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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021


What i have seen is people make this exam larger than life , many consider it the most important exam in the country /in their life... etc .

This effectively blinds many from many things  and has also narrowed their perspective in many ways ,

Why do people want this exam to be postponed ? 

¥ The only thing the pandemic has taught humanity is that we lack understanding about it on how it spreads , body's immunological response to it , and long term effects on our body....etc

¥ Safety of oneself and their family . Most have aged parents and india is the capital on diabetes , BP...etc . so statistically many of our parents will be suffering from it and are more susceptible to developing complications if affected by it.

¥ People just talk from their perspective , there are many poor aspirants , for them even attending exam in normal time is hard as they have to travel to city , stay there , forgo that day's earnings...etc . 

¥ Many aspirants are covid warriors who have little to no time to prepare , its unfair to punishment them for their service to humanity . As most are serious aspirants too and should have a fair attempt as anybody else.

there are still many personalised reason for each one according to their own circumstances .

Any serious upsc aspirant will know more time to this exam doesn't make this exam any easier or harder . 

So yeah you can take a car or get a bike or have prepared well...etc but it applies only to you and there are many who are suffering and will suffer if the exam is to be conducted.


I want exam to be postponed if the situation does not improve (it has not till now) . Not because i want it to but its not fair for other . i always get my center in 10km radius from my home , i go in a car , the centre is not populated much generally as it is in a less populated city...etc . And im a vetran aspirant who has cleared prelims 4 times(mains is a different story😂) so no problem in clearing it again as im well prepared .What i have is the best case scenario for an aspirant but im aware than many don't . So its not fair to them.

Peace ✌️😎

I also think so, we all are so called intellectual people, and here people are arguing over the exam to be conducted. Do you know abt the consequences??? What good will it do??? The country is already suffering from GDP, even if the exam is conducted, how many will appear for the exam??? Have you all forgot the recent Kerala state exams where two aspirants were tested positive, do we know their aftermath??? You all are talking like this even if you know about the risk factors and the rapid hike in the cases, we still are not anywhere near the peak. Have some common sense and analyze the situation.

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