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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

@Tokyo  well! mid july means on 19th july or 26th july (considering 2 sunday ), 19th you have JEE, 26th you have NEET

looks like they will do the same way as they did for mains result! lol XD
@Milankovitch nopes he had made several speculations before that about the date of result announcement ! all went wrong


Over to this! doesnt matter how eager upsc is to conduct the exams if the public transport doesnt get back to the normal operational level (ie.of pre corona phase) , it will be a difficult task for upsc to conduct the exams.

On any normal day indian railways was operating 13000 trains, but now its reduced to a even less than a quater of it. From June 1st 200 more trains will ply across india which is no way close to normal operational level. Even if we consider that the railways will subsequently increase the number, but we cant say it with certainty how long will it take. As on 5th of june when the decision will be taken, its highly unlikely that railways would have resumed full operation. 

secondly, only 30 days advanced booking facility is available for trains as of now, and more to that, today odisha announced compulsory home quarantine of 14 days for people returning to the state. ( 7 day institutional quarantine for rural). Considering most of the trains are running at full capacity, and if one gets a journey date of say anywhere in the later part of june, he can no way appear for exam. 

Being CS aspirants we sometimes tend to forget , it is not just the only  exam upsc has to conduct, ies mains is also pending and so are the interviews. At the end of the day its the sole decision of UPSC which will prevail but looking at the present conditions , its highly unlikely UPSC would want to take a risk by conducting prelims. 

@Messileo  i tell you:
1.iit jee mains will take place in around 4-5 days time in multiple shifts so they can deal with the huge numbers . (Not possible in upsc cse)

2. NEET is itself happening in the end of july but the major reason why 2 of these cant be postponed further is that medical and engineering colleges dont have the huge flexibility when it comes to an academic session. They have their academic year planned accordingly and any shift would cause disruption in the whole system for subsequent years ahead.
These are professional courses whose syllabus cant be curtailed unlike graduation courses in the colleges. 

UPSC does have this flexibility where even if it conducts the exam in august it wont imapct the academic session due to begin at Lbsnaa next year. 

@Messileo and those who will be in the home quarantine (as a mandatory 14 day requirement  by some states) on 12th july will give the exam from home ? (Considering many trains are running full and if someone gets reservation towards the end of june)

UPSC is not supposed to wait for things to get normalised! Pockets of infections will keep appearing for months or even years ahead until a large scale vaccination would be done , but instead they will have to wait to get past the peak phase(which most of the countries which saw worst than us like italy have already passed) after which new cases will come down gradually.

@Freud but if the situation is so bleak! How come july seems optimistic to so many people here. There are just 2 dates in july 12th and 19th when the exam can ideally be conducted (other sunday's being occupied by other exams ). And since a peak is predicted in july itself , how come it can be conducted !?

@Messileo look at the number of exam centres NEET has? (Even in normal days their number of centres are far more than those of UPSC)
1.can upsc increase their centres too and bring them to same scale as of NEET? -yes, but never did it before ! Requires huge administrative machinery (Which NTA does have ! But upsc for the moment doesnt, as most of it being directed in covid related duties)
2. Can neet be postponed ? No, unless its the last resort. Why? The medical colleges have a time bound academic session and any more postponement  will have spill over effect on whole of the process.
3 . Will postponing upsc wont have any such effect? - when you look at the timing of training session at lbsnaa ,  even if upsc conducts the exam in late august, it can comfortably  complete the process before next year's training begins.
4. As i have said before its not just cse prelims which is pending, ies mains is pending too and so are the interviews for various other posts. Its any day easier for upsc to conduct them as compared to conducting upsc cse prelims , being the exam with highest number of applicants.

Rest! We can only hope upsc doesnt delay the date announcement once again! 

All the best guys!
@Tokyo 🤣 bro, thats just the lifting of lockdown! Not the end of corona! And they have left it on the states to decide on lifting several restrictions post june 8th! Its doesnt mandatorily lifts the lockdown.

So it will wholly depend on the situation in the states ! 

And talking about shops! They were already open in many states since past few weeks.  Individual movement will still be restriced during a particular time frame of the day and this is the factor upsc will take into consideration ,(they had to eventually allow opening up of businesses, shops to support the already deteriorating  economy but conducting an exam is a different game altogether)

@Tejas14 jitna % chance  july me nhi hone ke hai XDDD

P.S no one knows bro! All we have are speculations , based on present situation...real picture would be clear on 5th

Ye 4th october ka kya scene hai? I am suddenly hearing it from so many people
@TheVillager there is this channel but it doesnt have any invite link
@Proper_patola  bilkul bro 🤣🤣🤣 kuch nhinpta upsc ka! 12 july na de de

@Admgenalanezh janaab jab group hi closed hai toh share kese hoga !

so its clear from SSC schedule that even for examination which will be held in multiple shifts is being held in august from 17th to 21st and 24th to 27th august, there is no way UPSC can conduct an exam which is to be held in a single shift before august in any case.


