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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

I think, if preliminary exam remains like this, will do more harm than good. Even working hard or keeping your eyes and ear open won't help. One or two questions here or there and you are out for one year of your productive life.

In 2015, CSAT was removed as temporary measure due to protest of some people, some committee formed to review preliminary exam process but no results (status quo since then).

It's time we should legally fight and send a representation that this paper doesn't test anything but luck in exam after a due preparation. We can suggest reform in our representation.


Reforms such as 

1. To improve the exam for Hindi candidate by not using Google translate.

2. Count CSAT marks but not in same proportion. Maybe only (50%)

3. Or introduce a separate GS paper for Agriculture and environment doing away with CSAT paper (total GS 400 marks).... Will give long range and hence randomness will decrease.

Or something else you can suggest


Reforms such as 

1. To improve the exam for Hindi candidate by not using Google translate.

2. Count CSAT marks but not in same proportion. Maybe only (50%)

3. Or introduce a separate GS paper for Agriculture and environment doing away with CSAT paper (total GS 400 marks).... Will give long range and hence randomness will decrease.

Or something else you can suggest

Actually these coaching wala charge so hefty Money from aspirants, but they never take the batton for reforms in exam legally (as they have both time and money and also experience unlike aspirants who stays here only for 3-4 years max) 

They are being benefitted out of this system, hence milking the cow to the end.

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