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[Official] SFG 2022 - Level 1 | Calendar & Noticeboard

What are levels 1, 2, 3? Do the higher levels just begin later or is there some other implication? I need to focus on Optional syllabus and prepare for something else for the entirety of December. Will I be able to join level 2 or 3 by giving those entrance tests? Or is entry to those restricted to ex level 1 people? If levels 2/3 are open entry what is the tentative beginning date?
@schrute_farms gotcha thanks!

People who will be joining the SFG, interested in forming a group and covering small modules of mains +  optional as well? 
2021 hit me hard I have not been able to get on track… SFG will give the perfect schedule for me being based outside Delhi.. I just need a little more planning and peer pressure being at home… please let me know you all!

If what you're planning is making and sticking to a common schedule (and not some sort of shared note making exercise) count me in. I definitely need some peer pressure and competition bhavna which has been missing since I'm preparing from home too. I was thinking of doing as much mains reading as possible in a day after SFG/RLG prep, but I think I'm giving myself too much room to slack off and a lot of possibilities for making excuses. I'd prefer starting in December because I need some more structure in my daily schedule.


Update on the mains group situation. I have made a group on YPT. I chose YPT over other apps like telegram etc because: there are no other distractions, seeing the number of hours other people are putting in (if they are at all) fuels a feeling of competition, people who are not meeting goals can be removed, there's a chat feature to update everyone on whether goals for the day have been completed and an announcement feature to put in the weekly schedule.

About the schedule: I'm not very particular on this. I just want to finish off by February. I was thinking of copying a 2 month mains test series schedule from any coaching place. If anyone is more particular about it or is already following a schedule please just forward that. Just keep in mind that it should be an appropriate amount of work. 

Here is the link to join:

Please join asap so that we can start at the earliest.


Update on the mains group situation. I have made a group on YPT. I chose YPT over other apps like telegram etc because: there are no other distractions, seeing the number of hours other people are putting in (if they are at all) fuels a feeling of competition, people who are not meeting goals can be removed, there's a chat feature to update everyone on whether goals for the day have been completed and an announcement feature to put in the weekly schedule.

About the schedule: I'm not very particular on this. I just want to finish off by February. I was thinking of copying a 2 month mains test series schedule from any coaching place. If anyone is more particular about it or is already following a schedule please just forward that. Just keep in mind that it should be an appropriate amount of work. 

Here is the link to join:

Please join asap so that we can start at the earliest.

Edited to add: everyone please confirm that your notifications for that app are on and you are able to post messages on the group chat. All further communication regarding schedule etc will be on YPT.

@Saint_ i use ankidroid for making flashcards. It is enough to meet my requirements. I prefer handwritten notes.

@fortarach63 planning to add more members?

Sorry I'm not the group admin but I think the group is full and the member cap will continue to apply. Perhaps make another group? Some other people were also too late to join.


Got into rlg with 63.33 marks in online mode. Ab sochta hu, kuchh cheating kar hi leni chahiye thi :p But I think, the price is already too low.

I would've preferred offline mode, if this was not a daily affair but a weekly thing. I looked for Patna centre on map, and I was like, Arre maine to apne 3 years yahi gujare hain (Anandpuri). Panchmukhi hanuman mandir used to be my bus stop for school. I think I'd attempt mocks in offline mode, as it takes approx 4 hours to travel there, and can't live there in these uncertain times.

And can we not use unfair means in online mode. We may all be penalized next time too for the unfair acts of some. Marks don't matter as long as we are improving.

RLG with 68. There's quite a range of scores in rlg. I wonder if there was a cutoff at all and how many students are there in rlg. In any case I hope people don't cheat in the actual tests. I know it doesn't matter in the long run or in the real exam, but it is demotivating to see if your relative performance doesn't improve regardless of how much you worked. 

Hello everyone, the Hindi English mix up is going to stay for at least 10 days. We are working on switching to a new platform that will adress this problem.

If you're switching to a new platform, is it possible to have a bookmarking feature for questions? It will make the process of revision more streamlined. 


Last test se sabka jyada araha aaj ya kam?

Less. By quite a margin. Insufficient preparation and today's syllabus was more factual, so a slight dip was expected.



Laxmikanth chapters 26-29, 34-36 are mentioned in the syllabus for tomorrow's test as well as for the day after. I'm assuming this is an error, but still wanted to confirm.



Laxmikanth chapters 26-29, 34-36 are mentioned in the syllabus for tomorrow's test as well as for the day after. I'm assuming this is an error, but still wanted to confirm.

Hi, just wanted to check which edition you're referring to? 