What is the expected date of Prelims, now that it is POSTPONED?

@TheVillager aree lalu ji! pura cricket team bana die ho, ab kahe ka brahmcharya! XD

@Destiny93  how come even after seeing ssc schedule you are still stuck in july? Their ssc cgl tier 2 which was supposed to be in march is happening in october ! And chsl is happening in august mid!  What on earth makes you think upsc would want to conduct an exam for 7-8 lac people in july itself .???

@Destiny93 lol! Chill man! Am i really seeing an aspiring civil servant react like a 2 year old ?

Now coming back to your question ,your request was never turned down bud! I have written the possible reasons already due to which july doesnt seem to be probable( already presuming that you have seen the ssc calendar) . 
Leaving or not leaving the discussions page is your sole decision bro but this behaviour is not at all in line with what's required in the field you aspire to be in . ( trust me,everyday you come across much worst things than this)
Lets act mature here! Such petty things are neither worth your energy and time nor mine . So,wish you positivity and to everyone else here and my sincere aplogies if the answer really did hurt you that bad. 

@sidnaruto yes it does!  23rd seems to be most probable but if upsc might want to expedite the process , earlier dates in august are equally feasible . 
But at the same time, the way ssc cgl which was scheduled in march has been postponed to october! Anything can happen here too. Both these exams have pretty similar number of applicants. So lets see but august seems to be most probable to everyone her3

@Messileo may be! But seems difficult... in all case just 1 more day and we would know.
But just out of curiosity! May i ask why do you think it would be early july?

@Phagocyte all speculations bro! Hone ko toh it might as well be in october. 

@Agog though i am not really trying to start the veg vs non veg debate(everyone has his choice of what to eat) here but its a scientific fact too that our bodies are not designed to be a carnivore. 

The food chain you are talking about is one based on rules of  nature! A tiger eating a deer is justified not a human eating tiger or a deer. 

Here we are not contributing in any way to a food chain. Chickens and other animals for slaughter are rarely wild! Mostly raised in enclosures for sole purpose of consumption so food chain concept doesnt apply here as nature is not operating freely here . And i am expecting you must be aware of meat industry and its impact on environmental resources too!

@Katy_Singh well said! 

@Agog let me tell you!
1. All the fruits you eat (mostly) are produced by plant which are meant to be eaten. Apple, orange, grapes etc . Are produced by plant with sole purpose of seed dispersal and thus ensuring continuity of its species. If you wont eat it ,a monkey would eat it . These fruits are rich in sugars, attractive colours to make sure they are consumed by animals. 
So if they are meant to be consumed,how do you think its cruelty?
2.wheat,rice which you eat . Let me tell you these plants are harvested once the plants life cycle has already ended and its dead. Even saw a green wheat plant being harvested? The golden brown plant you see is already dead.
3. Most plants which are eaten raw like spinach , grasses have regenerative ability so that if a cow of any other grazer eats it, it can grow again. Ever saw a chicken grow its legs again? 
4.People say that vegetarians stuff their bodies with "grass and plants", but take a moment to think about it. Let's take goat-meat. You eat the flesh of a goat, right? What does the goat eat? GRASS and PLANTS! So indirectly, you are consuming more grass and plants than me and also, you can killing animals. So, if I am killing plants, you are killing both plants and animals. 

Good luck..

@PowerPuffMojo ikr XDD its logical too because it can take from 7 to 25 pounds of forage grazed to produce 1 pound of beef.
@Agog  as per me? I said it for plants who need to do it for survival! A chicken doesnt come running to your plate saying oh please eat me! Its your personal choice bro , you can eat meat anyday you want. I had a separate point which i already made above 

@TheNotorious employment! Where will you employ such a huge population ? Just agriculture is not enough and there is a big chunk of unskilled labour force .
We have a huge population which still eats meat , where would they get the meat from if government  starts to work on principle of whats ethical and whats not. I think its not even about ethics at all! Its individual morals, eating beef might not be moral for a few but for others its normal.
Allied activities including animal rearing is a huge multi billion business with india being one of the top beef suppliers/exporter (water buffalo) only after brazil. No way govenrnment  can forego the huge amount of foreign reserve it generates.
Lastly gov cant control what people will eat! Its a personal choice as long as its not endangering others or its against societal norms. Government really doesnt have much to do when it comes to ethics and its quite evident when 25 lac people die in india every year of hunger. Seems unethical but still its a sad reality that a lot of the grain stored in fci warehouses gets spoilt.

