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Hello aspirant ‘boys’ of Rajinder nagar!

Just wondering why there are such pieces of shit around here that don’t allow a woman to walk in peace in broad daylight!! Some of you even leer at us as neighbours !! The lockdown period and right down to mid august was such a serene time, because there were fewer shitty ‘boys’ around. Why are so many of you sexual harassers? Genuine question!

Here is my analysis. Most of you are upper caste Hindi belt engineers from private colleges. That kind of means that you have no notion of real equality and democracy. 

If you are one of those then please, just masturbate to some of the vile free porn you watch and drown yourselves in your own cum.

Sorry that I am so forthright. I admit I am furious. But really, just go away.

@stoic97  What’s that? Did you look into a mirror and see what I described?

@Shubz  Granted you’re partly right. It is a trend. But what is perpetual is the dissing of identity politics by said upper caste boys because they are inconvenienced by it. 

I am telling you that I, and in fact many women, routinely face sexual harassment in Rajinder nagar. The reason for this is not because some boys failed at their middle class decency lessons, but because of a systemic lack of democratic praxis. Where our common spaces are privatised, and/or monopolised by a certain category of people, such democratic praxis is stunted. 

If you have no meaningful response to this, or if you prefer things to continue as they are, then move over and keep quiet.

Full disclosure: I myself have the privileges of being upper caste and Hindi belt.


Hey@stoic97 @Agog @user_34035, @user_34067, @user_34077

You do know it’s lost on no one that you’re the same troll behind multiple ids right? But no matter, I’m sure your valiant, if clumsy, attempts to distort the conversation in defence of creeps will be cherished by your bros!

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