The link given on the SFG noticeboard:

Any night owls here? How are you guys managing? I recognise the value of waking up earlyish, but this is taking a serious toll on my health and my productivity consequently. I've been getting between 2-5 hours of sleep per day since SFG started. I try to go to bed early, but it just doesn't work and I end up wasting lots of time just tossing and turning. Trying to take a nap in the day also doesn't get me anywhere. Any tips from someone who has managed to fix this problem would be highly appreciated.

@Neyawn @farejul link to report doubtful questions is not working so posting here and emailing somethings I found wrong

 4. Consider the following statements regarding the Supreme court of India:

1. The Constitution authorises the President to appoint places other than Delhi as seat of the Supreme Court.

2. The Constitutional cases or references made by the President under Article 143 are decided by a Bench consisting of at least five judges.

3. All proceedings in the Supreme court should be in English, but petitions can be allowed in Hindi along with English.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

भारत के सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के संबंध में निम्नलिखित कथनों पर विचार करें।

1. संविधान राष्ट्रपति को दिल्ली के अलावा अन्य स्थानों को सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के स्थान के रूप में नियुक्त करने का अधिकार देता है।

2. अनुच्छेद 143 के तहत राष्ट्रपति द्वारा दिए गए संवैधानिक मामलों या संदर्भों का निर्णय कम से कम पांच न्यायाधीशों वाली पीठ द्वारा किया जाता है।

3. सुप्रीम कोर्ट में सभी कार्यवाही अंग्रेजी में होनी चाहिएलेकिन याचिकायें अंग्रेजी के साथ हिंदी में भी डाली जा सकती है।

ऊपर दिए गए कथनों में से कौन-सा/से सही है/हैं?

 1 only केवल 1
 2 and 3 only केवल 2 और 3
 2 only केवल 2
 1 and 3 only केवल 1 और 3

Answer given is c
it should be b
Recent ruling of courts allow for use of Hindi to file petitions along with their English version

32. With reference to Lok Adalat, which of the following statements is correct?

लोक अदालतों के संदर्भ मेंनिम्नलिखित में से कौन सा कथन सही है?

 Lok Adalat have the jurisdiction to settle the matters at pre-litigative stage and not those matters pending before any court. लोक अदालतों के पास पूर्व-मुकदमेबाजी के स्तर पर मामलों को निपटाने का अधिकार क्षेत्र है, न कि उन मामलों को जो किसी भी अदालत के समक्ष लंबित हैं।
 Lok Adalat deals with matters which are civil and not criminal in nature. लोक अदालतें सिर्फ दीवानी मामलों से निपट सकती हैं, फौजदारी मामलों से नहीं।
 Every Lok Adalat consists of either serving or retired judicial officers only. प्रत्येक लोक अदालत में केवल या तो सेवारत या सेवानिवृत्त न्यायिक अधिकारी होते हैं।
 The Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 provides for the establishment of Permanent Lok Adalat. विधिक सेवा प्राधिकरण अधिनियम, 1987 स्थायी लोक अदालतों की स्थापना का प्रावधान करता है।

 Answer given is d
it should be c as  Legal services authority amendment act 2002 provided for establishment of permanent Lok adalats 

In agreement with you on 1st question.

About the 2nd question, the amendment is to the original act so can be said that the parent Act itself provides for Lok Adalt. The problem is that even I have read this in some test and where they(dont remember who) considered the amendment as answer and not the original Act. Hence, marked wrong in this paper.

@Neyawn Sir, what to do in such subjectivity situations?

"About the 2nd question, the amendment is to the original act so can be said that the parent Act itself provides for Lok Adalat." That is the technically correct interpretation. Idk how UPSC would look at an option like this. Coaching institutes' answers on a point like this are varied too, hence the confusion. D seemed the most appropriate choice so that is what I marked. 

@fortarach63 Same here ! used to go to bed at 5 am in morning in general !! and now waking at 7 am is serious challenge ! tried to attempt second test without getting sleep whole night .. cant focus on single question ! have to leave test in between hence scored ZERO MARKS !!!!! 

today somehow mange by sleeping at  2 am nd waking at 6 :30 coffee and test nd then sleep again !! 

so thing is change in routine will take time , nothing magical going to happen ..but test cant wait better to make such arrangement for time being and slowly slowly change the sleeping pattern to 11 pm ..thats what i m thinking !!! and avoiding afternoon naps anyhow ...this further push the sleep time in night ! 

Yeah, fair enough. It will take time. We will just have to power through for now. I am very glad about the rigidity of the schedule and timing. I would have kept on postponing this sleep timing correction otherwise, and suffered during the real exam.

@AJBubbles You are mistaken actually. Once an amendment is made, the original act gets replaced by the latest version. Please refer to to understand this. 

It's like saying, Constitutional Amendments are separate constitutions in themselves. For example, if I say that Constitution provides for Fundamental Duties, is it incorrect? Even if it was added by 42nd Amendment, it is now a provision of the Constitution. 