@Tokyo bhai tumhi toh bol rhe the  july ??? 

@TheNotorious buffalo meat also come under category of beef bro! Meat from bovines is called beef .

Nopes ! Upsc will give the calendar  tomorrow!  101% ...
@Chanakya IES not notified yet? arey bhai prelims hoke result aa chuka hai uska! mains pending hai uska ! which notification are you talking about?

@Blueberry yes it was supposed to be on 26th june but the due to shift in the dates! all exams were postponed including this. 
secondly not more than 5000 people write IES mains! you are comparing it with an exam where 7-8 lac people will be appearing . 

@Tokyo han bhai 12 july ko kyu nhi?
@Blueberry and bro  if we go by your logic SSC CGL should have been conducted much before all other exams in SSC latest calendar as it was supposed to be in march but now they put that in october and chsl is in august though they were both supposed to be in march. There is no strict pattern upsc is bound to follow, they will decide according to administrative ease and number of candidates.

@Bengal_Tiger may/ may not.... NEET will be conducted in july itself and such schools will open on 26th despite lockdown, and same is the case with upsc, if its hell bent on conducting the prelims anyhow in july, they will have to open as an exception to lockdown.

IES is also indian engineering services bro! so i mistook it for that exam which is also pending and about IES / ISS exam also let me tell you,not more than 20k people appear for the exam,(2017- 16k candidate appeared)
 IES/ISS exam is a very small scale exam with not more than 20k candidates which UPSC can manage easily even if conducts exam in july itself
@Sadhika how come gaumutra jibe made him anti hindu? whats even the connection ? i am a hindu myself but it didnt offend me even a bit and should not offend anyone for that matter except the cow herself. Stop to be offended by anything and everything.
The comment you just made should have never come from a CS aspirant atleast!! there are enough B&D's out there in the politcal echleons and media houses doing the same thing. 
lastly, its a harsh truth if you will look at the news stories from past month,  gaumutra parties and gobar snan programmes were actually organised claiming as anti dote to corona.
meanwhile a new record for corona cases! 9810 today..
@mightyraju no one out of the people you mentioned above goes around handing over anti hindu certificates. Judging someone and speaking up against a wrong act are two different aspects.  Its a basic commonsense which anyone would have to know what to say and what not to say, you cant just go on spewing communal venom and then say its my choice., ! Do it in your personal space not on a public platform or else each time you will be called upon to stop.

what the other person did was a mere gaumutra jibe! tagging him as anti hindu made no sense and thats something i opposed. I hope you did read what was the original comment she/he made (to get the context) because now its deleted
And still if you have any issues feel free to inbox me instead, this debate no way relates to the thread we are in! 
vse you never know! if they can declare result at midnight, why not the calendar ? XDD
@Sadhika yes! I just saw and thats really nice of you to have aplogized for what you said. The whole issue was that!, it wasnt a community specific jibe as you made it ( i have no problem with gaumutra or whatsoever, ) but  Not every hindu associates himself with gaumutra ! And blatantly tagging him as an anti hindu was wrong which i pointed out . If you found it offensive you could have said it directly without bringing the religious factor. I would have supported you or anyone else if a particular remark did hurt their religious sentiments . I am no authority to decide whats offensive , whats not... its just goes by common sense and i think thats the very reason you aplogised having realised , few things you said were not meant to be said. 

4 october
@Tarkikyogi you very well know , how the cases are coming down in Delhi,  dont you? With more than 70% testing now being done through  rapid antigen testing kits, which have shown 50-70% false negatives, that in itself means most positive cases are going  falsely undetected and showing a false picture of real situation. 

My uncle owns a  college in haryana , he told me UGC has directed universities and colleges here to give them in writing that they have no issues with final year exam being conducted . It wasn't an opinion based request but instead had a coercive tone. This is going to make their case stronger in the supreme court as no college dare to object them,  especially private colleges.
An important thing to note here is that neet doubled it's number or exam centres , while for upsc the number remains the same and both exams given by lakhs of candidates. 
@Katy_Singh whole of haryana has just 1 centre in gurgaon i guess! its not about centre change, only the major cities have centres ~!

@Zilingo din door nhi jab upsc ka bhi paper leak hoga !!!
This man is riddled with so many controversies, why do they always find such men for such prestigious posts . Be it gajendra chauhan aka. khuli khidki XDD and now him..

@Tyler Durden true but there are a few like ndtv still reporting the real issues , i saw their coverage of bihar floods , on covid cases.

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