you did worked.... You are scared that this might not happen in the actual exam....

I am exactly feeling this way... After two successive days of low scores in History, today was a bumper high. I have been weak in History, and I am aware of that... So, high or low, both mean the same to me now!!!

Today is a revision day!!! Have a lot to revise

Scored low again....
Why? Because of two reasons mainly
1) Confusion in the finer details...
2) Interpretation issues....

Moreover,@forumiasacademyplease update the keys for the previous year questions provided in your website to make them consistent with the official keys....

The very thought that what if I lose marks in the actual UPSC exam, not because of factual errors, but because of interpretation issues, is making me anxious.

Especially after scoring at the edge in consecutive prelims 🥲

Exactly bro!!! Spot on....

@BNA1991 check Mrunal ka website, usme generally updated hote hai PYQs with the official ans key in my exp.

Yeah most of Mrunal's solutions are corrected to make them consistent with the Official key, but this fear of "what if they didn't" is a constant fear.... So wherever possible I keep the official keys opened alongside

@BNA1991 Do you have the compilation of official keys at one place ? If so please share it! or point me in the right direction to find it! Thanks

No bro... I download the official keys directly from UPSC... It is time taking, but I didn't find any institute that gives us the correct key as per UPSC...
I found errors even in Mrunal's PYQ book also...
FOr example, today's question on QIM... the answer as per Mrunal was 'a' if I remember it right....

@BNA1991 Do you have the compilation of official keys at one place ? If so please share it! or point me in the right direction to find it! Thanks

No bro... I download the official keys directly from UPSC... It is time taking, but I didn't find any institute that gives us the correct key as per UPSC...
I found errors even in Mrunal's PYQ book also...
FOr example, today's question on QIM... the answer as per Mrunal was 'a' if I remember it right....

I have found multiple mismatches in Polity PYQ's too in Mrunal's! Post that, even I started crosschecking with the official keys if my gut tells the key in mrunal's is wrong! But today my gut and mrunal were both wrong regarding that QIM :( [My gut still feels Mahatma Gandhi is the leader of the movement :p ]

I got the new edition of Mrunal sir's PYQs by Disha Publications... The new edition specifically mentions that their keys are updated with the official keys. I checked a few PYQs where there was inconsistency in most keys. This book has corrected them.
In fact, I saw today's QIM question in Previous edition. The answer given was a.
But the latest edition mentions the correct answer as b.

So I think these people have revised it with official keys....

@BNA1991 Do you have the compilation of official keys at one place ? If so please share it! or point me in the right direction to find it! Thanks

No bro... I download the official keys directly from UPSC... It is time taking, but I didn't find any institute that gives us the correct key as per UPSC...
I found errors even in Mrunal's PYQ book also...
FOr example, today's question on QIM... the answer as per Mrunal was 'a' if I remember it right....

I have found multiple mismatches in Polity PYQ's too in Mrunal's! Post that, even I started crosschecking with the official keys if my gut tells the key in mrunal's is wrong! But today my gut and mrunal were both wrong regarding that QIM :( [My gut still feels Mahatma Gandhi is the leader of the movement :p ]

I got the new edition of Mrunal sir's PYQs by Disha Publications... The new edition specifically mentions that their keys are updated with the official keys. I checked a few PYQs where there was inconsistency in most keys. This book has corrected them.
In fact, I saw today's QIM question in Previous edition. The answer given was a.
But the latest edition mentions the correct answer as b.

So I think these people have revised it with official keys....

Which edition is this

A record new low today :-|

This shows me how weak I am in Modern Indian History!!!

the explanation for Question 9, clearly indicates the answer should be (c), which is efficient judiciary, but the answer is different.

More so, this is a PYQ!

Could anyone help me with the understanding of this question?

Yeah same question... The official key says 'd'
Trying to understand 😪


Sorry I am bothering you all but i am really not satisfied with my scores in SFG. It really showed me the mirror that I am lacking in lot of areas. I am working hard doing things religiously and following the schedule. I am unable to find out what is going wrong after putting a lot of hard work. My confidence has taken a dip and i am having sleepless nights struggling with my self. 

any suggestions what can I do to improve myself ?

Bro, don't think this as a Test, instead see this as an opportunity to zero in on your weaknesses....

Many times what happens is that when we give FLT mocks, we might score well because at most 10 - 15 questions are asked from any one subject.... So even if your command on any subject is weak, that gets pushed under the carpet. Like, you may score high despite choosing to not attempt 9 out of 10 questions from that subject.

But now, because we are going through the micro topics, this can help us identify exactly where and what has gone wrong, or what we need to focus more on.

I will give my example only....

I scored really good in Test 17 and Test 18. The syllabus was from first phase of revolutionary activities to 1939

But I scored really bad today and yesterday, the syllabus being 1939 to independence, and today's syllabus on Peasant, tribal revolts, education, press etc....

Yes I am really sad. I spent 6 hours yesterday and for a moment I felt that had I spent only 3 hours also I would have scored same....

But then I can at least go back to these chapters again and focus on where exactly I am making mistakes right?

While reading I might have skipped through some finer details, and now I can go back an focus on them.

So don't worry, take this as a journey towards your success

And one simple and obvious tip to increase your score is try and get all 10 PYQs correct no matter what....

