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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Today's Abhyaas test was definitely difficult. Anyone can expect a drop of at least 20 marks from their previous Abhyaas test. Anything above 90 would be a very good score in today's Abhyaas. 


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"secularism was a concept alien to the constitution and brought in by the 42nd amendment."

I will give that a LOL :P

Quick questions, What is one justification for separation or religion and state?


Quick questions, What is one justification for separation or religion and state?

It is more due to experiences of the freedom struggle that the framers of the Constitution opted for Principled distance instead of strict separation between Religion and Polity. Be it Khilafat movement or Great Calcutta killings, intermixing the two or strict separation between the two has not produced good results.

Scored 93(81 percentile). I did expect similar marks because the difficulty of Abhyaas 4 was the same as that of Abhyaas 3. The key takeaway is that one's marks should not diverge much from Abhyaas 3. Anything above 100 is a very good score in Abhyaas 4. 
Any reliable key for CSAT especially comprehension? scoring 102 in GS paper 1. However in GS paper 2 its around 62. Very tensed. It was my 5th attempt.
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