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Please save me from depression

Guilt of not doing enough can only be overcome by doing something worthwhile. Some suggestions

1. Fix your sleep cycle. Wake up at a consistent time. It need not be 5, it can be 7 also. But try to be consistent.

2. Don't skip breakfasts.

3. Get enough sunlight. Get it in your schedule to go out immediately after waking up and also an evening walk after food. Join gym etc if feasible or can do some home exercises like push-ups, pull-ups. Yoga, me

4. Avoid phone/ social media. Schedule some 3- hour or longer breaks where you switch off your phone if feasible and don't touch it.

5. Schedule your day. Make daily targets for studying.

6. Do some self care e.g. regularly hair cut, nail cut, baths. We take care of those who we value, so take care of your self.

7. Define your success for the day. For example, putting x amount of hours, getting that long pending haircut, going for walk, talking with family, eating three time food, not eating junk food may be your definition of success for a particular day. Try to achieve it and give a pat on your back. Even if you don't achieve 100%, it's understandable, nobody is perfect. Have some mercy on yourself.

Ultimately it's about how you can utilise your time. It must be feeling very hard and  it is but taking small steps can help. Take a pen and paper and start working.

All the best 🤞

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