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Post mains results, what would be your strategy?

From my experience this time,write standard average answers,divide your answers, as much as possible into different dimensions,use headers and write point wise!
And my personal tip-many disagree with it-always always complete the paper.


@AzadHindFauzMains is very subjective bro!
You might have written the exact same answers as me or even better content but you might have forgot to underline something or anything of that sort.


I am curious about my GS4 marks tbh!
I have written so many examples from lives of people around me and few of my own experiences!
Also didn’t copy paste definitions from any book!
Looks like you can express yourself in GS4!


@AzadHindFauzHardly any flowcharts may be 1-2 in ethics
7-8 diagrams in all the papers combined!


@walterwhit3I always believe I am very strong in prelims!
I consider it my forte even though I flunked the very first attempt in 2018 I missed it very narrowly.
If I were you till feb end I would work on any loopholes in mains and from march to may 35-40 days would do for me!
Don’t consider sectional test series seriously,full lengths are better to judge yourself


For this my answer was based around the India’s role in NAM offlate and how India is trying to potray itself as an emerging power rather than being a representative of 3rd world!

Indian PM skipping NAM meets 2 times in a row but being enthusiastic to meet with CEOs of Facebook etc shows India’s policy shift

But,at the same time we represent developing countries in many issues of unfcc and wto
So,the answer is on the lines of yes our priorities are changing but we haven’t abandoned it all together!

Directives like critically analyse must be given attention,rest discuss,elaborate etc are basically same atleast as far as I understand


@bevancombro what do you think went wrong?This must be shocking after so much confidence you had on your answers and processes!


@bevancomGood that you have identified your mistake very quickly!
Onwards and upwards!


@eurydiceI had written 3 full length tests from each of gs papers ie atleast 12 FLTs and 10-12 optional FLTs,so I had gained so much speed plus for every topic that you encounter commonly like vulnerability,UNESCO,RPA 1951,I didnt need time to think as I was ready with IBC for them,all I needed to do was mould it to the demand of the question
So not only I was able to complete the paper but also with 5 mins on clock!
When I say completing paper it not only is speed but speed with quality too!


@RaillifeSyllabus should be thoroughly memorised and for every phrase or subheading in syllabus I had 100-120 words of content ready
For that CA can be added from time to time!
IBC may not necessarily be prepared beforehand,but the fodder material enables you to frame one!


@GaneshGaitondeBro check out insights strategy for all gs papers.
It is a bit old,but very relevant!
I did few of the static portion from sources mentioned there.

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