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[ Official ] How was the Prelims 2021 paper?

I read all the comments last year also but did not comment anything because I was naive back then...just beginning my journey into UPSC...

But since last year October to yesterday, I tried my level best. Have more than 120 mocks of vision, Forum, GSSCORE, OnlyIAS, NextIAS and what not . No day in last year I spent without studying 6 hours daily.(I'm a working professional)

Last year, I was getting around 88-95 from different answer keys but didnt clear prelims. As I opted for IFoS also last year so not even know what my actual score of last year is.

And now. Here I'm again. After a year of hardwork and doing everything I could possibly do, I'm getting 86.67 in most optimistic scenario. I'm from general category just because I choose to have a job to help my family overwise I would be EWS as my all family income and other criteria is very much at lower middle class level. I'm at my lowest right now. 

It's easy to say that try next year and all that cherishable stuff, but I literally left no stone unturned this time. I even got 137 marks in NextIAS Anubhav All India test series had been under top 100 in my test series...but this time I'm literally heartbroken like hell...

@oopsie Totally agree with you...marked that without a second from different answer keys... feeling lost 


Can virus be created artificially/synthetically??

I marked yes.(All of the above)


Just for information.

Two of my friends whom I consider serious aspirants as they have given interview and 2-3 mains are getting same score as me.(in the range hovering from 82 to 88).

One of them got 112 last year which is pretty much good score if we consider the cut my humble advice for those who are getting 90+ to start preparing for mains because you have a fair chance.

( I'm not sure about UPSC answer key and classes answer key variations). Hope UPSC marks goes in favour of you.

@GaneshGaitonde thanks for your generous answer. I'm already a working professional.(Group A Gazetted officer) But this UPSC is the long cherished dream I had from my childhood. I will fight until my last attempt. But the thing is, it lefts you emotionless by then. Just like the poem in the aspirant seriesAntim unchai by Kunwar Narayan...

@NidaShahin china virus...Wuhan ki lab se nikla hua ..I still remember the voice of anchor on news channel...😂😂

@Dead Man aye captain...

@TH14 you remind me of my friend who left a good job and preparing for UPSC from past 2 years...he gave interview last month but couldn't make it to the final list just because of below average interview marks..only difference is he's not from that good family background and about to exhaust his savings he made in his 2 years of job.
Now the thing is, he was my batch-met in engineering and been topper since his schooldays...
Failing interview brings you back to level 0 and you have to climb the mountain again...
And believe me, UPSC is the most addictive thing than any other drug....
You know it's a's crushing your self confidence and all other stuff...but the reward doesn't let you let it go....


Cheera (My girlfriend's cat): Standing near the door meowing wanting to be let out to another room.

My girlfriend: Everyday this poor thing does this knowing very well that the door will not open. He has great perseverance.

Me: It is not perseverance, its just that cats and dogs have very short term memory.

My girlfriend: I think that door is UPSC and you are the cat.

Me: :neutral_face:

Man...your creativity level is top notch....👏


Reading all these comments making me really happy...have been cut out from the social media from last two years just for the sake of UPSC...(to avoid distraction)

Missed all social gatherings, friend's marriages, broke up the relationship to avoid distraction...but at the's just emptyness....


Muje kuch upsc questions ki reasoning aisi lagti h----9 Dr. Mashoor Gulati Jokes That Will Make You Go ROFL!

Last year getting 102 marks in CSAT with didn't prepare this time...and now getting 68 from vajiram and Shankar keys...

my 11 out of 16 reading comprehension questions are wrong according to these keys...



@jignesh regarding pressure cooker i would say that cooking temp does not depend upon temp of flame....understand it like this.....water in an open container boils at 100 celsius at mean sea level how so ever hot the flame is....when inside cooker the same water will boil at more than 100 celsius due to pressure inside the cooker and not due to flame temp.....which will eventually cook the it certainly cannot be temp of flame.....whereas weight of lid would contribute additional pressure apart from atmospheric pressure thus affecting the temp at which food is two cents

temperature of the flame is obviously wrong. once you eliminate that you'll get the answer

I'm with you...your this stance can help me reach upto 90 mark...(most optimistic scenario).


And for everyone of you who are on the margin...just want to quote a fierce quote of Les Brown from Goalcost video.

It's better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one; rather than having an opportunity and not being prepared.

So don't want next 20 crucial days. Take rest for 2-3 days and start preparing for mains...

Iss saal nhi to agle saal dena hi hi...(saying this hurts like hell. But it is what it is).

@Thomas__Shelby what is the margin?

Are you asking my score?


I'm getting 86.67 marks(53 correct, 29 incorrect).

But if that virus synthetic comes correct and that pressure cooker comes 1 and 3 only; then I might up getting 92 marks.( Again it's optimistic scenario)

But I'm sure about one thing as I have prelims last time also, that paper was on tougher side this year as compared to last year.

( My friend who gave interview last year got 112 last year's prelims and now getting same as me...87)

@Thomas__Shelby Sure, your score. And what is the margin i.e relatively safe score in your opinion?

According to me 88-93  might be probable range...( As most of my friends (4) who have written mains multiple times are getting the score in the range 80-90(the reason for this much deviation is 4-5 questions are doubtful in every answer key or whether you search on google)).

@Thomas__Shelby I wish you luck my friend. I am keeping both negative for me irrespective of how they turn out to be

How much are you getting?


1. CSAT 70.8 to 84
2. GS 99.33 to 104.xx

Last year I had cleared GS and failed csat. 


That's a good should start preparing for mains.... don't waste humble advice....


1. CSAT 70.8 to 84
2. GS 99.33 to 104.xx

Last year I had cleared GS and failed csat. 

Just for the sake of joke.

You name itself making you vulnerable for the uncertainty of the prelims.(snow leopard-IUCN vulnerable)

Be like Thomas Shelby...take risks...( If you have seen peaky blinders)😉

@Thomas__Shelby I wish other friends from forum would share their scores so that we could form an idea about where the cutoff would stop... 

No man...more than 50% of those who are clearing won't be here discussing these it's futile to make guesses from the opinions from here...

Again...if you are truly getting 100+ .., you will clear this my friend.

. believe me....


Usually I was sleeping at 11 everyday and waking up at 5.00am from last one year...

But the yesterday's paper is so haunting me that I didn't want to sleep even now...

Hi my dear forumite,
Don't lose any hope...
With 6th prelims experience of this year and past experience of getting 149.33 official score in 2016... I can say confidently that anything above 85 is pretty safe to start for mains preparation.

Don't waste anytime for keys of other institutes.

All the best

Ray of hope..


@HeNeArKr csat asaan laga kya aapko, or you have very strong apti, I mean people are struggling for qualifying marks and you are getting double the qualifying marks.. 😄😀

Bro.. Csat was tough its just that I have cleared Cat before so I was having an advantage. Even then my strategy was not to touch the RC questions. Araam se 50-60 quant or reasoning kro hojayga clear. Rcs to were even a notch higher than CAT(mtlb saare hi inference based). I don't know how would one from a non maths background could get 66 + marks with a month of prep. Kyuki RC to UPSC ke alava shayad hi koi use shi answer kr paaye :p

I'm getting 11 wrong out of 16 attempted reading comprehension...

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