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Official Thread for Public Administration Optional - Questions & Answers

  1. New Public Management has been branded by certain scholars as 'Neo Taylorism'. Is it a justified comparision? What factors have led to the decline of NOM so soon after its birth?

Ans: New Public administration is a shift from bureaucratic administration to professional management administration. It bring s in what and why from public administration and how from private administration .
Eg: Disinvestment, Maharatna to PSEs, Corporatization of government agencies.

NPM with Neo-Taylorism Concepts
-Performance based incentives.
-Focus on management autonomy, flexibility.
-Emphasis on cost reduction, productivity of organization brings in Economy, efficiency concepts of scientific management of Taylor.

NPM more than Neo-Taylorism
-It is based on public choice theory(PCT) concept of individual choice ,competition , client oriented .
-It is focused on results rather process and principles accountability.
-Emphasis on decentralization.
We cannot justify it as Neo-Taylorism as it has concepts of PCT .

Factors that lead to the decline of NPM are:
New Public service NPS with citizen administration and democratization of public administration. The citizens are collaborated in governance.
-Market failure in 2008 financial crisis raised questions on market autonomy .
-State minimalism is not effective to addressing disaster management .


Please give inputs to the following question. I have doubt on my approach. Thank You.

What are the implications of post structuralist perspective on the discrete aspects of public administration, coming from its epistemological positions?\

Ans: Post –Structuralist perspective emphasizes on organization and its interdependence on internal and external environment.

The study considered informal organisations, behavior of individuals, influence of environment. Unlike, structural theories the organization influence on environment and it getting influenced is researched. They denied one best way approach in organization design .

Positive implications:
-Awareness on the interdependence of the environment on organization.
-Consideration of informal organizations interface with formal organizations.
-Principle of synergy concept focus i.e structure, individuals, actions, behaviours are used to achieve organization goals.
-Better coordination with networking approach.

Negative implications:
-Systems approach is not practical as it leads to different permutations in bringing equilibrium with the environment.
-Public administration study losing the identity due to its studies focusing on sociology,political science and management concepts.
-Still the characters of structuralism such as efficiency and economy dominating the perspective.

However the post structurtalist perspective position brought the concept of administration interdependence with society .


The question is a 10marker . I would like to know what could be added to the below answer. Thank You.
The journey of administrative law has moved much beyond A.V.Dicey. Comment.

A.V.Dicey focused on administrative law as a set of laws made by administration and subjected to administrative courts. The basic principle of the administrative law is the government possess special rights, privileges and liabilities in their relation with the citizen.

The system free from ordinary court jurisdiction opposed rule of law. The administrative law evolved in the modern state. As the actions are varied form quasi –legislative to judicial to administrative actions. The law deals with powers, liabilities and duties to bring efficiency in regulating the actions and protect the individual rights.

The Rule of law of Dicey provides conditions to achieve the democratic and constitutional goals. The administrative law tries to achieve it with providing flexibility, experimentation to the administration. The Administrative law evolved with the administrative actions .However, it works complementary and mutually inclusive to Dicey Rule of law.

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