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What is the answer of PQRSTU couple wala question?? Please clarify someone..


it is either 3 or 123 for dams monsoon RC

but since author emphasizes only on creating space prior to monsoon.. will second option be wrong..hence 3 only

For statement 3

The world over, dams are constructed mainly for the purposes of irrigation, power generation, and flood control. While the first two roles are acknowledged, the role of dams in flood control has always been underestimated. It is unfortunate that in both irrigation and hydel projects, flood control is completely ignored. 

For statement 2

However, it is unfortunate that the maximum amount of water is stored in reservoirs even before the close of the monsoon, only to ensure greater electricity generation and irrigation.

(Note risk is due to electricity generation and irrigation both...not hydropower alone)

hence most likely answer is 3 only here

Also the overall crux of article is “

There should be space for greater storage of water in reservoirs before the onset of monsoon

But the line 'before the close of the monsoon' also imply 'during monsoon' it must not be fully filled and the article also says about over dependence on hydel power means (Option a) is correct. So left with (option d)i.e.1,2 and 3


@Rambo93 Same condition...

Attempted - 46 with all RCs 

32 correct (RCs - Accroding to Aurang Mirasudar's compilation ) 14 wrong 

Above 105 in Gs1

Am I safe ?

@Rambo93 ok..appreciate your words :blush::+1:

@Lbsnaa2021  Don't worry  too much men..
Take some time off...and don't loose hope.
Its a journey where sometimes everyone will oppose you and will question your potential, but if u believe in yourself, no one can stop u.
If possible look for some teaching job or u can move back to state capital, there are many small coachings there u can teach CA there and simultaneously prepare..
But don't loose hope, its a self-belief which differentiate between a looser and a winner.

@Upright  They are overthinking in this question..answer should be C.
If P Q R and S are only members
R is greater then P and Q and S is not largest, so what left R is largest..


Yes definitely..thats what it can be.

@kesperalice  banian kaun hite hai

Sorry mene woh question attempt nhi kiya

I think even biotechnology frst part is misinterpreted wrongly by aurang shud be all as given in article althoough I marked it b....and for economic liberalisation. Frst part it's not sure bw a and b..

In biotechnology one, why it should be all ? In the article it nowhere it talks about 'wider participation of Political Executive' and also though it talks about Public engagement in previous para for public perception about s&t,  but in option 2 it asked about peoples participation in decision making for biotechnology regulation. Both are different I think.

@Aurang_mirasudar thanks dude..your key was accurate..IN

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