@Neyawn / ForumIAS ~ Is the rank list combined for both offline and online ? separate list's of ranking for Offline and online would be great for actual relative performance of those giving offline. Gives a better picture about our standing. Thanks
Q18 most other ans keys say nizamat of arcot was estb by aurangzeb and was not made out of Hyderabad
Q11 First anglo maratha war..Madhavrao had already died..how come it was a result of power struggle b/w him and Raghunathrao?
does someone else has these doubts?
Adding to this, Q8: Residents were the heads of contingent army of Subsidiary Alliance? weren't they just agents of the company ?
Since states weren't allowed to have independent armed forces and they were provided with subsidiary forces by company in return for payment ... resident being the head of contingent army makes more sense even though it hasn't explicitly mentioned in any source. By being the head he could interfere if the state is not totally subservient to the company and it's interests.
Transfer payments are part of the Personal income. They are not linked to any commodity transaction. Neither do they absorb any resource or create any output directly...Why are subsidies given by the Government not considered as transfer payments?Subsidies are not transfer payments because they are linked to some production or commodity transaction. They are directly involved in creating some output.If the govt transfers 2000Rs, as part of some income redistribution or social scheme, you may use the 2000 rs for any purpose...But if the govt is giving you a subsidy of 2000 Rs for the purchase of some input, then you can use it only for that purpose...
and that's the reason why transfer payments aren't counted in expenditure of GDP as they don't create any output whereas for Subsidies are counted.
the explanation for Question 9, clearly indicates the answer should be (c), which is efficient judiciary, but the answer is different.
More so, this is a PYQ!
Could anyone help me with the understanding of this question?
I mean abolition of court fees in 1793 plan doesn't necessarily need to make judiciary any efficient. It's a relief measure to people rather than improving the efficiency.
Just like how A39a (free legal aid ) didn't improve case back logs, judicial infrastructure and huge vacancies of judges in our judicial system.
@lord_voldemort Both August offer and Cripps gave Dominion status but Cripps gave dominion status with greater autonomy( In the sense we could decide the relations with common wealth of nations ) Probably this is why explanation uses the word self determination in Cripps and not in August offer.
need any admit card or any thing like that ?
Don't think so.. at least not in Hyd