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[Official] SFG 2022 - Level 1 | Calendar & Noticeboard


@Neyawn / ForumIAS ~ Is the rank list combined for both offline and online ? separate list's of ranking for Offline and online would be great for actual relative performance of those giving offline. Gives a better picture about our standing. Thanks 

@Kya haal  exactly :) 
@Najdorf  Maybe you could compare with the avg marks of offline students. That could be a decent benchmark. But again it'd be much nice if we have a benchmark score. 


@Neyawn / ForumIAS ~ Is the rank list combined for both offline and online ? separate list's of ranking for Offline and online would be great for actual relative performance of those giving offline. Gives a better picture about our standing. Thanks 

@SFGTeam any thoughts or update on this ? 


It's not that everyone giving online cheat or use unfair means and discipline mode is not end in all either. Also that should not be the excuse for low scores of offline takers.  But even in orientation videoit has been said by the sir that scores are very different in both modes and they will release two lists. 

Covid hit really hard last week … having had asthma in the past symptoms were more severe ..didn’t give half the economy tests last week…  regaining energy to give my best for the next week .. how are you guys covering backlogs and  managing for upcoming tests. Any revision ideas or plans that worked for you .. please share _/\_

Q18 most other ans keys say nizamat of arcot was estb by aurangzeb and was not made out of Hyderabad

Q11 First anglo maratha war..Madhavrao had already come it was a result of power struggle b/w him and Raghunathrao?

does someone else has these doubts?

Adding to this, Q8: Residents were the heads of contingent army of Subsidiary Alliance? weren't they just agents of the company ?

Since states weren't allowed to have independent armed forces and they were provided with subsidiary forces by company in return for payment ... resident being the head of contingent army makes more sense even though it hasn't explicitly mentioned in any source. By being the head he could interfere if the state is not totally subservient to the company and it's interests. 

@Atp1019 moderates never advocated any resistance they put their demands through 3Ps ... passive resistance techniques such as boycotting government services , colleges, schools etc first appeared in Swadeshi movement by extremists. 

@Yad In the same boat. Tried to do both perfectly and missed either of them most days. 
Getting up at 4:30 or 5 am.. will give you 2 solid hours of concentrated focussed quality time. If you are zoned out it feels like you're giving 3-4 hours worth of study here. This is the only time i'm giving to SFG.. post test 8 to 9:30 am - for test analysis and noting down mistakes. Rest of the day for optional and GS. Only catch here is you shouldn't get bothered by marks or ranks as other people will be giving more than double time you giveIf you can squeeze an hour during the day you can very well manage SFG ( again this works only if you don't worry about marks - it gets a little time to get used to).  It's all about balancing and being happy by giving your fullest potential. 
Hope this helps :) 
One more advantage of setting an intention to wake up before sleeping is ... you are not waiting for your brain to power up in the morning ... you wake up calm and well rested. It just takes some time and practice. 

Some tips 
1. Consciously don't check any thing on your phone, youtube or Whatsapp before sleep. This saves precious 1 hr of time in the night. Also you get sleep more easily with out all the blue light.
2. Instead of coffee or tea you could take warm water with lemon and honey in the morning.. which has numerous benefits which honestly i don't know of what ... but i drink it anyways because my mom told me to xD.  
3.  To sleep early plan your eating and entire evening schedule by moving it forward and communicate this to people around you so that they work with you and not against you. 
4. Delegate the task of waking up to someone to make sure you don't skip this any day ... for me i made sure my mom calls me everyday at 4:30 -5 to check me up. They'd be more happier to do it than you imagine.  

You could also read the book 5 am club to get some dose of inspiration... greatest of the personalities over all the time always woke up early.  I honestly feel the greatness of SFG also is the timing of it more than anything else. It takes so much for the institute and the people running this ... Kudos to the SFG team :) 
Why are subsidies given by the Government not considered as transfer payments?

Transfer payments are part of the Personal income. They are not linked to any commodity transaction. Neither do they absorb any resource or create any output directly...
Subsidies are not transfer payments because they are linked to some production or commodity transaction. They are directly involved in creating some output.
If the govt transfers 2000Rs, as part of some income redistribution or social scheme, you may use the 2000 rs for any purpose...
But if the govt is giving you a subsidy of 2000 Rs for the purchase of some input, then you can use it only for that purpose...

and that's the reason why transfer payments aren't counted in expenditure of GDP as they don't create any output whereas for Subsidies are counted. 

@JoMarch2021 Awesome will check out the apps \m/. There's this another great app called selfcontrol in mac in which you can block certain sites where you waste time like youtube or anything.  Once you block it for certain period of time ... even if you delete the app and reinstall/factory reset the os in system those sites don't open up. This is funny and useful at the same time lol. 

Complete independence as aim of congress was declared for the first time in which session ? 1927 or 1929 ? 

Pg 358 spectrum ...  snap resolution in madras session 1927 by Nehru for complete independence as goal of Congress.  Even I thought 1929 was the first time till i saw the above. 

@lord_voldemort ookay so it wasn't passed. thanks 


Happened literally with INA topic 😂 

@BNA1991 Do you have the compilation of official keys at one place ? If so please share it! or point me in the right direction to find it! Thanks
@BNA1991  MH_Vision_Offical.pdf .. this is supposedly made from UPSC key. But i haven't verified it yet as i'm not able to get the official keys from the UPSC site. Can you verify it for the controversial questions with the keys you have ?! If it is really so then set scene it is! 
@SiddharthJohri Yes. Check your DM 


the explanation for Question 9, clearly indicates the answer should be (c), which is efficient judiciary, but the answer is different.

More so, this is a PYQ!

Could anyone help me with the understanding of this question?

I mean abolition of court fees in 1793 plan doesn't necessarily need to make judiciary any efficient. It's a relief measure to people rather than improving the efficiency. 

Just like how A39a (free legal aid ) didn't improve case back logs, judicial infrastructure and huge vacancies of judges in our judicial system. 


Test 20 Q 5 statement 1:

Newspaper is not correct because the name is "Maharatta"  ?

I also felt the same.!  But yesterday  YB CHAVAN was written in place of YB Chauhan..and they didn't give marks.. so I assumed typographical  errors are OK.. 😅

I assumed the same logic. Lol. 

@Anuj_singla  exactly ... Can use this piece of info to eliminate other questions in future :)

@Tina1997 you could call it as insider info release before official notifications xD ... Often times it is authentic. 


@lord_voldemort Both August offer and Cripps gave Dominion status but Cripps gave dominion status with greater autonomy( In the sense we could decide the relations with common wealth of nations ) Probably this is why explanation uses the word self determination in Cripps and not in August offer. 

@JoMarch2021  that's one of the reasons 
Other reasons being 
- Solar winds less intense near jovian planets hence more gases
- because of high gravity jovian planets captured more gases from the nebula

In geography i found it's always better to use all the available facts we have to derive the answer in the exam rather than sticking to the verbatim statements given in books ergo no single correct reason. 

@Kya haal yes.
Worst performance ever!!

need any admit card or any thing like that ?

Don't think so.. at least not in Hyd 

It’s actually nice to see so many people going offline today! The list used to be so bleak. Now it’s vibrating :D 
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