(Even I have to improve my accuracy with PYQs 🙈 )


Sorry I am bothering you all but i am really not satisfied with my scores in SFG. It really showed me the mirror that I am lacking in lot of areas. I am working hard doing things religiously and following the schedule. I am unable to find out what is going wrong after putting a lot of hard work. My confidence has taken a dip and i am having sleepless nights struggling with my self. 

any suggestions what can I do to improve myself ?

Bro, don't think this as a Test, instead see this as an opportunity to zero in on your weaknesses....

Many times what happens is that when we give FLT mocks, we might score well because at most 10 - 15 questions are asked from any one subject.... So even if your command on any subject is weak, that gets pushed under the carpet. Like, you may score high despite choosing to not attempt 9 out of 10 questions from that subject.

But now, because we are going through the micro topics, this can help us identify exactly where and what has gone wrong, or what we need to focus more on.

I will give my example only....

I scored really good in Test 17 and Test 18. The syllabus was from first phase of revolutionary activities to 1939

But I scored really bad today and yesterday, the syllabus being 1939 to independence, and today's syllabus on Peasant, tribal revolts, education, press etc....

Yes I am really sad. I spent 6 hours yesterday and for a moment I felt that had I spent only 3 hours also I would have scored same....

But then I can at least go back to these chapters again and focus on where exactly I am making mistakes right?

While reading I might have skipped through some finer details, and now I can go back an focus on them.

So don't worry, take this as a journey towards your success

And one simple and obvious tip to increase your score is try and get all 10 PYQs correct no matter what....

(Even I have to improve my accuracy with PYQs 🙈 )

Point taken, My scores have gone down drastically and I wasn't feeling great about it. Part of it can be blamed on me not reading enough and covering thoroughly. 

By the way, where are you located in Hyd? 

I stay in Narayanguda....

Yeah even my scores are poor in some tests.... I am noting them down... will focus more on these while revising...


Upsc cse 2022 - 895 seats

notification to be released soon today 

"The number of vacancies to be filled through the examination is expected to be approximately 861 which include 34 vacancies reserved for Persons with Benchmark Disability Category"

Almost got it right 🤪

6th question  shld be D right?..even mrunals book says d

Yeah the official key also says d

6th question  shld be D right?..even mrunals book says d

Yeah the official key also says d

Official key says it should be "B"

Yeah my bad

6th question  shld be D right?..even mrunals book says d

Yeah the official key also says d

Official key says it should be "B"

Is there a way to delete my response in the google form🙈
I saw paper 2 key for question number 59🤣
I filled the form confidently saying that the official key says it should be d....
Now sir will go through it and he will be like arey yaar kaha kaha se aajate hai log😪😂

Where to pay fees for second month?

I am expecting an email with the payment link.... Most likely tonight after the rank list for the week and may be for the month!!!



q 23-if ocean is heated by oceanic convection, it can also be cooled by convection since mixing of water takes place. why is it wrong?

Same doubt... Have you raised this in the form


Tomorrow's syllabus 🤯



Lol I wasn't asking for it.... Overwhelmed by the syllabus for tomorrow... two full books.... Economic and human geography... One area where UPSC has been asking a lot in recent times!!!

It’s actually nice to see so many people going offline today! The list used to be so bleak. Now it’s vibrating :D 




Those of you who plan to join sfg level 2... Will you be doing the secondary sources mentioned in the schedule? D D Basu for polity and khullar for geography? 

No... I feel we should be perfect in whatever we read... And if at all there is something really important from DD Basu, forum will anyways ask the question in SFG... we will add those points to our knowledge base from the key...
No offence to South Indians par kuch jyada titles nhi adopt kar liye and why is the administrative terminology so damn complex😖

Haha but we feel the same way about some of the North Indian names...

And baap re those Sultanate and Mughal administrative names are really confusing... Like Greek and Latin only...
Padte wakt itna depressing ho jata hai ki background me mujhe sunayi deta hai "Beta tumse na hopayega"🤣 🤣
So yeah this is History and we have to deal with this

Hey Guys How is the Josh after today's paper 😝😅
Hey Guys How is the Josh after today's paper 😝😅

Very low sir! :p

Haha Time to fill in the gaps in our prep!!!

Wasn't Tutunama written during Delhi Sultanate period?

Tutinama was written during the Tuglaq regime by Nakhshabi... It was the first translation from Sanskrit to Persian.... The same work was commissioned for paintings under Akbar... It was probably the first miniature painting work under the Mughals

Can anyone please help me in finding the pdf for Nitin Singhania's art and culture book? I'm not able to find it anywhere. Could someone help please? 🙏🙏

Struggling in s&t.any suggestion?

I know that this suggestion is late for tomorrow's test but you can take a look at this playlist---

Watch it in 1.5-2x and you can cover basics of biology, biotech, nuclear from here.

May be a little time consuming but I feel it is worth it if you are someone who likes learning from videos and need it from the basics. Good luck :)

this is so good... thank you


:sweat_smile:Question 15.

I was happy that 2 marks are guaranteed 🤑


@SFGTeamCan we please have thequestion paper ofSFG level 2 entrance test that was given to those who wrote offline? I wrote the exam offline but I see that the question paper uploaded in the portal is probably the online one!!!

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