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[ Official ] How was the Prelims 2021 paper?

Can anyone tell about led.

Led filament bulb are specially designed to give 360 light like traditional bulbs. Anyone can Google led filament bulb or order it on amazon

@Vishnugupta will write to upsc for sure. But you can just Google led filament lamp/led filament bulb

@Sammyy  upper age for epfo is 58 years 

So would a 62 year old  casual labour be entitled to epo? 

No since he has crossed the upper age, so technically this makes the all casual worker statement wrong 

@babu_bisleri Would a casual worker aged 59 or 62 be entitled for provident fund since the upper age for epfo is 58 years.... If no, then how can all casual workers come into it

@Tempo_High_Hain this light is different,though Google led filament bulb.... That is specifically made to give 360 light and mimic normal bulb


I have few doubt / query about this year prelim paper. Please have a glance at it if you have time.

1. Regarding the All casual workers being entitled to epf coverage, almost all answer keys say yes. But the upper age limit for epf is 58 years... 

So would a casual worker aged 62 will entitled to epf?

If no then doesn't it means that option A which says all workers entitled to epf is wrong.?

2. This regarding led lamps and the angle of light they give, classic led bulbs give light at 180 degree but the led filament bulb are made to mimic the normal bulbs and sodium lamps and they give 360 degree light just like normal bulbs. So which option would be correct.

I'm attaching image of led filament bulbs.

3.  This is regarding culturing virus in synthetic medium, it is directly not possible.... But in an artificial medium bacteria and fungi can be cultured, and in this artificially prepared culture of bacteria or fungus, virus can be cultivated. This means virus can indirectly be cultured in artificial medium. So again which answer could be  correct?
@shaanu4595684 the key term in this article is non debt investment, nre external deposit is repatriable DEBT instrument. I also marked 2 and 4 but unfortunately its the wrong answer 

@SA Yes but this is voluntary and at the discretion of the Employer... If employer doesn't want to enroll then employee can't, thus employee is not entitled to it as it comes under discretion of EMPLOYER..... Also domestic maid / kaam wali bai in our individual houses are casual worker but are they entitled to epf.... For all these workers they can register of voluntary provident fund but not employee provident fund

@morty last year except 1-2people all were expecting cutoff to be between 95-99.... This year most are saying it to be 88-92

In magnetite one, Telephone wires are made of copper everywhere. How will it emit Iron particles?

Overhead telephone wires are made up of steel

@oopsie so if there are 2 identical pressure cooker cooking same quantity of food, one is cooked at lower flame and other is cooked at the highest flame of the burner both will get cooked at the same time because flame temperature doesn't plays a role..... 

Pardon for the sarcastic language, but if flame temperature doesn't plays a role in cooking temperature then instead of gas burners that are used in our houses we can cook food on candle? 
@PeLhidunga the maid who comes to our house, do she gets? Is she entitled epf from each individual house? 

Why is it that people who are sure of not clearing csat usually claim their gs marks above the range of 95-100....last year too the comment section was full of scoring 120 in paper one but can't clear csat. 
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