This is 100% correct. This is how provisions of an act need to be referred to. However, this doesn't seem to be common knowledge. I have even seen lawyers referring to provisions as being under section so and so of the amendment act instead of the original title (no joke). My confusion is that lots of these coaching places and toppers etc seem to suggest that you should not use your technical knowledge in questions and rely on a generalist understanding. So how should one proceed in questions of this sort. Any guidance@Neyawn ?



This is way lowest than lowest itself.

- Opened Sociology NCERTs for the first time for this. While reading Ifeltthere is nothing much of "Substance" in the books. Read half-hartedly, without any interest.


Glad that now 

Same here. Read one chapter from Indian society and thought it was all just going to be fluff with some factual info here and there (basically bad input-output ratio) and the test was going to be conceptual questions (which I can usually manage without preparation). Treated yesterday like a break day and did other stuff. Today was such a shocker. Well, better now than June 5! Learnt: I know nothing, I have been flying too close to the sun, screw the whole idea of this input-output thing (I am an aspirant and I have nothing better to do with my time. Studying is literally all I have to do, so I need to stop looking for shortcuts all the time)



This is way lowest than lowest itself.

- Opened Sociology NCERTs for the first time for this. While reading Ifeltthere is nothing much of "Substance" in the books. Read half-hartedly, without any interest.


Glad that now 

Same here. Read one chapter from Indian society and thought it was all just going to be fluff with some factual info here and there (basically bad input-output ratio) and the test was going to be conceptual questions (which I can usually manage without preparation). Treated yesterday like a break day and did other stuff. Today was such a shocker. Well, better now than June 5! Learnt: I know nothing, I have been flying too close to the sun, screw the whole idea of this input-output thing (I am an aspirant and I have nothing better to do with my time. Studying is literally all I have to do, so I need to stop looking for shortcuts all the time)

Now am confused for tomorrow! Didn't even buy microeconomics NCERT n now I don't know what to do. Still have bias/prejudice/rationale that it's not useful for the exam. 

SUGGEST way forward!! Haha

Same. I think the only questions from microecon have been conceptual. I'll do it for tomorrow only if I have free time. Am I repeating old mistakes again? Maybe. But this really does seem to be of low utility and I also have a tendency to go into terrible FOMO spirals, so I think I need to focus on the resources that I do have rn.

@fortarach63 you can change the resolution by clicking on settings icon.

Oh god I feel so technologically challenged. I saw the 1080p and auto and thought those two were the only options. Thank you!




This is way lowest than lowest itself.

- Opened Sociology NCERTs for the first time for this. While reading Ifeltthere is nothing much of "Substance" in the books. Read half-hartedly, without any interest.


Glad that now 

Same here. Read one chapter from Indian society and thought it was all just going to be fluff with some factual info here and there (basically bad input-output ratio) and the test was going to be conceptual questions (which I can usually manage without preparation). Treated yesterday like a break day and did other stuff. Today was such a shocker. Well, better now than June 5! Learnt: I know nothing, I have been flying too close to the sun, screw the whole idea of this input-output thing (I am an aspirant and I have nothing better to do with my time. Studying is literally all I have to do, so I need to stop looking for shortcuts all the time)

Now am confused for tomorrow! Didn't even buy microeconomics NCERT n now I don't know what to do. Still have bias/prejudice/rationale that it's not useful for the exam. 

SUGGEST way forward!! Haha

Same. I think the only questions from microecon have been conceptual. I'll do it for tomorrow only if I have free time. Am I repeating old mistakes again? Maybe. But this really does seem to be of low utility and I also have a tendency to go into terrible FOMO spirals, so I think I need to focus on the resources that I do have rn.

the only question i can remember from micro economics is that of opportunity cost asked in 2018/19. 

nonetheless, it is recommended to go through because there is always a first time. 

Yep I only know of that one as well. I've only done PYQPs up till 2013 so wasn't sure if there were more questions. But you're right, UPSC is unpredictable, so better to play it (reasonably) safe.

I can’t see  explanation videos anymore on my portal .can others see ? 
Also most people scoring high earlier have taken a hit in today’s test as well and that too after the sfg team alerted how one cannot be sure of clearing prelims just after 2 weeks of sfg ,I am broken and just can’t figure out what went wrong in today’s test ,how are the previous toppers looking at this ? 

They're visible.  The video for the day is released late sometimes. Can you still not see them?

» show previous quotes

I once woke up for the test, attempted 1 question and slept again. I think chalta hai itna! 😅

Well that is one way to get 100% accuracy xD

Have been doing this as well for the past several days lol. Starting to attempt the tests in my bed on my phone was such a bad idea lol. I just mark anything haphazardly so that i can get back to sleep asap. Back to the desk and laptop from tomorrow.

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