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[official][prelims 2024] How was prelims result? In or out?


@aryabhata there is also another question where I feel the official answer key might vary. According to RBI website primary dealers can participate in liquidity adjustment facility. And there are 7 primary dealers recognised by rbi as NBFCs. So that statement also sounds too ambiguous 

Happens every year, even in 2022 where even for some seemingly non-controversial questions upsc gave an entirely different answer, helped a lot of people get past the cutoff, similarly some people lost 8-9 marks..

@Haryana Congratulations and all the best buddy! I used to compare SFG ranks from yours,@Incoming 's and@Rashmirathi 'sas you guys were active on forum.

haha, i feel kaafi validated, although i'm out this year, but really grateful to this amazingly competitive and hardworking community.
All the best@Haryana (your sfg scores are a testament of your hardwork, mains phod do)

For everyone who missed the cutoff, always remember - for every 19th Nov there is a 29th June ;) 

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