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Practicing answer writing through PYQs

Hello all! I don't know whether this is the right thing / right place for this but I am thinking of using this platform for posting my answers. I feel doing this will push me to write answers consistently which I have failed at till now. I have told this to myself that I'll write and post answers to  PYQs from today onwards here. My answers are nowhere near 'good/average' but I feel , doing this will at least put an obligation to write daily. Any suggestions, if someone happens to see the answers, are welcomed and even if there are none, I'll continue to write and post. This is entirely a selfish exercise and not at all any community initiative. Nevertheless, if anyone wants to write/post/suggest anything here, he/she is more than welcomed. I just wish to write consistently and improve with time.

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Please write the time taken to answer the given question, so that we can compare it relatively. 

Good :+1: I'll be posting mine soon

was off for two days. will resume from tomorrow.
@sillypoint I have been reading you answers and as someone who just started their preparations I was wondering , how do you even get so much knowledge on so many varying topics .
Your answers on Naxalism and vaccination were so breif and concise ,can you please suggest me some sources from where you gathered these informations in such depth ,like the subjects and ways in which you developed this writing style .
Thanking you in advance .

@WolfgangMozart Hi, regarding the content, I have made notes from coaching material and try to link certain points from current affairs where relevant and do simple google search for conclusion points add them to notes. Since you have just started, that's why, you are thinking of these points as very deep ones. Once you start writing, you'll learn to use points you read in common sources (whichever you follow) at relevant places. 

Regarding naxalism, I have taken the content from material of Edsarrthi that I had enrolled for. 

As far as writing style is concerned, I am still working on it and facing many problems, so, I can't really tell anything about it.

@sillypoint thankyou for your reply .
I have been leaving queries right and left ,you have been the first person to actually take time and reply .if you don't mind can you tell me more about your subscription to edsarrthi? Like is it value for money .
What course did you enroll . And do they help you to prepare for prelims as well .

I will start posting my answers soon...will start from GS-2 .
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