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[ Official ] How was the Prelims 2021 paper?

Hi guys.

Many of you have shared your experience with Upsc preparation and how their journey was. I would also like to share my story and would like if any of you have any piece of advice for me.

I have done a professional course from IP University, Delhi and graduated in the year 2017 and as I wasn't eligible for 2017 so, my first attempt came in the year 2018 but unfortunately I didn't make into the mains list. This year was my 4th attempt. In 2020, I scored well above cutoff marks but unable to qualify for mains because of CSAT. So, I tried to give one more attempt this year and unfortunately, I might not get into mains. I have dedicated my 4 to 5 years of crucial & productive age to this exam but without any success. When I entered into this exam process, I was very clear that I will give only 2 or at max 3 attempts to this exam but not more than that. And when I didn't make into mains list in my first attempt, I got disheartened. I used to think ki atleast I will qualify for mains but unfortunately not. But somehow I remained stuck in this exam.l process. 

Even before entering into this exam process, I got very attached with this exam, as I used to consider subjects like history, polity and economics are my strength as I really loved reading them and I used to thought that I will definitely come out with flying colours. And this was one of the reason why I opted not to pursue BTech and instead pursued a course which was dominated by humanities subjects.

This UPSC journey has impacted me in more than one ways. Apart from knowledge which I gained through this journey, I also gained certain traits. TBVH, these traits will be much more helpful in future endeavours than the knowledge which I gained. People generally created a hype around the exam process by saying you will get sheer knowledge even if you didn't make into the list but I think this knowledge isn't necessarily to be useful in every other professions but definitely the traits one acquired through this journey will always be helpful irrespective of wherever one will be. Although this exam was process very tiring and exhaustive for me as for any other aspirants but for me this process also got very painful and anxiety become part of my life especially after my 2nd attempt and yet this journey gave me confidence to accept certain things about myself and helped me better understanding of myself and this was one of biggest impact upsc has made on me. 

Anyway !! I'm still very attached to upsc and wanted to give one more attempt but it would be very foolish to take "don't give up" approach literally without having any back-up option. So, my UPSC journey is coming to an end for the time being and will resume it only when I will secured a decent and good alternative career.

I will always cherish this journey and TBVH, I have no anguish against UPSC as such. Now is the time to look for other career alternative and I would like your piece of advice if anyone of you have.

Thank you guys !! I will always remember this community.

Peace !!

@kasanasandy007133 Thank you for your kind words and suggestions. Initially, I thought not to apply for any other public service (govt.) jobs, as consecutive failures have impacted my confidence to the very core. But after consulting with my well wishers, I decided to apply for other central govt. exams. And I'm also considering for other alternatives not restricted to govt sector.
Indeed after full fledged preparation of 2 or 3 years, one should move into other career alternative and try to get a job and simultaneously prepare for it , if one wants.

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