Hi, I have issues with the following questions:
Q. 17. Qualification to be a judge of a HC- It's given in the answer that he should be a "district judge" for 10 yrs but as per the provision he should be holding a "any judicial office in the territory if India" for 10 years. Though the outcome of this provisions makes the district judge eligible implicitly, however that can't be mentioned while quoting the explicit provision.
Q. 24 As this question is a PYQ, as per UPS official answer key to question no 13 in SET A, the answer should be D.
https://www.upsc.gov.in/sites/default/files/CSP_2020_GS_Paper-1.pdf (question 13)
https://www.clearias.com/up/upsc-cse-prelims-2020-answer-key-paper-1.pdf (A. 13)
Q. 35 Constitutional amendment inconsistent with FR is void- this is false. Because under Art 13(4) constitutional amendments are kept out of purview of article 13. Hence, Constitutional amendments violating the basic structure will be void, but not just the FRs.
Dear @SFGTeam , I'd posted a query wrt Q. 35 on this thread as well as on the link provided for posting of doubts. However, this hasn't been addressed in the corrigendum. Please clarify, thank you! :)
@SFGTeam Kindly look into this. Thanks
In Q.37, If plate tectonics do stop, won't the Mt everest eventually get weathered and thus it's height would reduce right? [Especially that they mentioned reduction in height gradually]
Q37 ... Himalayas will gradually reduce in size. Shouldn't it be correct ? Once plate tectonics stop , size will become constant. Then due to weathering height of the mountain will reduce ( just like other volcanic old mountains) gradually?